Chapter 51 - Bait

"Wait, can you say that again? Because I think I heard you say that we are going to kidnap a Senator?" May asked to confirm again.

Jay stood in the briefing room, glancing towards Skye, Fitz, and Simmons, "one of you explain to them."

Simmons nodded, "we were searching for all the movements from Winter Soldiers. There were about a hundred, but most of them were stories, with only a few dozen that actually matched the fact. Even from those few dozens, there were a few that we can put out fingers on and say, this is one. Senator L. Atwood. Her rivals got killed in accidents, which could have been an assassination. If we can interrogate her, then there is a chance to know who controls Winter Soldier."

Grant frowned, "but that is a Senator. We can't just kidnap a Senator."

Jay smiled, "we can. Otherwise, why do you think there is this unit? It's so that we can do what we have to, and SHIELD doesn't have to take responsibility for our actions. If you are scared, then you can back out now. Weren't you guys informed of this?"

Coulson nodded, with a sighing, "we were. It's just that no one thought we would be kidnapping the Senator."

"But this is a Senator. She won't just tell us what we want to know. She would buy time for someone to come and save her. Not only that, SHIELD will be sending someone to come after us," May warned them about the consequences.

"Don't worry. I have already thought through this. Monica, you will be the one to do the kidnapping. Do you want back up?"

Monica squeezed her knuckles, smiling, "No. But kidnapping a dirty Senator. Who knew being a SHIELD agent was so exciting."

Coulson tiredly raised his hand, "SHIELD doesn't go around kidnapping people. Especially not Senators."

"You kidnapped me?" Skye pointed at herself, grinning.

"Ugh," May let out a sigh, "this is going to go so wrong."

"We are here, Sir."

Jay glanced towards Monica, "all yours."

Monica shot a look at him, "you should really start having these meeting hours before. So we have time for preparation."

"You want time for preparation?"

Monica tilted her head, "fair point." She slid down the floor, disappearing.

Grant walked towards the gate, "I'll go with her. Just in case she needs a backup."

"No need. Monica can turn invisible, but you might leave behind a clue. Stay here," Jay patted Coulson's shoulder, "handle everything. Tell me when we have the Senator."

Jay walked over to the lounge, lying down on the sofa, covering his face with a sofa pillow, "my head hurts."

"Sir, haven't you found a way to stop the Convergence?"

"No, the only thing that I have been able to find is that Convergence is artificial. At least, now I know who was the one behind this and why. But that poses another problem. If I stop the Convergence now, that guy will get what he wants. And if I don't do it, then I will just have to deal with things after the Convergence happens."

"That's a relief."

Jay plopped on the bed, "yeah. Frankly, Convergence might bring chaos. Yet, it is better than anything that guy has to offer to the world."

"No, I meant that Sir can rest now."

Jay chuckled, "that's true too." He crawled into bed, feeling his other parts of consciousness shut down, falling asleep.

He could feel his head lighten, with light returning to his dull scarlet eyes, "that feels so much better. Echo, I am going to take a power nap. Wake me up when we have the Senator."

"Yes, Sir."

Senator's Office,

Monica rose from the ground, appearing behind Senator L. Atwood. She covered the mouth of Senator L. Atwood, becoming invisible before flowing out of the window, taking the flight back up to the Bus. She looked at the open ramp, climbing inside.

The ramp close behind her as she dropped the scared and struggling Senator on the ground, "that was too easy."

"It's not like everyone expects to be kidnapped by someone invisible and intangible," Coulson walked over, standing in front of Senator L. Atwood, "Hello, Senator. If you don't mind, we'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Whoever you are! You will pay for this!" L. Atwood growled towards them. Melinda walked behind her, holding her hands behind her body, taking her to Cage, "yes, yes. We know. Let's go."

Monica walked beside Coulson, "so? Who is going to interrogate?"

"Let me do it," Grant walked in front of them, "I should be able to get some answers before anyone comes to save her."

Coulson frowned, glancing at L. Atwood's back, who might have heard this, "if you are going to make a rookie mistake, then no need. Let me ask the questions."

Sometime later,

Jay walked out of the shower, feeling the Bus shaking. He walked out as clothes appeared on his body. He opened the door, passing by the lab. His eyes fell on Fitz and Simmons, "do you two know where others are? And what is going on?"

"We are being forcefully boarded. It's a SHIELD team!"

"Hm," Jay nodded, "Stay here. You'll be safe."

Jay walked up the deck, reaching the air-tight room on the third deck, the landing zone.

His eyes fell on Coulson, Melinda, Grant, Monica, and surprising Skye, pointing their guns towards three SHIELD agents, "what is going on?"

"Jay? I thought you left SHIELD. What? The billions of dollars weren't enough to fill the void," The man in the center of three widened his eyes in surprise, looking at Jay.

"Fury begged me, this is a favor for old time's sake. Explain to me why are you and your men have boarded my ship? Before I run out of patience," Jay walked over to Skye, taking the gun from her hand, "you shouldn't be holding this."

Skye furrowed her brows, "Melinda said it was ok for me to handle the gun."

Jay shook his head, abruptly firing three shots, shocking everyone, "as I said. Don't hold this, shoot."

"What did you do?" Coulson worriedly moved towards Garrett and his two agents, seeing them hold their wrists.

While Garrett stared at Jay, laughing, "as crazy as always."

"I told you before I run out of patience. Sadly for you, I ran out of patience when you forced me to come out of a relaxing bath," Jay glanced towards Melinda, "throw them into the interrogation room. I will talk to them when I am done with the Senator."

"Sir? That is SHIELD team?"

Jay glanced towards Grant Ward, "I am curious how did they find an off books command center with cloaking technology so soon. Weren't you on the same team as Grant? Throw him in the interrogation room too."

Melinda and Coulson stopped, realizing something, "Yes, Sir."

Grant took a step back, "are you serious? You are the one that has been chasing fairy tales, kidnapping Senators! You have gone crazy, so I informed Garrett to come and stop you! But throwing SHIELD agents in prison? You have gone crazy!"

He raised his gun, pointing at Jay, "let us go and give the Senator back to us. Surrender to SHIELD."

"Jay, you should really give up. We are here on the order of the Secretary. You went too far when you kidnapped a Senator," Garrett got on his feet, making Jay smile.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Garrett frowned when Natasha seemingly walked out of the shadows, "Hey, you are stealing my line."

Jay glanced towards her, "did you get that? Fury?"

"Yes. I got it. If Pierce is involved, then we don't know how deep this parasite has spread. From what we can till now, of the 12 bases, 6 belonged to the enemy. And even the 6 where there were SHIELD agents, some of them were from the other side. Keep these people in your custody. I'll handle things back here. Natasha, come back."

"Yes, Director."

Natasha cut the call when Jay shot his gun, causing Grant's gun to fall from his hand, "you are leaving?"

"Someone has to protect Nick. After all, if it's Pierce, then he is bound to send Winter Soldier after Nick," Natasha kissed his lips, "deal with these people here."

Jay chuckled, "Yes, ma'am."

Natasha rolled her eyes when Garrett took out a hidden gun firing towards them. But when the bullet turned into rose petals, falling down as soon as it left the barrel, "What?"

Natasha greeted Coulson and others, waving her hand as she left the room.

Jay pointed towards Garrett and others, "like I said, take them into custody. We will be interrogating them."

Monica frowned, snapping out of shock, raising her hand to create energy handcuffs, "what is going on?"

"Exactly! I don't know what is going on?! What enemy? I am loyal to SHIELD!"

"Yes. Agent Antoine Triplett. You will be briefed soon enough. Once we are sure that you are not in the same league. If you are innocent, then we'd know. Till then, co-operate. Monica, take them to the Cage."

Skye blankly looked at him, "Is it only me who is confused?"

Coulson shook his head, " am I."

Jay smiled at them, "don't worry. Till now, this team was just bait. A very high-tech, very big bait."