"Yes, Yes, I know. I am on the way. I am right outside," Jay cut Stane call, rushing inside.
It was an open place, with a massive Arc Reactor at the center. And Obidiah stood with other scientists, hearing their reports.
Jay put his hand inside his white coat's pockets, "what was so urgent that you had to chew my ear out?"
Obadiah pointed towards the Arc Reactor, "Tony told you about the miniature Arc Reactor he has in his chest?"
Jay glanced towards him, "that he did. What about it? Wait, you don't want me to create one, do you?"
"I asked them to do it six months ago when Tony came back, but they haven't been able to do it till now! There are no results!"
Jay watched the large Arc Reactor, "you should have asked me six months ago. I might have been able to do something. But you saw the attack at Gulmira. Tony would soon gain enough power to overpower you, and I don't have enough time. You need to think of some other plan."
Obadiah walked off, "then I will have to do it on my own!"
Jay watched his storm off, glancing towards the scientists, "good work, guys."
The scientists awkwardly looked at each other, dispersing, while Jay walked out.
He took out his phone, searching in his contacts, choosing one. He walked forward, leaning against a wall, speaking when the other party picked the call, "Coulson, you were assigned to Tony, right?"
"Yes, Yes. But right now, I am too busy. Everyone is searching for Primo, Eva, and Katya. Director is furious."
"Oh, ok. No worries. It seems that Obadiah is about to do something. I thought you should keep an eye on him. If you are too busy, then it's ok."
"No, wait-" Jay cut the call, taking a deep breath, smiling, "this should be enough to take attention away from Eva and Katya. Maybe I should send something to Obadiah with my heartfelt gratitude? Don't you love it when things just fall in place?"
At Tony's House,
Tony was working on the Iron Man suit when Pepper entered. Tony glanced towards her, "Pepper, I need you to go into my office. Hack into the mainframe and retrieve all the recent shipping manifests. They've been dealing under the table. I am going to find my weapons and destroy them. I am going to destroy them!"
Pepper frowned, "Tony, I cannot help you if you are going to start this again!"
"There is nothing but this. There is no art opening, no sighing, no benefits. There is the next mission and nothing else!"
"Then, I quit!"
Tony pointed at her, "You stood by my side, all the years that I reaped benefits of my destruction! And now that I am here trying to help people that I put in harm's way, you are going to walk out?!"
"You are going to kill yourself, Tony. I am not going to be a part of it," Pepper said in a sad voice.
"Pepper...I shouldn't be alive unless it is for a reason. I just finally know what I have to do. And in my heart, I know, it is right."
Pepper let out a sigh, walking out, "I'll do it."
In McDonald's,
Jay was staring at the fries, playing around with them. His mind was lost in thoughts.
He looked out of the window at the people passing by. Once his work in one of the universes was done, he usually put his body in stasis, sleeping. Which was why only a dozen of them were active. This universe was supposed to be so that he could live a life with some normalcy. But being someone who saw more, who knew more. There was a sense of responsibility to stop the tragedies that he knew about.
There was a time when the ones he fought beside talked about their dark past, the worse fate, their wish for a different world, different destiny. Now, he was so used to stopping their tragedies that the feeling he got before was nearly non-existent. It had become a duty rather than a desire.
That was why there were times like these, when he felt like this, "lonely? Maybe I should take a wife or a girlfriend."
Dating would be a good idea, that was for sure. It's just every one of the people he knew had so many entanglements. Maybe, it was about time he started living in just one universe.
In Evening,
Jay was sleeping on his bed when a call rang on his mobile, making him open his eyes. He picked the call, half asleep, "who is it?"
"Jay?! Tony's in danger! Obadiah was the one that tried to kill Tony! I-I have proof."
Jay sat up, "why is Tony in danger? Where did you get that?"
She was about to say when Jay stood up, "anyway, forget about it. I'll go check on him. How are you?"
Suddenly, the call disconnected,
Jay put the mobile aside, "what do I do? Pepper or Stark?"
He stood up, scoffing, "since when did I start choosing between two."
Sector 16,
Primo appeared in front of in Sector 16, following the heat signatures of Coulson and Pepper, with five other Shield soldiers with them.
He turned in ambers, which disappeared, appearing behind Pepper, Coulson, and others.
"Yo," He freely spoke, making Pepper jump up, yelping while the other Shield agents pointed their guns at him.
Primo looked at Coulson, "you should get away from that thing."
Coulson looked at him, "what?"
The armor brightened, and the Iron Monger's hand moved to lunge at them. But jetted flames appeared on Jay's arms, holding the Iron Monger's arm.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" Pepper screamed, running towards the outside, while Coulson gave orders, "take him out!!"
"Coulson, getaway! You men will only get in my way! Tony was able to take out the whole mountain of Ten Rings with that armor!" Primo shouted, a jet of flames erupting from his other hand, pushing Iron Monger back.
Coulson waved his hand, giving the order to retreat, "get back!! Now!! Now!!!"
"Who in the world are you?!!!!" Iron Monger raised its left hand, firing the missiles at him.
He wanted to turn into fire. But that would mean the agents that were still running would die for sure. The rocket missiles burst on his body, pushing him back towards the wall on the other end.
In Tony's house,
Jay rushed in, seeing Rhodey walk just a few steps in front of him, "Tony?!"
Jay took quick steps, making Rhodey turn back in surprise, "downstairs. Come with me."
He walked in front of a confused Rhodey, moving down to Tony Starks lab.
Rhodey fumbled, "wait, who are you? Where are we going?"
"To see Tony, if he is alive," Jay said, hastening his steps, reaching Tony's lab.
His eyes fell on Tony, standing with his arms raised, the armor starting to cover his body.
"That is the coolest thing I ever saw," Rhodey muttered, his footsteps slowing down.
He shook his head, "how are you? Are you ok?"
"I am now. How is Pepper?"
"She is fine. She is with five agents, who are in sector 16 to arrest Obadiah."
"They are not going to be enough," Tony said, pointing his hand down, with blue light shining as he shot up, "Keep the sky clear!"
Rhodey watched the War Machine sucking in a cold breath, "Next time, baby. Then you are all mine."
Jay tilted his head back, "Oh, I need an ice cream." Jay patted his chest because of the pain.
Although his main body doesn't get injured when Primo one gets hurt. But it sure in hell hurts a lot.
Sector 16,
Primo sat against the wall, the wounded chest healing, watching Iron Monger pounding on the wall of flames separating two sides.
He stood up, with his body healed, "you know, if you keep doing that, then all the power from that Arc Reactor is going to run out?"
Iron Monger turned, pointing his right arm, with a Gatling gun towards him, "You freak!!!"
Primo narrowed his eyes, the bullets paused in the air, losing all energy, falling down, "I won't kill you, Stane. I wouldn't even stop you. This is between you and Tony Stark. I just can't let you go on a rampage and kill Pepper or Coulson? How about we both wait?"
"Tony is dead! I killed him!"
Primo shook his finger, clicking his tongue, "No, he's on the way. He'll be here very soon. And you need the energy to fight with him. Save it."
He raised his head, "Oh, it's here."
"What?" Obadiah's voice came from inside the armor, and the wall of fire disappeared with Primo.
The wall broke open, with Iron Man rushing in, "Obadiah!!!" His body struck Iron Monger, causing Iron Monger to take a few steps back.
But it didn't fall, "You really are alive!! Tony!!!" Iron Monger wrapped his hand around Iron Man, raising him up and slamming him down.
Tony raised his hand, firing his repulsers at Iron Monger, causing it to take another few steps back.
His palms faced down, thruster pointing downwards, shooting the body up. He punched the Iron Monger, but it didn't even budge, "My armor is superior to yours in every way, Tony!!!"