Chapter 23

Dimitra pressed the doorbell for the second time as her foot started hitting against the floor rhythmically, showcasing her impatience for someone to open up as she was in a hurry and the faster she was to know if only Lisa was missing or not, the faster she and Sophia will be to decide if they should go out and look for her or not.

Once the door finally opened, Dimitra's eyes rose from the floor and as soon as her gaze fell on Theo, who had just come out of the shower and his hair was still wet, she found herself losing her words and her trail of thought briefly.

"Ah! E... Come inside, I will be right back." Theo invited her inside right before he took off to go grab a towel for his dripping hair that he hadn't had the chance to dry yet, leaving Dimitra startled and flustered momentarily at the fact that he had really come and open the door half-naked, wearing only his pants and still managing to speak to her so casually.

She slapped herself lightly in order to get her mind to function again and focus on what she had come here to do, then she walked inside, closing the door behind her.

"Sorry for my appearance before. I did not expect any female to come." Theo admitted once he walked into the living room with an awkward smile on his face and a shirt on.

"It doesn't matter, um... You are alone?" Dimitra tried to not show that she had been surprised by his prior appearance and appear nonchalant despite the fact that she was avoiding to look at him since his wet hair gave him a different appeal of sweetness and attractiveness.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"No reason, really. I shall get going now. Good night." Dimitra turned around to go to the door as she now had got the information she wanted, however, Theo's body stepped in her path suddenly, making her feet halt.

"Why are you leaving so fast? You barely stayed. Sit down, I've ordered pizza." He took hold of her wrist and turned her around while flashing her a sweet smile right before the sound of the doorbell echoed in the atmosphere.

"See! The delivery came already." He displayed his enthusiasm as he let her there and rushed to open the door, taking the boxes of pizza from the young man and bringing them into the living room where he placed them on Dimitra's hands so that he empties his hands and become able to pay the delivery man.

"Apparently I will be staying for a while," Dimitra murmured to herself as she opened the top box of the three she was holding and the smell of the delicious pizza reached her nose, making her forget that she was in a hurry or that she had a friend to worry over.

------- time skip -------

Sophia got out of the taxi she got for herself and run towards the entrance of the bar that Jay had sent her as a location. Her breathing was sharp as she had been agonizing all the way there and urging the poor taxi driver to go faster and faster, just because her scary thoughts were getting the best of her however now that she was finally there, she found her steps halting for she took sight of Jay standing by the doorstep of that club.

"Ah! You came! You're a little late, you know," Jay's face light up upon seeing her contrary to Sophia's, whose eyes scanned him from top to bottom and after the realization that he was perfectly fine hit her, her worried gaze turned deadly.

"Does that sound funny to you? !! Go to hell Jay!" She burst out her anger at him for he had dared to play such a joke on her and literally worry her to death, only for him to be smiling like nothing was wrong. His audacity sure had made her nerves reach the roof and the hate that instantly flared inside her made her want his figure to disappear from her sight, so she turned around to leave, however, another voice suddenly called out to her, making her footsteps come to a stop.

"Sophia!! Ah, thank you so much for coming. We owe you a favour" Jamie looked relieved as he walked towards her and bowed his head once or twice lightly with a smile on his face, leaving Sophia looking at him with a blank face as she seriously was confused beyond words at that moment for she had no idea what was he thanking her for.

"Jay, explain to her and come in. I'm going to arrange the music." Jamie urged his friend as he pushed him towards her then walked back into the bar.

"I know I'm horrible and I lied but you wouldn't have come otherwise and we really need your help," Jay put on his sorry facial expressions as he took a step closer to her and cautiously placed his hands over her shoulders.

"I do not understand anything. AND YOU ARE SO DEAD IF I CATCH YOU IN MY HANDS!" Sophia shouted at him right before she started hitting him wherever she could find.

"Aw! Aw! I apologized... let me explain, please" He started laughing under his arms that he used to protect his head from her hands and her little hits that were causing him a bit of pain but he still found it funny.

After a bit Sophia halted her tries and left a deep exhale escape from her lips, understanding that there was s no point in this, then she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him, before throwing her age at the side, signalling him to start speaking.

"Well, Jamie and I got into a bit of a fight and now we have to compete" His words brought back a look of surprise and worry to her face as Sophia was now staring at him with wide eyes.

"It's a dance battle so don't worry. It's just that it requires a trio and I thought of you."

"No, no and no. You know I can not. I do not know how to dance. Find another." She didn't hesitate to turn him down while she shook her head from right to left, finding his thoughts quite absurd.

"Come on Sophia, it's not difficult. You can just sit there and let me and Jamie take care of the rest. It's a matter of honour. They told us that we're not good enough and we have to prove to them that they are wrong." His pleading words put her in thoughts as the temptation to accept started crawling inside her brain but the truth was that she was not so sure if she wanted to get involved in something that had nothing to do with her. To not mention that it was just a silly fight over their ego and that didn't sound as need on her ears.

"Look, guys, if it's not the loser from earlier. Do you plan on running away, before our showdown? You would do well if you do. Take your little bitch with you and go drink some milk." An unknown young man who suddenly walked out of the bar to smoke spoke to Jay and his friends that were right behind him started laughing as if he had said something funny.

In Jay's face could be visibly seen how irritated he was at that moment as the fact that he could not participate solo was already enough of an obstacle. For if he could, he would have most like made them eat their words long before this very moment.

He really wanted to give that arrogant group of guys a lesson in there but for that, he needed Sophia for she was the one who would make them fill in the requirement that existed in order to participate in these small dance battles that happened in this club at least once a week.

"I know I can not force you but -"

"Let's go inside" Jay's words were cut by Sophia, whose eyes were now glaring daggers towards those unknown to her guys.


"I said let's go. Just show me what I have to do. We will make them regret that they ever challenged us. That Jerk, who dared call me a bitch especially. I want to see him crying !!" Sophia was obviously angry at the characterization that they referred to her with and that feeling had become fuel for her determination and confidence.


"Put him in jail, Mr Police officer. Look, my hands are still red and it's all this donkey's fault !!" Lisa strongly requested as she showed her red wrists to the policeman that was standing at a chair before her.

"Oh, come on! You literally forced me with all those screams of yours. Even if they were to slaughter an ox, it would have made a better sound than your singing!" Shiro retorted at her, finding her accusations absurd for if someone had to be locked up according to him, that was her crazy ass.

"Go to hell! Do you really think that you of all people can judge my singing? You crude!"

"Hey! This is a police station! Shut your mouths!"The police officer seemed to have finally lost his patience, slamming his hand against his desk in order to get them to stop arguing and get their attention on him.

"Explain the situation to me." He addressed the policeman that brought them in and the cop went on to explain how things were while Lisa and Shiro were glaring at each other with hate in their eyes.

"I will make you regret the moment you challenged me" Lisa whispered to him as she looked at him ready to get into a physical fight with him right then and there.

"In general, I already regret the very moment I met you, so I think that's more than enough for me." He responded to her then turned his head to the other side in order to ignore her unwanting existence.

"How dare you ignore me?! You're at fault we are here right now!" Lisa gave him a push that almost made Shiro fall of his chair.

"Huh !! Me?! Who was the one who was screaming like crazy, remind me again?" Shiro didn't hesitate to push her back, with more strength than she did, making her body fly off her chair and land on the floor with her back.

"If you had let me go I would have no need to do that to irritate you!" She replied just as she kicked his chair, making him find himself on the floor too.

"Officer! Did you saw that? Violence. I'm the victim here, I'm telling you." Shiro's words had Lisa gasp in shock at the fact that he was trying to make her the bad guy while it was him that pushed her first.

"This shit seriously! Stop pretending to be an angel, you manipulative conman!"

"Shut up!!" The policeman shouted for the second time, indignant and aggravated by their behaviour.

"Take them both in the cell. I will deal with them tomorrow. They made me have a headache." The police officer concluded and the eyes of Shiro and Lisa grew wide as they both stood up immediately, disliking the thought of passing a night behind bars for nothing.

"But I am innocent, my dear police officer. Let me go home, please. You seem such a lovely and fair police officer. You wouldn't keep a poor innocent girl locked up in such a place, now would you" Lisa batted her eyelashes cutely at the man and smiled at him while her hands reached to his shoulders and gently brushed the none existence dust of his police uniform.

"Stop sucking up to others, do you have no shame?" Shiro gave her a look of disgust right before he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

" Shut up!" She left her elbow hit the side of his body, a thing that concluded at the two staring down at each other again, looking ready to slice open each other's throats.

"Ah! You two are a crazy case. Locked them together and guard the cell." The police officer spoke his last words as he stood up and left his seat, ignoring the shouts of Lisa and Shiro that were complaining while the other policemen were forcibly escorting them towards the cell.


----- To be continued ...