Chapter 46 - Other Team

"Still, I am surprised that no one came over when you made so much noise," Pepper was drinking coffee while Tony held a glass of green juice.

"Oh that," Jay raised his hand, "because I created an illusion that everything is all right. Frankly, it was an impulse of the moment. I didn't realize that it would out of hand. I do apologize."

Tony was leaning on the backrest, resting his hand on the crest rail, "I have created some of the best inventions in the moment of impulse. But then, there was also a my Arc Reactor. Why would you want to create that ring now?"

Jay showed his middle finger to Tony with a boyish grin, "so that when someone asks me to take out my weapon, I can do this."

Pepper groaned, leaning her head back, covering her eyes, "that is so childish."

"Don't listen to her. I like it. Maybe I should do something with my armor?" Tony leaned forward, rubbing his chin, "how about creating a dagger or sword with my middle finger. That sounds nice."

Pepper stood up, "should I get some crunchies for you boys too?"

"I'll take sweet," Jay replied.

"Salty for me."

Once she was sufficient distance away, the expression on Tony's face changed, "seriously, why?"

"Nick wants me to create a team, off the books, off the record. To catch Primo, Captain America, and Ghost. Anyone else if they are involved. But I can't defeat Primo, even I want to. So I needed something better. Although that is what Nick says."

Tony narrowed his eyes, "you think he realized?"

"I bet he realized," Jay smiled, "he is preparing for the worst."

"That's good. We do need SHIELD to stay in play. We do need SHIELD to stay in play, right?"

"Yeah, we do. This time, not the SHIELD of Hydra. But the one that your father imagined it to be."

Tony took a deep breath, standing up, "yeah. After seeing you. I want to start working on my armor. Want to give me a hand?"

Jay hesitated, "sure, I have nothing else to do today. Want me to enchant it?"

"How about teaching me? How about this, I won't study for more than two hours?"

"That's not a bad idea. I can just put a lock on the books so that you can't keep them open for more than two hours."

"Sure, do that," Tony raised his hand, accepting, thinking, 'I can just have Jarvis copy them.'

"Yeah, Jarvis can't copy them."

"Wait, did you just read my mind?"

"No, I just read your face. It's so transparent."

"It's not."

"It is."

Tony walked into the workshop, taking a cloth and put on his face, "now it's not."

The Next Day, Underground Bunker,

Jay and Bruce played on PX4 when Steve walked out, standing behind them, "you guys are still playing. Bruce, don't you have an experiment to do?"

Bruce looked up, "Yes. But too much work makes me cranky. Playing helps me take some stress off my mind. You are just going to stay here. You should go out?"

Steve looked towards Jay, looking at him as well, "I think...staying in is just easier than going out and dealing with the change."

Jay put down the controller, "I understand. Maybe better than anyone else. I have been where you are. But staying inside? It crushes you, without even you realizing, hammering you again and again. You should go out, take a trip? Maybe get a date?"

Banner looked towards Jay, "is that a good idea? Going out?"

"Yes. It's about time that Hydra knows where their enemy is," Jay watched them with a half-smile.

"Bucky," Steve gripped the couch as if expecting to meet Bucky the moment he steps out of this place.

"I think you will have to deal with a few waves of Hydra forces before they send Bucky after you. But I do have something for that," Jay jumped on his feet, opening the portal to the Cave in front of him, "I'll be back."

"Where did he go?"

Banner shrugged, "I don't know. It's his workshop, I think. No one is allowed to go inside. Well, not like anyone can. We aren't even sure where that place is."

Steve frowned, "why?"

"Because this place has all the dangerous items in the world. Magical or otherwise. Since no one can reach them, no one can use them to do something bad, which means fewer problems for me," Jay walked out of a portal, carrying a briefcase in his hand.

He glanced towards Dr. Banner and Steve, "and usually the popular question is what if I misused them. And the answer is..."

"That you don't need them," Bruce said, smiling.

"Exactly," Jay smiled at him, leaned on the couch between them, opening the suitcase, "this is for you, Captain Rogers."

Steve looked down at a Captain America uniform, "this is?"

"There is vibranium sewed into these clothes," Jay looked at a navy blue utilitarian style suit which could protect Captain from bullets. Even grenades, and most other conventional weapons, and quite a few non-conventional weapons.

"Vibranium? Into this suit?"

"Yes, and more than that," Jay put his hand on the star at the center. And the uniform started disappeared, converging, leaving a metallic brown, fingerless glove, "it's based on Nano-Tech. Which means it's there with you, any place and anytime. It can also form a shield if you don't have one at the time."

Steve picked up the glove, staring at it in a daze, wearing it. Making Banner look at him with interest, "how does it feel?"

"Like it's a part of me, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I need you to look defenseless, to give Hydra more confidence," Jay chuckled.

Steve stood up, no sure, "where should I go?"

"That is for you to decide. I have been summoned somewhere else," Jay took a deep breath, "I have to meet the new team."

Banner smiled, "it's eerie how it is all going according to plan."

"Well, Natasha and Captain did help me amends the problems in my plan," Jay changed into two, to three, changing into Tony and Natasha, "and I can do this. If it weren't for that. Then it would be hard for SHIELD or Hydra to believe that we weren't involved."

Banner nodded, "Yeah, that's eerie too. Don't do it again if it isn't necessary."

Jay, with Natasha's body and face, turned towards Steve, "is it?"

Steve stood up, patting Jay's shoulder, "very."

Jay shrugged. His other bodies disappeared while he opened the portal in front of him, "I'll see you later. You know the way out."

Once the portal disappeared, Banner looked towards Steve, "that was weird, right?"

"Yup, definitely weird," Steve smiled, shifting his eyes towards Banner, "so when will your experiment be over? We could use more hands in the field."

"Trust me, there is no one more motivated than me to complete this experiment. Do you know how long has it been since I last had sex? But I want to do this right. For Betty and me."

Steve laughed, walking towards his room, "I understand. It has been 70 years for me."

Banner turned towards the Tv, picking up his control, "well, you win in that department."

There was a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III airplane parked in an empty field. It had been renovated from the inside to act as a flying command center for his team.

Some time ago, it had been renovated and restructured by Stark Industries. There were two new engines on the back wings, and on the inside, there were sleeping pods, a briefing room, lab, utility area, kitchen, and even a lounge. There were also interrogation rooms of the third deck and a room for Jay.

Jay opened the portal outside and decided to walk into the lounge. He found Coulson standing with a group of people. Some familiar, others, not so much.

"Is this all of them?" Jay strutted over to Coulson, warmly waving at the others.

Coulson smilingly nodded, "yes, this is Agent Melinda May. She is a pilot and martial artist. Agent Grant Ward, an expert in combat and espionage, and two brilliant scientists, Agent Leo Fitz and Agent Jemma Simmons."

Jay pointed towards Melinda, "I know you." He shifted his gaze towards Grant Ward, "I know you too."

His eyes landed on Leo and Jemma, "Hmm, I have no idea of who you are."

He smiled, raising his hand for a handshake, "interesting. I would love to get to know you."

Leo hastily shook his hand, "me too, Sir. I am- We are- Both of us-"

"Are a big fan of you!" Jemma completed his incomprehensible sentence as Jay freed his hand from Leo's shaking her, "Is that so? I hope that makes this easy for you."

"I thought you left SHIELD," Grand Ward leaned against the lounge's wall, with his hands crossed, watching Jay.

"I did, but let's talk about that later. Coulson, what about the girl?"

"There is an arrest warrant out for her. She hacked into a government network, and SHIELDs too. We have her location."

"Then let's take the Bus. We should pick her up or do you think letting her stay is a better idea."

Coulson smiled, "staying in the cell might do good for her. But then, we don't have the time, do we?"

"Yeah, that's true."