Chapter 116 - Deal With SHIELD

Monica's mansion was in the suburbs, surrounded by trees, with a pool outside.

Sephiroth was sitting on the sofa when Monica came over, putting documents in front of him, "all your documents."

Sephiroth raised his eye from the newspaper, "Kelly is asking for mutant registration act again."

Monica sat down, opening her laptop, "well, he has also been saying that the Avengers are the ones that released the criminals to become relevant. And using this to discredit them. He seems to be worried that with the Omega Flight being under construction, he would never get the chance again."

Sephiroth looked at his documents, "hmm, but it's still troublesome. I need those mutants. This will only make them hide deeper underground."

Monica nodded, "I have seen the activity. It's about 50, right?"

"Yeah, even after all that...I only got ten mutants. Most mutants are in hiding. Those that are not are in Genova."

"Magneto's country?" Monica raised her head, "yes, if we could."

"No, not yet," Sephiroth stood up, "I think I know of one way to make this go faster. I am going to talk to SHIELD."

"Let me come with you?"

"Sure, but I also don't like this mansion of yours. I want something with a better view. A view of Hudson would be good. Moreover, I need something much smaller than this."

Monica stood up, "ok. I'll arrange it, but let me come with you. I can help."

"All right," Sephiroth glanced back at her, walking towards the door.

Shortly, 219 West 47th Street,

Monica stopped the car in front of SHIELD Headquarters as Sephiroth opened the door, walking out. His presence alone seemed to attract all the eyes on the road, making others look at him.

He walked past them, walking inside the SHIELD headquarters, going to the receptionist.


The receptions glanced towards him before she did a double-take, "Oh, hello. Is there something that I can help you with?"

Sephiroth leaned on the table, with a smile hanging on his face, "I want to meet Director Nick Fury."

Sephiroth shook his head, "No, but from what I understand about your organization. He would want to meet me."

The receptionist was dubious when her intercom rang, "Just one moment."

She picked up the intercom, "Yes? Sir! Yes, Yes, Sir. Yes."

The receptionist put down the intercom, standing up, "please. Director wants to see you."

Sephiroth shrugged his mouth, walking with her, "I must say. I am impressed."

The receptionist chuckled, "trust me. I am more impressed. There are all those rumors about Director knowing everything. But this is the first time I have seen it so closely."

"Well, I had the confidence in the same rumors when I came over," Sephiroth smiled, glancing towards Monica, who was silently following.

He stepped out of the elevator, following the reception as she turned right, showing the glass door to the large office.

The door was already open, and Fury was waiting, with Maria Hill standing beside him.

Other than the age difference, all the people on Omega Earth looked like the other Earth.

Although there were some parallel universes where they looked a bit different, but not much.

"Please, have a seat," Nick Fury pointed towards the chairs, asking them to sit.

Sephiroth took a seat, looking at Fury, "I am assuming you know what and who I am?"

"Yes, I was told that you would come to see me," Fury glanced at him, but mostly his eyes were on Monica.

Monica pressed her lips, staring back at him, "I am not being mind-controlled if that is what you are wondering. I am willing to go through any test that could help you determine."

Nick Fury leaned back on the chair, putting his hands together in front of his chest, "then, why are you here?"

"I have a suggestion, a projection that could speed up restoration speed and construction speed of all your projects. Especially your Damage control team that works after any superhero fight. I thought you'd be interested," Sephiroth narrowed his green cat-like eyes, closely watching Fury.

"Oh, you mean to say that in the few days after being born, you decided to put yourself into research?" Fury scoffed in disbelief.

"I think you are misunderstanding. I am the clone of the original, and I have all of Jay's memories, to the point that I was born. But simultaneously, I have these broken fragments of memories from the genes of the numerous mutants. And I also know that I am just a clone. So while I have his memories, I am not him," Sephiroth explained, "also, I am not a child that was born a few days ago. I am as old as him, if not older."

"So you mean to say that these technologies are from his memories," Maria Hill narrowed her eyes, cautiously looking at him.

"Yes. They are."

"But if they were, then why didn't he came forward with this suggestion?" Maria raised her eyebrow. This was something she was more curious about.

Sephiroth leaned back, putting one leg on top of the other, sitting with a straight spine, "it's a bit complicated since there are multiple variables involved. From his side, it was because, in the other universe, Hydra was embedded inside SHIELD, and it took much effort to drive them out. But that is more of an excuse than the real reason," Sephiroth smiled.

He looked at Maria, "change comes with upheaval. Every time there is technological advancement, there are people that lose their job. Think about it if I made things easier. The need for manpower and equipment would decrease. The ones that are earning a lot earn less. And you will have to lay people off. Once this tech becomes universal, the people that lose their jobs wouldn't be something to scoff at. In troubled times where supervillains are running rampant..."

"It will only create more trouble," Nick said, frowning. He had been liking the idea of improving damage control. But it was starting to feel like more trouble than necessary.

"There is also the thing that the technology used to build these techs are a decade advanced. Any one of them could cause the market to change and could be turned into weapons. It might be a simple tech to improve the rate of construction at a lesser price. But for would be an arms race."

"You aren't exactly filling me with confidence over this project," Fury frowned.

"It's necessary," Sephiroth muttered, looking lost, "the moment I was born...the Heart connected me to the original. The first thing I felt was pain...the ground shaking...what I heard was the roaring of the monster that filled me with fear. Those people lost so much, even their houses were repaired. How do you make the fear of sitting in your house go away? The fear that you be stepped on by some monster. Or worse, heroes."

He scoffed, shaking his head, "it's a simple paradox. If you are sinking in the quicksand, and you try to get out without help. If you do something, it will make things worse. If you don't..."

"You still sink," Nick Fury curled his lips, "so he decided to not do something and sink, and you are deciding to do something and sink."

"Well, that's about right. Or maybe...I just want to do things differently than my original, feel different, feel that I am not just a copy but unique. Either way, you will get something out of it," Sephiroth raised his eyes with a confident look.

"Your counterpart is also a Hero; Do you want to do that differently as well?" Fury narrowed his eyes, staring at Sephiroth.

"Yes. I just want to be a responsible citizen. A soldier rather than a Hero. Someone that you and the government could count on rather than a vigilante," Sephiroth raised his cat-like eyes with a confident look in them, "is that different enough."

Fury's lips tugged into a smile, "does that mean you will follow my orders?"

"As long as it doesn't affect the interest of my company? I will."

"Your company?"

Monica nodded, "paperwork is still in issue, but all my shares will be transferred to Sephiroth. Soon, the whole AIM will belong to him."

Maria Hill raised her eyebrow, "you know it's hard to believe that you aren't being mind-controlled when you say and do things like those."

Monica stood up, putting her hands on Sephiroth's shoulder, "you know...I am proud to say that I had a hand in his birth. It was my experiment, and I saw Divine and Dark forces interfere, trying to gain control of what I created. I felt them, the immensity of their existence, fighting for what I created. When things like that happen, when you see something like that. It changes you. We call an alien with a hammer a God, then when you are faced with beings that rule over the light and darkness. That could destroy universes? I know what it feels when you feel something so immense that you find out that you are not even a speck of dust in front of them. I also know how it feels when these are fighting because of you. Trust me, I am not mind-controlled. I am just swelling with pride, and I want the whole world to see him."

Sephiroth stood up, putting his hand on Monica's shoulder; His voice rang out in Fury and Maria's head, "she came across something that she didn't understand. Two of them, and now her mind is trying to cope with it. I am handling it; hopefully, she'd regain her sanity."

He threw a pen drive to Maria, "anyway, contact me if you like the pitch. Monica...let's go. We have to see the new house."

Maria watched