CHAPTER 22: Auction IV

" Let's start with the very special slave. " May said as her movements changed into the elegant ones from idol's movements.

" Yep, this time we would like to provide a monster. " May said with a mysterious tone and the staff brought a very small cage that could only keep the adult cats or small dogs. The cage was covered with black clothes so people could not see the goods inside the cage.

The audience was in absolute silence and May's tone made the audience to wonder what kind of things inside the cage were. May looked at the audience with a smile as she said

" Everyone, Have you guys heard about the Legends Of Nine tails? A giant Demon Fox that dominated the world with absolute strength. Of course, Unlike Foxkin they could not speak proper languages but Legend said that an adult Demon Fox could learn the languages and even changed into an extremely gorgeous woman. Foxkin could gain tails when they become stronger but they only start with One-tail but the Legendary Nine Tails descents are totally different. " May said with an excited tone as the audience was dead-silent.

There were a lot of differences between Nine Tails Foxs descents and Foxkins. Like other races, Foxkins could only use Magic 4 Types but Nine Tail descents used a totally different magic called ' Demonic Art Magic '. Besides, Nine Tails Foxes stayed as the normal foxes while Foxkin looked like humanoids. It was only limited to Demonic Beasts and even among them ' Nine Tails descents ' were among the best so they were extremely rare existence.

" Of course, Our Menelaus Family already tested it is the descents of Legendary Nine Tails Foxs or not. Well, I already said too much. " May took out the black clothing. The audience was silently observing the Legendary Nine Tails Fox descent. Everyone was too amazed to speak and this kind of item only appeared on ' Yearly Auction ' . Everyone who had heads already guessed that this auction was ripped off.

I looked at the cage and there was a small white fox who had three tails. The size was a little bit bigger than the size of an adult cat and it looked very beautiful. It looked it was sacred because a lot of people were looking at it and shaking it's body at the corner of the cage.

" The Gender is female so it's going to be expensive. Let's start with the price of 2000 Gold Coins. " May said as she hit the hammer and the bidding battle started again.

" Son, you should buy it. Having a pet is good thing. Mom is planning to give a pet from the Royal Treasury House but ' Nine Tail Fox ' is more better or if it is not, you can get another pet. " My mother said as she patted my head and she gently caressed my head as I was enjoying her warm body through her breasts. My head was on top my mother's breasts. It was inappropriate manner but who cared. The maids didn't dare to open their mouths.

" Mom, don't worry. I will get her. " I lazily replied as I also sipped juice. My mother didn't allow me to drink wine or alcohol. She liked to control over my life from time to time but mostly she left me to do whatever I wanted.

" 3000 Gold Coins from Upper room 3 gentleman. " May said with an excited tone as the audience was very noisy.

" 4000 Gold Coins from Upper room 2. " May made another announcement as it was just a battle between Upper Rooms or VIPs. With 4000 Gold coins, people could start a big business in the capital city and it was a very large amount of money.

" Do you want anything after this? " My mother asked me as I focused on the price because I accidentally didn't forget to raise the price when the bidding battle was going to end.

" Oh! I want some slave contracts. I want to use it on my maids. " I said to my mother as my mother just nodded. It was pretty much against the laws to use the slave contracts on normal citizens. Luckily, I was not a normal citizen.

" What kind of tier slave contracts son wants? "My mother asked me as I thought a little bit.

" Well, let's talk after this. " I replied to my mom as she just patted my head to agree with my opinion.

" 8000 Gold Coins from the Upper room 2. Is there anyone who wants to raise the price? " May said as I replied to her.

" 10000 Gold Coins. " I raised the price to 2000 Gold coins and there were a lot of surprising noises.

" Sigh! " I heard an exhausted tone from the upper room 2 but he didn't say anything. That person knew that I held a very powerful position.

" Going Twice. Going Thrice. Upper room 1 Gentleman won again. " May sped up as she announced the result quickly.

There were a lot of noises from the lower rooms because I had been spending the money like water. I knew that I had very rich parents but I had a few guilty consciences. I controlled myself very well. Trying the best I could that money didn't break me. I already spent 14200 Gold Coins.

" Mom doesn't mind. A kid like you doesn't need to worry about things like that. " My mother immediately noticed my thoughts and she said with a smile.

' Can this woman read my mind? ' I muttered inside my head but my mom's words did make me feel better.

" Well, Mom decided to do a lot of business and investment after mom was going to birth you. The business became very bloom and the taxes money is also very good. Mom gets 20000 gold coins per month so son does not need to worry about anything. " My mother explained to me as I looked at my mother with a surprised face. It was very big amount and the taxes were liked a salary to ' Nobles ' but 20% needed to go to the Royal Family Treasury but my mom did not need to give any penny to Royals so she became very rich.

" Thanks, mom. " I said to my mother as I remembered the famous phrase ' The rich have become richer, the poor have become poorer '. I was not a saver so I didn't care at all. At the end of the day, everything was useless in front of the deaths so I needed to enjoy it before I was going to die again.

" Let's go to the second slave. She is very famous slave. I know that everyone in this room knows about her. Of course, she is not from this Kingdom." May said as she looked at the audience.

' Interesting. ' I muttered. Unlike the former world, the information went very slowly so it was much more difficult to well-known in the other kingdoms. That person must be extremely evil or good to reach that person's name in another Kingdoms. In this case, I believed it was ' Good '.

" Have you heard the Holy Maiden of 'Pyin Von Valentia Thit ' Kingdom? " May pronounced the name very easily and it was indeed kinda hard to pronounce the name.

' No, she is a gray person. ' I immediately said inside my head. She was a very evil person in the eyes of the Nobles and goddess existence in the eyes of the peasants. I heard about her because I was not only a noble but also a Royal. I only heard about her, I never seen before so I was also very excited.

The audience went immediately to chaos state and this time it was more louder and chaotic. People were much more excited to see the Holy Maiden than the descents of the Legendary Nine Tails.
