Wanda fell down on the soft bed, her body filled with sweat, her breath erratic, "wow, I didn't think that could be done."
Jay rubbed his cheek, "I think this Dictator stuff is going to your head."
Wanda kissed his cheek, giggling, "you think? Maybe it is. There are so many things that I want to try now. It's like a new door has opened."
Jay raised his hands, mimicking the action of closing the door, "No, no door is open. Everything is closed."
Wanda chucked, grasped his hair, raising his head, with her face on top of him. She sucked on his lips, "you know...my stomach is in knots...it's twisting. Do you know why?"
Jay kissed her back, holding her head, pushing her tongue in her mouth, "because there is something you want...and you are not sure how to ask?"
Wanda sensually bit her lips, clenching her ass, "yeah...you remember when you were a bit depressed, and I helped you out?"
Jay curled his lips, "Is that what you did? Because I think you did something else entirely."
Wanda waved her hands, "you got out of the funk, means I helped you. Now it's your time to return the favor."
Jay was about to save something when Wanda kept a hand on his face, guiding his cock in her with the other. She lowered her body, "Haaahhh...Haaaaa....ahhhhh....haaaa...!"
Jay put his hand on her waist, moving his hips with her as Wanda raised her body. She put her hands on his chest, with a gleeful expression on her face, she moved her body up and down, "Haahhhhh...Ahhhhhh...Aghhhhh...Haaahhhh...Aggghhhh."
She leaned forward, burying her face in his neck, as her breath nearly stopped, feeling the soft orgasm through her body, "aghhhh....haaahhhh."
She raised her body, with her hair falling on his face, staring into his eyes, "hauuuuuuu."
She kissed his lips, "mmmm." Before kissing again, "mmmm."
Wanda raised her body, stroking his chest, "now...what was I saying?"
"You wanted something," Jay laughed, holding her waist, stroking it, "and now you are just trying to buy time."
Wanda leaned forward, burying her face in his, whispering in his ear, making Jay raise his eyebrow, "Oh, I can just create one, you know."
Wanda curled her lips, "No, that is no fun...that would be too fake. There is something different about the real thing, the original one."
Jay kissed her lips, sucking on her lips, "mmm, then it's not possible now. But...how about if you stay for a few days? Can you? It will be good for me."
"No, don't make that face," Wanda slumped her head down, acting to sob, "I have a country to learn, and my little brother is too busy with the women that fawn over him to even care about it."
Jay put her on the side, "just ask Echo for help? She can handle it, right Echo?"
"Yes, I just have to Stark Industries - keep an eye on Osborn Cooperation. Keep an eye on all the Regeneration Cradles, and run all the other Juggernaut Industries. So, of course, Echo can run a country."
Jay smiled, glancing at Wanda, "see, as I said. She can handle it."
Wanda reluctantly chuckled, "I think that was sarcasm."
Jay shook his head, "No, that was a boast in the wrapping of sarcasm."
"Yes, Sir knows me so well. Miss Wanda, please stay. It would be good for him, and I will handle everything."
"Really? Thank you so much, Echo," Wanda smiled, closing her eyes, "I needed a break."
Queens, Apartment Parkings,
Primo stepped out of the car with Bobbi, who stared at him, making him shoot a look at her, "what?"
"Nothing, it's just that there is a happy smile around your face. You seem so excited over just meeting your daughter again," Bobbi chuckled, "It's kinda cute."
Primo touched his jaw, pressing it, "No, I am not smiling."
Bobbi rolled her eyes, stretching her body, "I need a nice long rest!"
Primo lightly smiled, appreciating her stretched body, "hmm, you are hot. Didn't notice that before."
"Ohh, you didn't notice that I was hot. Should I be offended?" Bobbi was on the verge was laughing.
Primo shook his head, "No, before today, you were just an agent. So I didn't want to humanize you. So, I never looked at you like a human, but more like an agent."
Bobbi shrugged her mouth with an impressed look, "that's actually a cool way of thinking."
Primo stood in front of his house door, taking a deep breath, "anyway, see you tomorrow."
He knocked on the door, making Bobbi stand in front of her door, peeking towards the door. She wanted to see what Ruby was going to do after he was so late.
The door opened, and Ruby stood in front of him, "young man, do you know what time it is?"
"Too late?"
"Good, you know," Ruby nodded, shutting the door in front of him.
Bobbi chuckled, "want to stay at my place?"
Primo was about to reject when the door opened again, and Ruby pulled him in, glaring at Bobbi before shutting the door down.
Bobbi shook her head, opening the door of her house, closing the door behind her.
Ruby glared at him, "where were you?!"
Primo got on his knees, hugging his little girl, closing his eyes, whispering, "sorry."
Ruby curled her lips, opening her mouth, closing, letting out a sigh, "something bad happened on the job?"
Primo chuckled, pulling her cheek, "look at you act all grown up!"
Ruby smacked his hand away, "not acting. I am all ground up. I am 11; that is more than halfway to a grown-up!"
Primo squeezed her nose, "ok, my halfway grown-up. Did you have something to eat?"
Ruby pushed his hand away from her nose, "I ordered."
"Anything for me?"
"Yes, it's in the oven."
"Thank you, my love."
Ruby made a disgusted face, "you are so mushy. How are you, my father."
Primo slumped his head down after hearing that, making Ruby, who was walking away, stop. She was feeling bad.
She stopped, tilting her head back in annoyance, "ok, tell me that it wasn't because your stupid boss in your stupid job shouted at you. And it had to do more with you being a superhero and dealing with powered people."
Ruby curled her lip, raising her lip in a dubious smile, "what Huh?"
"Huh means, how do you know about that?" Primo blinked.
Ruby sighed, dramatically resting her head on her fingers, "seriously. We live in the same house. Do you think I won't recognize you just because you made yourself blurry in the pictures by using intense heat? I could tell with one look that it was you. And you weren't exactly creative with the name."
Primo scratched his cheeks, "you didn't..."
"Went to my school and excitedly told all my friends that my father is a superhero, that was late for the fight? No."
Primo could feel another arrow pierce his heart, falling down on his hands, closing his eyes, "yeah...sorry."
Ruby sat down on the sofa, tilting her head to look at him, "now tell me all about it."
"Yes, ma'am."
The Next Morning,
Ruby opened her eyes, stretching her body, before turning. Her eyes fell on her father, watching him sit on the floor, put his hand on the soft couch, sleeping.
He opened his warm orange eyes, kissing her forehead, "morning, sweety."
Ruby pushed his face away, "you were so much cooler when you were sleeping."
Primo chuckled, "mm, how about I drop you at the school today?"
"No, thanks."