CHAPTER 8.2 : Outcome Of The Disaster Part 2 - Amelia Watson

"Ms. Watson, which do you think is the way of figuring out ones mystery?", Jhon asked me out of nowhere while we were both in a middle of something.

"In what situation do you describe that?"

"Anything actually. It can be a thief, murderer, accused of crime or even a rapist."

"Hm... I don't know how to explain it to you without sounding too complicated."

"It's fine, I have to get used to your vocabularies if I'm going to work with you for even longer."

"Eehh, so you're finally taking this seriously huh?"

"That's because...."

He looked and pointed out the scattered papers and books that are all over my desk.

"You're too busy on a certain and unrelated case.", he said.

"Ehehe.. Sorry."

Jhon stood up and started to stretch his arms up as well as his body. He got out from his desk and walked towards the whiteboard that I uncovered.

"Do you really think they exist?", he asked.

"Well, I wasn't blind when I saw what happened. And because of that certain event from Jack, I'm starting to think that they're real."

"I was surprised when you showed me your ability of stopping time."

"Yeah.. I once thought that I was the only weird being on this planet. But it looks like, I was wrong."

I stood up from my desk and turned around to gaze outside from the window.

"This world is much bigger than it seems. We thought that we've known everything, but in fact we're only just 10%... No.. We've only known just about a fraction of it."

Jhon kept on silent but I assume that he was looking and listening to me from the whiteboard.

"After what happened to Jack, as I said, I started to believe that I'm not the only being with such abilities. My ability of being able to stop time, has to mean something..", I said as I took out my pocket watch and gripped it at average strength.

"By this speech that you're making... Don't tell me that you're really planning to..."

"Yes, Jhon."

I turned around from the window and faced Jhon.

"I'm going to find out these Myths that are all around the world. I may not be able to find out all of them, but at the very least, I tried and did it.", I said as I smiled.

"You're starting to get insane Ms. Watson...", he responded.

I grinned at him and stopped time.

I started to walk towards him while thinking about something..

'The Myths around the world will no longer be myths as long as someone discovers them. But even if I do discover or interact with one, I will not tell it to the whole world.', I thought to myself.

Because if I said it, then their lives would be endangered because of me. And experiencing it right now against the government, is definitely not a good feeling nor experience..

I may have gone crazy ever since the event that happened 50 years ago, but if I still have a little bit of sanity left in myself then I would say....

"You're right Jhon, I am insane.", I said after undoing the stopped time and as I was behind Jhon.

Even though I'm currently not facing Jhon, I can still feel the fear from him after I stopped time and undoing it back to normal right in front of him again.

"Geez... Well, since I'm your assistant. I have to be useful to my senior as well."

I looked back to him and saw his smiling face. It shined so bright I felt like saying....

'It's really you, Jhon.'