CHAPTER 10: River-Island Kingdom

' How convenient? ' I muttered while looking at Valerie. I was planning to get the Healer and now Valeria had the potential to become the healer. Cultivators were rare but the difference in the numbers between Soul Sorcerers and the Cultivators was too great. Cultivators were rare but Soul Sorcerers were in a completely different level. There were only one digit Soul Sorcerers in the entire Kingdom. But there were over ten thousand of Cultivators.

Our kingdom was called the ' River-island ' Kingdom. It was the kingdom which formed with the 7 Big islands and over 700 small islands. It was extremely important for trade and commerce. So the country was very rich and, had precious mines and minerals resources. The population was over 800 million and the military was pretty powerful in its way. The Kingdom was pretty isolated from the long time but it got a pretty good advantages from that.

" Here, Young master. " Mira took out 40 Royal Coins from her storage ring. Of course, Mira carried out a lot of money because she was my personal maid and bodyguard. I didn't carry the money and Mira did. 40 Royal Coins could feed 4 average families over 100 years or more. 1 Royal Coin equal to 100 Gold Coins. My personal four maids got 2 Gold Coins per month. It was literally a dream job for commoners. A normal commoner Family could stand the entire month with the 20 Silver coins or even less than. A gold coin was equal to 100 silver coins. So their salaries were a lot and they were as rich as the Captain of the Army. Mira didn't get a salary because she held my money so she just didn't need it.

" Good. " I smiled at them and I looked at my four maids. I looked at my second maid who was a human. She mainly took care of my meals and drinks. She was around 162 centimeters who was the shortest one among them. She had short neck-length Silver hair with green eyes. She had the biggest boobs among them which were a little bigger than Mira but not that impressive at all.

" Young master, my name is Yuria and I am 25 years old. My Magus type is Elementary Mage. " Yuria introduced herself. Her voice was calm and smooth. She was in the same circumstances as Valeria.

As time went on and my maids introduced themselves. I formed some plans for them inside my head. I wanted to improve their skills. Of course, I would get the servants as powerful and talented as Mira.

" Good Girls. Here is a bonus for all of you. You all are free to do until the night. Get some clothes and lotions. From tomorrow onward, you're going to get some training. " I praised them as I told them my future plans. I gave them 10 Royal Coins per one and they all looked extremely happy because they tried to deny it at first.

" ..Young Master, it is too much. " Valeria said as she eyed the money. Her tone was shaky and her look showed that unbelievable face.

" If I tell you to take it, takes it. My order is absolute. " I replied with a smile but it carried a powerful aura. They looked at each other and took the money with the bow while thanking me over hundreds times.

" As I said, you all are free to do whatever you want. I want all of you tonight at my room and buy some naughty clothes, entertain me. Don't disappoint me all of you. " I told them as I stood up. They all had flushed faces and this would be their first time so they were very nervous.

" Yes, Young Master. " They all replied at the same time with the bow. I left from the dining room as I walked out. The time was already 10:00 am and I liked to spend the time with my mother. So I left from my mansion as I went to the main mansion. Mira followed behind me and I decided to tour around this place.

'Huge. ' I muttered. This place was very big and in the middle, there was a big mansion which looked extremely elegant and beautiful.

I toured around the place as a lot of servants greeted me on the way.

" Young Master. " A middle-aged woman bowed at me and her look looked familiar. She had beautiful blond hair and blue eyes which were typical things. She looked beautiful for the middle-aged woman. She looked around thirty with the big breasts but not as big as my mom's but they looked very big. It looked a little bit of saggy and bell-shaped.

" You look familiar. " I muttered at her.

" Yes, Young Master. My daughter is the Young Master's personal maid and thanks for accepting her as your maid. " She replied at me with a smile and she was not like embarrassed or frightened to talk to me. My status was very powerful so most of the commoners thought that I was unreachable. Besides, I was not saw as favorable light among the servants because of my arrogant behaviors.

" Oh! You're Seidel's mother. " I replied her with a smile. It looked like she surprised me a lot because I knew her daughter's name. Seidel must discuss with her veteran mother and she knew about me. She thought that I didn't care about commoners so she was surprised when I mentioned her daughter's name.

" Yes, Young Master. It is an honor that you know my daughter's name. " She replied with a polite tone.

I checked her body and she had nice curves. I still had time and I always wanted to fuck mature married women.

" Accompany my walk. " I commanded her. I was not requesting her. I was ordering her so she followed behind me.


New Chapter is here. I'm focusing on this novel.

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