" Yes, Young master. " She looked at me for a moment and she replied without hesitation.

Mother got very good eyes for the people. I knew about her because she was the same type as me. We walked the path until the end even if our path was wrong and evil. We were never turned back even if we forgot why did we walk that path or we knew that we were in the wrong. Because we would do that to see the results of our efforts.

Mira was that type of person. Extremely loyal person and the best person to have as a servant.

" Good. Mira. " I stood up and patted her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a loud voice resounded in the room. The person who opened the room rushed to me and hugged my body tightly.

" Oh, My dear boy. I will die if something happened to you again. " That person said with tears and sadness. I could smell the good perfume from that person and my breathing was suffocating due to I was buried that woman's big breasts.

" Mom, I'm fine. " I replied to her as I hugged her body. I stationed my head in a comfortable position and her big breasts were extremely soft. I didn't bother to free myself from her hug because it felt so good. My little brother was erecting like a telephone tower. I was 15 years old this year and I was educated at home but every noble needed to attend the Academy at the age of 18.

" No. You're not. My heart was breaking when I heard that you hurt yourself. " My mom told me as she caressed my body gently.

" Don't worry mom. I'm totally fine. " I replied her with a firm tone while holding her face with my hands. I looked at her eyes and she looked at my eyes.

" My son, you change. " My mother muttered after glaring at each other eyes.

" Yeah. Mother. I have a dream about how I was useless and coward. I don't want to become like that. I want to do everything I want. " I said her with a serious tone. I didn't have any intention to hide the things from her. She was the best Mom.

" I see. Mom will support you. " Mom patted my head gently and said with a smile.

" What are you talking to Mira? " Mother asked as she sat beside me on the bed.

" I am asking her that will you do everything for me and something like that. " I answered her without hiding.

I looked at mom carefully. She had beautiful and long curly hair which was Scarlet and her eyes color were crystal blue like mine. She had a perfect-shaped face that reminded me of a Certain milf character from the FGO that gave the mother's vibe. Her K-cup breasts were so big but they were incredibly shaped which were not saggy at all. Her big ass was round and soft. She had outstanding curves. In another word, she was a very beautiful woman that could only be seen in the fantasy world. Because her beauty, itself was fantasy.

" Which kind of things. " mother asked as she gently caressed my face.

" Like sex or doing the things. " I said without embarrassment.

" Good. My son is interested in sex. " My mother said with a proud tone as her eyes looked at my erected brother.

" Hoho. Did you become erect from your mother's body? Naughty kid. " My mother teased me but I would not lose.

" Yes. Because mom has a very gorgeous body and I'm really jealous of my father. " I replied her as my mother surprised by my words. She laughed elegantly.

" Mother. Will you support everything I do? " I asked her with a serious look.

" Of course, my son." My mother said.

" Even if that's evil. " I asked her as my face faced the bed not trying to face her. I mastered the art of deception but no, I was just afraid to ask.

My mother held my chin and she made me, to look at her face.

" You're my son. Of course, I will do everything for you. If you're planning to do some crime, I will be your best partner. " My mom said with a gentle smile. She caressed my face gently and her smile was brighter than the sun.

" Thank you, mom. " I replied with a few tears. Suddenly, I felt like I wanted to cry but I tried to hold back my tears. My mom kissed my forehead and she hugged me again.

" If you want something, just ask me directly. If you want noble girls or commoners, tell Mira. She will do the other jobs. Well, you can do whatever you want, everyone in this mansion. " Mother encouraged me.

" Really, everyone. " I said in an excited tone. I felt like I became younger which was technically correct.

" Of course. It looks like you have someone in your mind." Mother replied with the firm tone.

" Yeah, my sister-in-law. She looks beautiful and I want her on my bed. I can use her as a spy to check on my brother. " I said with a smile.

" Haha. " My mother surprised me again and she looked at my eyes. She tried to read my expression.

" Nice thinking my son. You change into a brilliant person. " My mother patted my head and said.

" So can I. " I asked her.

" Of course, you can. I will send that trash away from the home. You can use that time to conquer or break her. Leave your father and that trash's mother at my hands but you will need to handle your sister-in-law. If you can not do that much, the mother will disappoint at you. " My mother thought a little bit as she said. My mother held that kind of logic since I was young. I needed to show some results if I wanted something.

" Of course, mom. I will not let you down. " I replied to her.

" Good. For now, enjoy the women in this mansion. I will prepare some experience women and send them to your room. You need to taste different types of women. Well, Mira is a virgin so you can take her first time. " my mother said as she stood up.

" Mother still has jobs to do so mom will go now. " My mom kissed my forehead and she left from the room.

' Yes. ' I muttered in the mind loudly. I was worried that she might not support my action my I was wrong.

" Mira, I want to eat dinner and bring me the dinner. Also, prepare yourself tonight because I'm going to fuck you. " I said the last part with the devilish smile.

.' Gosh. I want to fuck her, now. ' I thought but I had a good amount of patients. My body was not weak even though I was in the bed for days. It must be because of the magic.

" Yes, Master. I will bring the dinner right now. " She said and she had a poker face. But her ears were a little bit red. Mira kept her emotion very well. She already knew that this day would arrive. Mira was supposed to be my maid for the lifetime and my partner when I was in need.

" Good. " I said as I lied on the bed again. Mira left from the room after that.