Chapter 106 - My Heart

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Innocense was a weapon, and the source of all Innocence was the Heart of Innocence.

Heart of Innocence was made of the purest of LightForce from the LightForce dimension.

It wasn't until he learned magic and realized that there was a dimension like that; which could become the perfect source for replicating the Heart of Innocence. Until then, he couldn't recreate it through science.

Now that he had, he could wield the Innocence, the one Heart created for him to use, and partially the ones that others awakened.

Even so, he wasn't in the best of condition; even with support from Thor, the two could barely hold Graviton in place.

There was no way to even put a scratch on the man, which annoyed the hell out Jay.

Even when he trained, for years, and years, there were things that he couldn't defeat with skill.

There were numerous, and the one that irked him the most was gravity.

Even right now, his whole body was being held by Graviton's gravity, getting crushed by him.

He wasn't the only one; Thor wasn't in a better situation, being held by Graviton.

"I have had enough of you two pests!! Hah!!!"

Graviton started closing his fingers, making a fist, planning to crush their body.

Jay could even feel his body getting crushed, his breath stop, his eyes becoming blurry when a sharp, sweet voice entered his ear.

"Stop!! Franklin Hall! You are giving physicists a bad name!! Stop now, or I will stop you!"

A smile appeared on Jay's lips, hearing the familiar voice, making his focus through the blurry sight. He looked at a woman, half-inch tall, pointing at Graviton in the face.

"Hahaha!! I am Graviton!! What are you- Ow!!! Ow!!! Ow!!!"

Jay chuckled with a squeezed throat, seeing her zap him with bio-electricity, flying around his body.

Graviton's hold on Jay and Thor weakened, and their bodies started falling towards the water.

But more than himself, he was worried about Janet getting hurt, and just when a uni-beam hit Graviton, letting Jay's tense body relax, falling down in the water.

He started sinking deeper and deeper in the water, with a heavy head, with sleep overpowering him.

He opened his eyes, the empty void that he had been to before. The nothingness had changed, turned into a white void, with stones and boulders floating. The rocks were becoming boulders, and the boulders turned into gravel, varying in size.

He, himself, was on a mountain, shifting between boulder and mountain.


A white hooded cowl materialized in front of him, with the mask watching him.

Even though there was no voice, he could see what the Heart said, 'Yes?'

"Can I win?"

'No. You are not strong enough.'

Jay raised his hand, touching the mask, stroking it with a sad smile on his lips, "Heart...I want to win."

Heart kept floating above him before a white string moved like a hand, touching Jay's forehead.

Suddenly, Jay's eyes lost focus, seeing his meeting with Nick Fury and a feather that fell from the sky.

Jay frowned, "where did that come from?"

'From your wings.'

"But my wings don't have feathers?"

'Are those your wings? I am your are my body. I am...your Innocence. You...command...Innocence.'

Abruptly, the mountain turned into a boulder, and Jay's body slid down from it, sinking.

He closed his eyes when he opened them; he was at the bottom of the river, staring at the light that reached him.

Jay raised his left hand, looking at the clawed hand, raising the right to look at the stone sword, feeling the wings on his back, 'My...Innocence.'

Above the Hudson River,

Janet flew towards Iron Man, who just came and saved the day, "Tony! Thor!! And the other guy, the two of them, are under the river!"

The next moment, the water broke apart as Thor came out, holding Jay, surrounded by the cowl in his arm.

He looked at them, "the two of you are here? Where are the others? This enemy is tough."

Tony pointed towards Jay, "who is that?"

"I do not know, but this one fought valiantly. I will take this man to safety while you stop him," Thor pointed Mjolnir towards Graviton, floating in front of them.

Jay coughed out water, putting his hand on Thor's waist, pushing himself out of Thor's arm, "yeah, no need for that."

The cowl on his body started fluttering, the wings, the cowl turning into white energy particles, appearing to be a white fog that covered him.

His body nearly fell down when Janet tried to hold him, but the fog pushed her away. And yet, his body kept floating before the mist turned into a cocoon.

Iron Man was to see what was going on when Graviton came near them, causing them to look at him, "Sir, there is a gravitational phenomenon around him. Be extremely cautious."

"Yeah, I can tell that," Tony curled his lips when Graviton glared at them, "I control gravity!! I could defeat you in a snap! I could raise your gravity a thousand times!"

Thor felt massive gravitational force, and his body plopped down in the river.

Graviton turned towards Iron Man, "or remove your gravity, sending you hurtling into space!"

Iron Man's body shot upwards, disappearing in the sky, leaving only Janet, "or crush you like a bug."

"No! Janet!" Hank, in his giant form, tried to stop him, but Graviton sent him flying.

"Hank!" Wasp worried looked towards him, angrily snapping towards Graviton, but he surrounded her body with gravity, making Janet scream.

Suddenly, a black claw appeared from the cocoon, wrapping itself around Janet, protecting her from gravity.

"Hah! I am going to make you crush her!"

Even though Jay didn't appear, his voice entered Graviton's ear, "yeah, right. We have Hulk."

Graviton was confused for a moment when a shout entered his ear, "Hullllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hulk appeared punching Graviton away, with his body falling, when the cowl came out from the cacoon, becoming Hulk's footing.

The cocoon broke down, revealing Jay. Without a cowl or the mask, looking towards his palm. His clawed thumb brushed against Janet's chin, "how are you feeling?"

Janet blinked, with a light blush on her face; short auburn hair, lovely blue eyes, and this size, she looked too cute, "I am fine!"

She sat up, blinking, looking towards the turquoise energy wings on his back. The energy only formed the outline of the wings, releasing constant energy, causing them to look like they were wings.

"You are...different?" Wasp confusedly looked at the wings, soon a grin appeared on her face, "but they look beautiful!"

Jay softly smiled, "thank you? I guess."

Thor came out from the water, ruffling his hair, "I have had enough of water for one day!"

Jay glanced towards Graviton, who came rushing towards them, as Hulk tried to break the gravity, with the cowl as his foothold, "you'd be going for many more dips if we don't take care of him."

Thor shook his head, looking at him, "you look different..."

Jay stroked the back of his head, "Yeah, sorry. It took a little time to get it kickstarted, first time and that."

He looked towards the Wasp, "can you...?"

Janet flapped her wings, floating, "Yeah! Sorry! Let's go take care of it!"

Jay put his hand on his left, and green symbols started to appear around him, "I understand. But I can't defeat him or fight. I need you to create an opportunity, and I can put an end to him."

Janet blinked, horrified, "No! We can't kill him!"

Thor nodded, "yes, as much as a dangerous foe he is. We do not kill."

Jay chuckled, "don't worry." His left hand came out, turning into energy, forming a large broadsword with the symbols of a cross embedded on its faces.

White stones appeared, taking the empty place of his left arm, forming a new, slender left arm made of shining white rocks.

Janet pointed at the massive sword, freaking out, "I am worried!!! That is for killing!"

Jay slashed his sword without Thor or Janet expecting it, and it passed through Janet.

"Noooo!!!!!" Hank watched the scene, his eyes swelling in anger, as he rushed towards Jay, moving to punch him.

"NO!" Thor rushed towards Janet, only to find her quizically touch herself before she flew in front of Hank, "No! Hank! Stop!!!"

Jay whispered, "he can't see you. I'll hold you."

Janet glanced towards him, turning into human-sized, when Jay put his hand around her waist, holding her. He disappeared, appearing in front of Hank's face, so he could see, raising the sword and hand in defeat, "she's all right."

Hank stopped, so did Thor, "what? What sorcery in that mortal?"

Jay whispered in Janet's ear, "someone really needs to teach him to talk normally."

Janet chuckled, stifling her laughter, when Jay shrugged, "my weapon...The Heart is the manifestation of my wishes, My Heart. If I do not wish to cut something, then it won't cut. I can use cut Graviton's powers without harming him."

Suddenly, there was a crash, and this time, Hulk fell down in the river, making Jay frown, "I need an opportunity. I need to reach him!"

Janet turned tiny, making a fist, "don't worry!! We will make sure you reach him! Let's go, Thor!"

"Aye!" Thor wheeled Mjolnir, following behind her, with Hank looking at him, confusedly, "you couldn't have just said that?"

"Would you have believed?" Jay shrugged.