Chapter 122 - X-Burner

Omega Earth, New York, Center of Omega Flight,

The SHIELD, SWORD, Hulk Buster Unit, each and everyone were defending the area as if they were ready to lay down their lives on the line.

And why not, Vision was behind these walls. And he was the only being in existence that they knew could save Earth if another reality collided or dimension tried to merge.

Currently, he was the one and the only hope of the two universes to survive.

Technology, Magic, even things that they didn't understand. Everything was in their power was used to protect Vision.

But they never thought it would be like paper in front of this woman, getting torn apart.

Fury raised his gun, pointing towards the woman wearing red robes and regalia of the Scarlet Witch.

It consisted of a red chest plate with angular faulds extending into an ankle-length skirt, elbow-length red fingerless gloves, black trousers, thigh-high boots, and an intricate red crown. There was also a red hood and cloak in addition to the rest of the uniform.

"We don't need to fight," Wanda walked over, with scarlet light in the palm of her hands.

Fury stared at her, "then you can stop attacking us?"

Scarlet Witch put down her hands, walking near them, "I just need Vision. Your people started attacking me before I could explain."

Fury frowned, "they are doing their job, and that is to stop anyone from entering this area."

Scarlet Witch looked towards the massive black cube, "you mean the place where you keep Vision trapped?"

Hank walked forward, "it was his own wish. Although the two realities might look stable, Dark Dimension is moving closer. If it went on like this, there is a chance that Dark Dimension. That is the size of another reality that might merge with ours. Vision is our only way out of such a situation."

"I know, but there is something else that Vision needs to help me with," She raised her hand, making others holding their guns tightly. When the scarlet energy caused the sky to turn into some kind of gateway.

It showed the image of Captain America, Tony Stark, Hulk, Black Widow, Primo, Hawkeye, and the Wasp fight against Ultron with a mind stone.

"Vision is the only one that can kill Ultron from the internet," Wanda walked over when someone tried to fire, but bubbles came out of their guns.

"As you can see. Your Ultron is creating a mess, and I want to deal with him once and for all. Moreover, for the stability of two realities, the two mind stones need to merge together."

Fury hesitated to look towards Hank Pym, "Hank?"

Hank Pym shook his head, "I don't know. But Vision did say that the stone was trying to tell him something as if talking to him."

Wanda glanced towards him, "who do you guide me here? Not everyone knows where Vision is. It was the stone that called me. It wishes to merge with its counterpart. In fact, I am surprised that it called me. Because according to its nature, it would have called upon Ultron and brought him here only to be destroyed and merge with Vision."

Hill shot a look at her, "why are you so confident that it would choose Vision and not Ultron."

Wanda looked up at the fight, letting out a sigh, "everything wants to grow. Even our universes are growing. Before, there was no way for the Infinity Gems to grow, but now they can merge. Just in case another reality collides with our own if the gravity of two realities breaks the balance and pulls other nearby realities. With that possibility in mind, the stones would choose someone that will help the new realities to merge, rather than destroy them like Ultron."

Fury narrowed his one good eye, "you seem to understand these stones."

"I understand more than you know, and I don't have the time to explain. Now, you can give me Vision, or I can take him."

Suddenly, she raised her head, looking at the sky, a black point, which started opening as if someone was taking away the cubes from reality. As if a mouth was opening in space, and a man walked out of it.

Wanda looked at him, wearing a black turtleneck and black pants, with his long silver hair tired at two ends. The ponytail was on his shoulder.

But the thing that made her raise her eyebrow was that he was wearing an apron. He floated down, landing in front of Fury and others, holding a kitchen knife in his hand.

She looked towards the sandals before looking back at him, "I know only one man that was so absurd. How are you related to Jay?"

Fury shrugged his mouth, "she does know him well." He shot a look towards Hill, "you called him?"

Hill shrugged, "I thought we could see him in action."

"In sandals and apron?" Hank suspiciously glanced towards her.

"I have no defense for that," Hill shook her head as Sephiroth stared at the sky, "Ultron. You want the mind stone to short Ultron out of the internet and everywhere else. So you could kill his one body?"

"You catch on fast. Who are you again?" Wanda suspiciously looked at him.

"It's in my memories, hundred and one ways of destroying a rogue AI," Sephiroth glanced towards Fury and Hill, "you are against it?"

"Didn't you just say you know a hundred and one ways? What about the other hundred?" Fury asked.

"Well, those AI's didn't exactly have an Infinity Stone in their forehead," Sephiroth shrugged, "with that, his processing power and range should expand throughout the planet or planets. Given the time, it would keep expanding until it encompasses the universe. But that would need thousands of years. But encompassing the two Earths, that would happen pretty soon."

Wanda walked closer, stroking his cheek, pulling Sephiroth's attention towards her, "you are..."

"His clone," Sephiroth clarified before she said something, "I have some of his memories."

Wanda took her hand away, "who?"

"AIM. Anyway, you should hurry before Ultron decides to do something unexpected. Wait," He glanced towards Hill, "she can, right?"

Hill glanced towards Fury, who frowned, "come with me."


Hulkafied Banner held two large axes, cutting apart a hoard of sentries, "Is it just me, or do they keep on coming?"

"It's not just you," Iron Man floated in the air, back to back with Primo as the two fired of blue and orange beams, as Tony spoke, "it's not just you. It seems that they are somehow able to reform themselves."

Primo narrowed his eyes, "I think Loki did something similar to the staff, changing its form, manipulating matter. But since Ultron is wearing it..."

"And all these sentries are part of Ultron's bodies...great," Tony frowned, "we are fighting against an undying army."

Steve blocked one of the sentries, kicking it back, before dividing it into two, "anyone has any bright ideas."

Primo glanced towards Hope, "I have something bright and very destructive."

Hope understood what he was saying, "do it. It's destroyed anyway."

Primo shot the guns downwards, blitzing towards the sky, "run when I say so!"

Natasha used the plasma guns to burrow holes in the sentries, "why do I think that when he said the word meant something else?"

Hawkeye pointed at the sky, seeing a pillar of flames in the sky, while Primo pointed the other hand towards the ground, "I give you three guesses about what he meant by bright."

Steve frowned, glancing towards Ultron's main body hiding in the distance, "Tony!"

"One Iron Man taxi coming up!" Tony flew down, catching Steve, raising him up in the air to defend Primo from any mind beams without getting in his way.

Ultron fired a mind beam, which pushed Steve and Tony backward, nearing Primo when Primo shouted, "run!! Opposite to Ultron!"

Banner jumped over everyone, landing in front of Hawkeye, holding him, "let's get out of here!"

Natasha jumped backward, using her At's to match Hulk's jumping power, staring at Sentries that were running. She turned her eyes towards Steve and Tony, who flew upwards when Hope flying beside her attracted her attention.

She was just staring at Hope, which made her feel a tinge of jealously, causing her to frown even more. She still didn't understand why she would feel this way when a bright light flashed on her face.

She turned her eyes, looking at the front, seeing a pillar of burning flames cover the Ultron and Ultron Sentries.

Banner landed away from the blast area, letting out a hollow laugh. He asked Hawkeye, "that bright enough for you?"

Hawkeye let himself out of Hulk's grasp, "I think that's bright enough for everyone."

When the puller of flames disappeared, everything within a hundred meters had disappeared, leaving a hundred meters large hole.

"Can anyone of you see the end? Because I can't," Hawkeye looked at the dark hole that he could see an end of.

Primo, Tony, and Steve landed beside the others, with Primo sweating, "I am not used to this. I think I am done for today."

Banner shrugged his green mouth, "I think so is Ultron."

"No...Avengers..." Ultron's vibranium body flew up with the pierces of sentries floating beside him. The parts of sentries came together, melting, merging, forming a massive Ultron, "this is just beginning."

Primo let out a breath, "wow, I can't believe I am saying this...I wish I called Ruby for help."

Just as he said, the sound of sparks entered his ear, and Doctor Stange walked out. With the shadows behind him, one of them spoke, "you should have, Dad."