
By Mistake, I Found Her

Few decades later, a free-spirited village girl in her twentieth, Ilyana told her parents the offer of position in cultural center in main city.

"What? My application as staff in cultural center is successful. I will be assigned next week!" The letter that just arrived shocked Ilyana. Her interest in arts motivated her to try applying the position in cultural center. Never thought she could make it.

"Mom, I got it!!!" Ilyana immediately ran towards her mother who was drying the clothes outside the house and showed the offer letter excitedly.

Her other four younger siblings gathered around her and took turn looking at the arrived letter. They were stunned their sister would soon work for national cultural center.

"Congratulations, Yana. Mom is proud of you." Her mom hugged her. But her father who was just now parking his motorcycle, did not feel content at all.

Her father's known as a strict father who prioritized his children to pursue for a government job, for instance being a teacher. That's why five older siblings of Ilyana were all teachers.

His intention was actually good as he wanted a clear and promising future for his children, to not become like him who made his family lived in a thick forest for ages. Even they need to walk up to thirty minutes to nearby bus stop which the bus also rarely visited it.

Only an old motorcycle they used to go to nearby small town to buy daily needs and his father used to go to work. So for that, this strict father would do anything to make his children to choose a job under government, which would give them stable income.

Thanksfully he managed to do that for his five eldest children, except his sixth child, Ilyana. This child was so stubborn. She liked arts a lot since childhood.

That's good but because of her only focus to art, her other subjects failed. Only art, music and main language subjects maintained and saved her secondary school's result, or else she would need to repeat.

Then the father searched everything to apply also the institute of teachers for his sixth child. His application was successful and the offer letter was arrived a week ago, but his child insisted to not accept it, because her reason is she wanted to go work at main city.

How furious he was when he heard it. He had huge commotion with his sixth child but his wife calmed him as the six child was actually the child they had after his wife miscarried previously in flood tragedy. His wife loved a lot this child, that's why at the end he surrendered and allowed his sixth child to do whatever she wanted.

"So you choose to go? The main city?" The father put down his helmet and looked at his sixth child who jumped happily at her mom.

"Yup. And I will go there in five more days. Two days for me to prepare the hostel room the cultural center prepared for their interns or new workers."

The day she would start to work was unexpectedly the same day too for her to go admit at the institute of teachers. That's meant if she insisted to work at the cultural center there, the last hope for his sixth child to become a teacher would burn.

But he did not have the power to change this stubborn child's decision. Once she decided, she would do that no matter what. Very different from his other children. Maybe because they doted her a lot since her childhood, that's why she became unruly.

"Then do you already know how will you go there? The bus could not take you to main city if you do not have prior notice a week before."

"Hmm taxi? And about taxi charge, don't worry I will just use my money. Just I need money for monthly needs. I heard in main city, all are expensive." Ilyana said innocently without thinking much.

Her father was stunned she focused to money topic than the important part of using taxi... As a girl, she wanted to go to main city by a random taxi. Definitely her safety was never come out at her mind. "Alone?"

"Yeah alone. It's more waste of money if I go to the city by bringing someone then that person had to go back here again. Like having to pay double just to accompany me. Besides, I am all grown up. I know how to take care of myself, dad."

"But-" Before the father could speak, Ilyana complained at her mother.

"Mom, look. Dad still wants to stop me for pursuing my pure ambition. Days ago he agreed but then now he goes back on his words."

"*sigh* Just go. But be careful. In the big city, not all people are good like in village. Plus you are a girl." Then the father went to the house to get a bath after working hard to send the natural rubber.

"I know, dad. Yeay!" Then Ilyana kissed her mother's cheek and ran to her room to prepare the luggage.


(After this, might have r word scene, so read at your own risk.)

Five days later on the day, Ilyana and her father went to the taxi station at the small town. She bid him farewell while entering the rented taxi.

From the small town to the big city, it will take at least 3 hours to arrive. She was excited to see the big the city for the very first time by herself.

Because of her outgoing behavior, she always dreamed to travel everywhere but due to her family was poor and she had lots of siblings, she just stopped her imagination. If the school did study tour, she only went to places in her district. Never once to other regions.

While Ilyana kept looking outside of the taxi's window, her eyes felt heavier and nodded off. Without her realising, that damn taxi driver intentionally drove to other road, not the main highway.

After couples of minutes, the taxi stopped at an abandoned area of a lake. The lake was huge in between of small hills. Rarely people went that area, so sometimes it could be spooky.

"Big catch today." The damn taxi driver showed his cynical smile while touched the young woman's hair. Just now, he was joyful when he saw the customer slept without minding her surroundings. Thus, he drive to a street that rarely entered.

With an open chance in front of him, the taxi driver tried to assault the woman. Feeling something heavy and moving on her body, Ilyana woke up from her sleep.

How shock she was when she opened her eyes, she saw the taxi driver who seemed a bit older than her, was above her right now. She resisted but her energy was not enough to push this guy away.

With full voice, Ilyana screamed while her eyes could not stop from crying. She should listen to her father. She was mindless and now she almost lost her virginity in horrible way. She felt disgusted and her body trembled a lot.

"HELP! Help me. Help me please. Anyone, I beg." With tears fell down on her cheeks, she prayed a lot in heart to anyone save her right now. She swore she would listen to her father if she managed to prevent this disgusting encounter.

Suddenly from afar, a strange silver hair old lady with a black stick, walked to the taxi. She quietly approached behind the taxi driver without her legs making any sound even though dead leaves were scattered whole over the place.

Ilyana, with teary eyes, she saw that old lady under the sunlight. She noticed the old lady had her own hue around her body and before she wanted to ask for help, that old lady already hit the assaulter's head with her black stick. Making the assaulter completely lost conscious.