Chapter 12

"You seriously have lost it, haven't you? I told you, nothing happened. I gave him what he asked for so he left." Lisa took some steps away from Shiro, feelings slightly insecure under his demanding gaze and scared that if he really was to make her take off her clothes, he was to discover what bloody mess lied on her skin. A mess she had taken a handful of painkillers in order to be able to ignore at this rate that she was.

"It's absurd that they would overlook the gang code just for you. Why would Raven do such, except ..." Shiro argued, his facial expression morphing soon into suspicion for a thought crossed his mind. A thought that brought irritation to him and made him leave a dark chuckle to escape from his lips.

"Don't tell me you that you flirted your way out of this ?! You seriously have no morals left, have you?"He left his bitter remark that was so much less bitter than the actual feelings he was having at the thought and only, of her touching someone else.

"The heck are you talking about, you jerk. What do you take me for?" Lisa's eyes portrayed her irritation over his claims, as she took hold of his collar and pulled him closer in order to stare at him in a threatening manner.

"I am taking you for exactly what you are. A snake that slips by any means out of the situation, betraying everyone for its own sake." Shiro didn't shy away from her challenging gaze as he brought his hands over hers and used the advantage of physical power that he had, to pray for her to hold away from him.

"I don't understand why did I even ask." He murmured to himself right before he turned around and unlocked the door in order to step out of it and slam it behind him with force. While she just stood there, till the echo of the loud sound the door made vanished, leaving space for her thought to be heard loud and clear in her head. Thoughts that brought sadness on her face and a tightness on her chest.

"I betrayed you because you betrayed me first. Because you hurt me while I considered you my friend" Lisa spoke the words she wished she could have spoken while he was accusing her like that earlier.

She sure found it ridiculous how he was blaming her for everything as if he never did a thing. As if he never broke her heart and her trust and left her in pieces. He dares calls her a snake, and a traitor when he was no less than her yet here she was, unable to blame him face to face like he was doing just because her feelings still messed with her.

She turned her gaze away from the door and left it to fall on the mirror she had at the corner of the room then she walked towards it, gazing pitifully at her reflection before she proceeded to take off her shirt and face herself. She took a deep breath and turned around, showing her back to the mirror then she looked over her shoulder, in order to see her reflection that revealed the so-called tiger claws that were three whips that now spread on her back, painfully and bloody.

For he was right. The code of the gang, can't become an exception for anyone and the more she looked at her wound the more she became aware that there was no running away for her, any longer.

Her punishment had already started and the consequences of her actions and her sins were soon to come for her.

--- Time skip ---

A euphoric feeling took over Sophia, bringing a smile on her lips, right before she stretched her relaxed arms, thankful for the good nap she had, however as she did so, her hand suddenly came in contact with something, making her open her eyes in confusion and turn her head to look beside her.

"What the hell ?!!" Sophia shouted in shock once she came to realize that next to her, on her bed, was laying Jay. Then she hurriedly pulled on her covers, wrapping herself in them securely.

"Oh, my baby woke up." Jay glanced over at her comfortably then proceeded to snag closer to her and engulf her into his embrace, thing that made her look even more horrified.

"Get out, get out of here right now! How the heck did you even got into my room? You're completely crazy!" She started pushing him off in a panic but he just climbed over her and pinned her on the bed. His muscular figure was looming over her body, making her feel smaller and weaker than she actually could have been.

Jay stared at her for a bit, then he couldn't help but smirk upon realizing that she was stunned by his presence and overwhelmed by the close proximity of their bodies. A proximity that he made even shorter as he leaned down on Sophia's neck and started trailing kisses over her skin. Small wet little kisses that brought Sophia's resisting thoughts to melt away by the flame of lust he started inside her.

"I want you" He whispered in her ear and she felt her whole body burning up with desire while strangely her mind seemed to have focused on the feeling his lips left against her neck.

"Me too," She gave in, her voice barely coming out for her mind was not even thinking logically anymore then Sophia proceeded to attack Jay's lips eagerly, as she craved desperately to taste them.

"Sophia...Sophia~ wakes up!" Dimitra shouted at her and gave her a harder push since she had been trying to wake her up for a while now but she showed no signs of waking up from her nap.

"Eh?!! Dimitra? Why are you- Yes, I mean...I woke up" Sophia glanced around in horror at first as she wasn't aware yet that she was having a dream but after she realized that she was alone in her room, she tried to play it cool and not seem suspicious to her friend.

"Come on. Come on, get up because we're going to eat now. You slept too much!" Dimitra laughed at her zoned out facial expression then proceeded to leave her alone again, thing that once she did, Sophia found herself hidden under her pillows, screaming out of frustration cause of that inappropriate dream she had.

"Why did I see such a dream? Why the heck did it has to be him?! That son of a-agh, creeping in my subconsciousness. I hate him!" Sophia shouted to herself as she kicked her covers off of her and stood up, then proceeded to fix her hair a bit before going on to curse Jay under her breath for his existence.

--- time skip ---

"Girls, I have a favour to ask of you." Announced Dimitra with a soft gaze on her face and Sophia and Lisa lifted their heads from their plates with their mouths still stuffed with food.

"No!" They both answer at the same time and swallow their bites.

"Come on, I didn't even say what I wanted yet!" Dimitra hit the table, and threw her fork on her plate, instantly annoyed by the lack of cooperation her roommates were showing.

" I don't think I even want to know" Lisa didn't seem bothered by her little protest as she was sure she was not mad for real so she continued to eat without paying attention to Dimitra's face that became a cute pout.

"Ah fine, tell us what's about." Sophia gave in to her cute approach and Dimitra's face lit up instantly before she proceeded to explain her problem to them.

"So, to keep it short, you want us to find three people to play in your mini-film that you are making for your project." Sophia summarized her explanation to make sure she understood her request well.

"Eh, yes. I have found the boys that can fill the male roles but no girls for the female roles, unfortunately. So since you know a lot of people I thought I could ask if you had any suggestions." Dimitra glanced at them full of hope in her eyes and a sweet smile that she was hoping that they wouldn't want to break and just give her a positive reply already.

"Indeed! I think I know a few but one stays out of town, so a bit difficult." Lisa replied thoughtfully as she stood up to grab her phone which she had left over the couch.

"You Sophia? Do you mayhaps know anyone that would like to participate? They don't have to be related to acting or anything. I will accept anyone at this point." Dimitra directed her attention to Sophia with hope as she did not expect much from Lisa.

"Sorry, but most people I know most likely wouldn't fancy appearing on any kind of film no matter what" Sophia replied sincerely as most people she knew were of her department, architecture and they definitely had no capabilities to act out anything, for the life of them.

"I found two people! They just agreed! You owe me" Lisa returned to the table with a smile that made Dimitra jump off her seat.

"Come on seriously !!! Sophia, you heard that? Lisa did something useful for once. It's a miracle!" She shouted enthusiastically, making Sophia burst out laugh and Lisa crack a smile, despite the fact that the joke was against her.

"You want me to cancel them or something?" Lisa pretended to be bitter as she sat down on her seat and took a spoonful of her food angrily.

"Come on~, it's fun. Now can we get to know who are those girls you found exactly? " Sophia questioned her and she smiled again before going on to explain to them.

"Well, you know one of them, Anna from the art department and the other is a friend who apparently is moving and will come to our city today."

"When you say today, what do you mean? It's about 9:30 pm already" Dimitra told her as she glanced over at the clock on the wall.

"Oh !! I have to leave. She asked me to go get her." Lisa stormed out of her seat as, despite the fact that she had literally read her message a few minutes prior, the information had already escaped her memory.

"Wait, Lisa! Where is she gonna stay?" Sophia yelled in order to be heard all over the room as some thoughts suddenly pass through her mind which she didn't quite like.

"She said she has found a good apartment and she will be sharing it with some friends but for tonight...since we have an empty room in this house I will bring her over. Hope you don't mind~." Lisa retorted as she was rushing to grab her back and wear her shoes.

"Are you serious ?! You are gonna bring a stranger over just like that, without even discussing it with us prior?" Dimitra walked over to her with a shocked facial expression as she found that quite absurd.

"I didn't know she was coming either till some minutes ago and if I hadn't texted her for your case Dimitra, most likely I wouldn't have known. She is gonna help for free so what's one day of keeping her in. I know her enough to assure you she ain't a murderer. And I hope her friends won't be either" Lisa smiled and waved at them in a hurry right before she opened the door and left, leaving Sophia and Dimitra in chaos.

"What! She will be bringing her friends along too?"Dimitra looked over at her friend and Sophia just stared back, not having any answers for her wonder.

"Apparently we will become a mini motel for a night. How fun"

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"Joel~, your cell phone has been ringing. Pick it up. It's annoying." The voice of his roommate reached Joel's ears before he heard the knock on the bathroom door and he hurried to wrap a towel around his body, for he had just stepped out of the shower.

"Was it that important?"Joel asked him once he opened the door and retrieved from his friend's hand, his phone.

"I have no idea. You always get angry if I get close to your phone so I didn't even look at it " His close friend replied then proceeded to fix the round glasses over his nose and walk away.

Joel thanked Nailor while giggling at the fact that he indeed was taking his requests to heart. He sure was grateful for sharing an apartment and having a friendship with someone as understanding and mature as Nailor was

His attention returned to his phone and upon unlocking his screen, his joyful expression immediately changed and the relaxation he had gained from his shower, vanished away and left space to anxiety.

"Everything okay?" Nailor's question awoke him from his momentary detachment of reality and he put a smile on his face again.

"Eh... All is well. I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow. Good night." Joel waved at him despite the fact that he knew that from the living room where he was, he most likely was not able to see him, then he walked to his room and made sure to lock himself in.

"Shit !! Now, what excuse do I find to tell them? Dimitra won't like this. A month absence again is a long time...I need to come up with something believable"

--- To be continued...