CHAPTER 6 : The Reaper's Mission - Jack The Reaper

'General Jack, I want you to eliminate a human on the overworld.'

'Who do you wish to eliminate, my Empress? '

'Amelia Watson. It doesn't matter what you do, but you have to kill her and bring her soul here, in the Underworld.'

'As you wish, my dear Empress.'

The Empress of the Underworld's Reaper ordered me to eliminate a certain human, named Amelia Watson.

It's been 2 weeks since I'm here on the overworld after borrowing.. No.. After possessing a man's body. And even then, I've been observing Amelia Watson's movements from a certain distance.

Even though from my perspective, she looks like an ordinary human being. I assume that from the Empress' perspective, she's a being that needs to be eliminated immediately.

After 2 weeks of observation, I started to make a move..

"Now how to corner her..", I muttered to myself.

My strategies are always simple yet hard to predict. Especially for a normal human being.

"I guess I'll have to make a pattern for our little detective. It takes time, but I'm certain that she'll figure it out.."

A Detective is a human's job, to observe and solve cases like robbery, kidnapping and especially murder. So.. I just have to make a mass murder in order to be noticed by her..

I started my plan by reaping female humans with Amelia on their names, and a specific first letter on their surnames.

The first letters of their surnames must begin with letters W, A, T, S, O, and N. In order to form my targets surname.

If she's really that clever, then she should be able to figure this out..

Every 2 weeks, I plan to reap 1 woman with the name Amelia and with a specific first letter of that woman's surname.

"It seems like the case just got handled to her.."

I've already reaped the 6 Amelia's, so the first task is complete.

It's been 3 days and it seems like Watson and.. A man? Are both in some sort of Café.

Are they starting to investigate my mass murder?

"If that is so, then I'll look forward on our fated meeting. Amelia Watson."

After another 11 days. It seems like Watson and the law are trying to corner me by using Amelia Watson as bait.

"Heh. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that, nor am I stupid enough to approach that.", I said as I was standing on a rooftop that's far enough from Watson and the Snipers.

The body that I'm currently possessing is a human body, and my soul is currently adapting to it. Meaning, my true strength and power still needs more time to be transferred physically.

And if this human body dies, then I'll return to my astral form and I won't be able to attack Watson anymore.

"I guess I'll go to the 2nd task of my plan then..", I said as I left the rooftop.

The 2nd task of my plan is.. To reap another human. It can be a female or male, this is just to make Watson come to me.

After reaping the man's soul which is located only 10 meters away from where Watson's apartment is, I screamed for help.

I adjusted this human body's vocal chords to a more female like voice, and screamed as if I found a dead body in front of me unexpectedly.


After letting out that loud scream, I immediately hid in the shadows and waited for the police to come.

After they arrived the place got immediately lit by a helicopter from above, so I decided to escape the light and continue to hide in the shadows.

As the police were checking the body, I checked if Watson was with them.

"It seems like she's not here yet..", I whispered to myself.

I decided to wait in the shadows of darkness until Watson arrives.

After some time waiting, Watson finally arrived and she's wearing an expression of shock. It's as if she couldn't believe that everything didn't go according to her plan.

'I love seeing that face, that face symbolizes your despair! Watson!', I thought to myself.

I'd love to see her face and savour every second of it, but time is precious so I have to move.

I stared at her intensely so that she'd notice me. It is said that if you stare at a human with murderous intent, they'll notice it by feeling the coldness from their spine.

I read it from a book from where this human body that I'm possessing worked on, it seems like the human that I'm currently possessing now was once a therapist.

After staring at her for a few seconds with murderous intent, she turned back and looked at my direction.

'That's it Watson, come to me.', I thought to myself while smiling outside.

I already expected her to follow me so I immediately returned to my lair which was once a haunted house, but I eliminated all of the ghosts that were living on it so it's just a normal abandoned house now.

After arriving at the house, I went to the 2nd floor then waited on a specific room. Opened the door a little bit and lit most of the candles that are surrounding me.

'If I feel another presence on this house besides myself, then it's her.', I thought to myself while smiling outside again.

After some time, I felt another presence inside the house.

'She's finally here.', I thought to myself.

It seems like she did follow me as expected. Now.. It's time for the show to begin.

It took her some time to arrive at the room that I'm currently on, but after hearing the door being opened.

"You may enter, for I bring no harm to you..... Yet.", I said in a menacing voice.

She continued to open the door and sees me sitting on a rocking chair that's moving back and forward.

"Ms. Amelia Watson. I've been expecting you.", I said.

"Wh-Who are you?", she asked.

"You humans have known me as, Jack the Ripper. Known for slaughtering and raping woman."

It is true that I raped some before reaping their souls.

I revealed my identity as Jack The Reaper to Watson. And after revealing it to her, her expression and emotions are raging, it seems like she's angry and confused at the same time.

I guess this is her first time seeing a being that's beyond human knowledge..

She kept on refusing to accept my identity as a Reaper, so I decided to reveal to her my Death Cards. Death's Tarot is a Card much like the humans Tarot Cards, but instead of deciding a humans fate, the Death's Tarot traps a humans soul, meaning a humans fate has already been decided and that is Death.

I also revealed to her that all of the woman's souls that I reaped, are all inside each of the Cards. I asked her to work with me so that these woman will be released.

"If I refuse?", she asked.

"Then this will happen."

I revealed another Card and inside that Card has the soul of the man that I just reaped a few minutes ago. I also sliced the card in order to warn Watson that if she betrays me then all of the woman will meet the same fate as well.

I can feel her fear. It feels so good to scare a human, especially your current target.

I decided to stay on the overworld for a bit longer and reap more souls before eliminating her and returning to the Underworld.

Because if I eliminate her and bring my Empress more souls besides hers, then she'll be even more proud of me.

My Empress is my everything, that's the mindset of the other Reapers as well that are under her command in the Underworld.

I made a deal with Watson, and after she accepted it I made her wear the Bracelet of Promise, if she ever breaks the promise that we currently made then she'll die immediately due to a incurable poison that's going to poison her soul. Not even I have the way of undoing it, and neither does the antidote of that exists.

The Bracelet of Promise records a deal, promise or proposal of two beings. Ones it records everything, it will take note of every detail and will attach to the person who I made deal with, I also attached one onto myself so that she can trust me.

After making the deal with her, I decided that tomorrow evening will be the beginning of our work. Which is.. Reaping more souls.