Chapter 188 - Omega Force Vs. Thanos

"I can't see Thanos from this universe," Jay muttered, with a glow in his scarlet eyes, "Where are you, and how are you hiding from me?"

"He's bound to come out sooner or later," Natasha put her hand on Jay's shoulder, "I am more worried about Wanda."

"Wanda is going to be alright. She's just there to provide a battlefield."

Natasha cupped his face from behind, pulling it back, kissing his lips, "I have a bad feeling."

Jay put his hand on her head, kissing Natasha's soft, seductive lips, "We'll make it. Children?"

"I made sure they stay in Limbo a little while longer."

"Good enough."

Omega Universe, Santuary-II,

Thanos leisurely sat on his space throne, looking at Earth in the distance, "Are they preparing for war?"

"Yes, master. Should we attack?"

"No, let them come to me. If these so-called Earth's Mightiest Heroes escaped, they are going to get in my way when I kill the other universe."

"But master, our forces can't fight in the space. Should we send the Outriders and Sakarans to the planet? Deploy Chitauri army?" Ebony Maw bowed as he asked.

Thanos was just thinking when he heard the whisper of Death, "The Witch is waiting for you."

"Hmm," Interest flickered in the eyes of Thanos as he looked forward, "Witch, come out."

Ebony Maw looked around, gathering himself, ready to protect Thanos when scarlet energy appeared in front of him, taking the form of a woman, "Thanos."

"Witch, do you wish to fight me?"

Wanda scoffed, "If I wished to fight you, then you would be in a black hole somewhere."

"Witch! How dare you insult Thanos!" Ebony Maw raised his hand to use his telekinetic powers on Wanda,


Ebony Maw's body became tense as he hastily bowed, "Forgive me, master. I was just-"

Thanos raised his wrist, making Ebony Maw shut up, "Then Witch, why are you here?"

Wanda swiped her hand, causing a red, rock battlefield with atmosphere to appear below Thanos's forces, covering the area from Earth to Moon, "To create a battlefield."

Thanos narrowed his eyes, looking at the vast land that she just created with a wave of her hand, "You possess great power, and yet you do not fight me? Why?"

"We'll fight if you can reach my Earth," Wanda turned around, disappearing.

Thanos leaned back, narrowing his eyes that were twinkling in thought.

"Master...that Witch is a threat."

Thanos rubbed his chin, "No, she has a weakness. Something she wants to protect so badly that she doesn't dare to leave it alone to fight me. In case the other me finds her weakness. Land our forces on the battlefield."

Omega Flight,

"Is this...Thanos's doing?" Nick Fury blankly asked.

"No," Tony (SE) shook his head, "I recognize that power anywhere. This was done by Wanda."

"Strangely, it exists, but it isn't affecting the gravity of the Earth or Moon," Reed Richards raised his eyebrows.

Susan rolled her eyes, leaning forward, "Reed, that's not important. Look at the size of that Amry!"

Reed looked up, seeing countless Outriders, Sakaarans, Chitauri, Leviathan, landing halfway through the Earth and Moon, "Why would they land there?"

Tony narrowed his eyes, "I have a feeling I know. There are signs of two Infinity Stones coming from there. We know the whereabout of most Infinity Stones...logically guessing, they have Power and Space."

"The worse combination," Anthony walked over, taking a look at the readings, "That means..."

"Distance isn't a matter for Thanos. We need to interrupt him before he lands on Earth."

Steve stepped forward, "Then it's about time we use our full force to stop him."

There was a sound of birds chirping as a portal appeared behind the Avengers, "Then we'll create the path."

Nick took a deep breath, "Then Omega Force! Deploy!"


Thanos sat on his throne with a heart-wrenching army behind him when a smile appeared on his lips.

An orange portal appeared in front of him, and a man holding a shield walked out with two men who looked the same as him.

Following him was an Army, the Avengers of two worlds, the X-Men when two more portals opened. From one came the Army of Agents, and the other was the Army of Black Widows, wearing energy armors.

And soon after came the army of two Wakanda's and the Sorcerers from both worlds.

"Yibambe!! Yibambe! Yibambe!! Yibambe! Yibambe!! Yibambe!!"

The Quinjets, Helicarriers, Zephyrs, Avenjet, each and everyone loaded with advanced weapons.

Thanos watched with curiosity the army that seemed to rival his, "Is that all?"

He just asked when thunder and lightning covered the red sky of the battlefield. Two God of Thunders landed in front of the army, landing beside Captain's, "We are also here! And we have brought friends!!"

Thor and Thor raised their hammers, the light of two Bifrost's landed beside them, deploying the Asgardian Army, "For Odin!!!"

"For Odin!!!"

"For Asgard!!!!!"

"For Asgard!!!!"

"For the Universes!!!!"

"For the Universes!!!!!"

Tony and Anthony landed behind Captain's, "Do we need a chant as well?"

Anthony nodded, "For Avengers?"

"For Stark? Too narcissistic?"

"Let's go with For Iron Man."

Steve looked towards Captain America, "You deal with every day?"

"Every goddamn day."

"Respect," Steve saluted to Captain when they both noticed grinning Johnny Storm. The two decided to ignore it at the same time when Thanos spoke.

"The Widow, Pheonix, Witch, Messiah, Protector, and the Heartless Angel. None seems to be here."

Black Widow stepped forward, rotating the guns on her fingers, "We are here, and we are enough."

"The one with stone in his forehead isn't here," Thanos turned his eyes towards Earth, "No worries. I will take it when the time comes."

He spoke when Ebony Maw came next to him, floating in the air, followed by Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian, and Nebula walked next to him.

"Since you won't submit. I will make you forcefully submit!"

Thanos put his left hand in which he was wearing a golden glove, with Power and Space stones embedded on the Space Thone. He made a fist, and there was a purple shine. Which raised the power of energy blasts that fired from the top frame of the throne.

The Captain's appeared in front when two portals opened, swallowing the blast. The blasts came out from the portals, moving towards Thanos, but they hit the forcefield generated by the Space Throne.

Thanos narrowed his eyes, looking towards two Doctor Strange floating in front of others.

Steven Strange from Secret Earth looked towards his counterpart with curiosity, "Good job, my counterpart."

"You seem like a newbie," Doctor Strange from Omega Earth shot a look at him.

"Haha, you can tell? I thought I did pretty good," Steven proudly spoke when Thanos stood up from his throne.

Ebony Maw flicked his wrist, and Thanos's battle armor got attached to his body. He wore the helmet himself, taking up the double-edged sword, "Very well. I'll deal with you myself."

Proxima Midnight stepped forward, chanting, "In the name of Death!!"


"In the name of sorrow!!"


"In the name of chaos and war!!!!"


"In the name of Thanos!!!"


Thanos's army marched forward, with Omega Force marching from their side.

Steve Rogers, with the Hyperion's powers, holding his vibranium-shield, rushed ahead of others. He plowed through the army of Outriders, and the Chitauri blasted towards him from above, only to be hit by numerous missiles rained down on them by both the Iron Mans. If that wasn't enough, Johnny Storm created a fireball that blasted at the center of the army.

"Hulkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hulk screamed at the top of his voice.

"Huuuuullkkkkkkkkk?!!!!!!!" Hulkafied Banner tried to copy him, but Hulk shook his head in disapproval.

He took a deep breath, screaming, "Hulkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hulk took a large Outrider, slamming him down as he shouted at the top of his voice.

Hulkafied Banner picked up one of the outriders from the group which was attacking him, slamming him in the group, "HHHHUUUUULLLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Hulk, Hulk," Hulk nodded, crossing his leg when he looked at the Leviathan.

He pointed up, "Hulk beat more."

Banner pointed at his chest when his clothes changed into armor. Two Axes appeared in his hands, "Banner, kill more!!"

"HULK KILL MOREE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hulk jumped up, slamming his fists down on a Leviathan's head, "HULK!! KILLLLL!! MOREEEEEEE!"

Banner shot up, becoming a little bigger, tearing apart a Leviathan with his Axes, "BANNNERRR!!! KILLLLL!!! MOREEEE!!"

Hawkeye (OE) passed from below them, "Here I thought Banner Hulk would be more rational."

"He isn't as rational as you might think," Barton jumped up, firing an explosive arrow, killing three Chitauri.

Hawkeye frowned, firing an explosive arrow of his own, killing four Chitauri when Barton killed five.

"I can keep going," Barton gave Hawkeye a look.

"So can I!" Hawkeye loaded two arrows when Natasha jumped from over them, firing two rounds containing five electric tasing needles.

The tasers were potent enough to cause Outriders to fall, "Boy will be boys. Still, I'll win."