Jean Grey, The Pheonix appeared on the Moon (Secret Earth), "Why are you hiding here?"
Jay had his left leg tugged behind his right, resting his arms and chin on his knee. He was gazing at the Dormammu's head, trying to use the darkness to invade the scarlet sea that surrounded the merged space of two Earths.
"I was thinking...if I had taken over the Earth...and I had the power to take over other people's minds with the Darkforce...then what would I have done with the Heroes of the Earth."
Jean froze for a moment, "I don't like where you are taking this."
Jay narrowed his scarlet eyes, "I don't either."
Omega Earth, New York,
A meteor landed on the empty streets in front of Avenger's building, creating a large crater.
The heat from the meteor started melting down the roads for a few minutes before someone appeared on the roof of a building nearby.
The woman wore a black catsuit, face covered in a mask, with a smile on her lips as she looked towards the droid with the camera behind her, "As you can see! I am the first one here! Now, if you see something like dropping outside your house? Do not touch it."
She grinned, sliding down the straight building, "Although I am going to touch it for you."
She thrust her body forward from the building, landing in front of the meteor, tilting her head. She looked at the black egg-shaped meteor, which had purple-colored dark energy coming out from it, making her step back, "Ohkkk...that looks bad. Usually, I try not touching alien eggs that are radiating with dark energy...I'll make an exception today."
'This is not coccoon!!!!'
'Stopp!!! We can't lose you!!!'
'Alien cat? I do like the idea.'
'Who wants to bet that she is going to die?'
"Wow, thanks for all the support," Black Cat rolled her eyes, seeing the screen through AR lenses. She launched her grapple towards the egg which struck, falling down, making Black Cat tilt her head, "Ok...still alive."
The egg started cracking, breaking down, falling apart, releasing green gas.
She stepped backward, "Call it my cat senses, but I feel like I should get away from here."
She started taking steps backward when a round shield flew from the gas that she barely dodged. But more than that, the fear of the round shield hitting her.
It was the fear of the person that threw it which petrified her. It was only for a moment when the shield reflected from the fire hydrant, hitting the back of her head, causing Black Cat to fall on her knees, falling down on the ground. Her eyes became blurry even as she tried to look towards the egg.
The shield rose up, falling on the man's hand wearing metallic silver armor, with a green pentagon magic circle at the center. There was a runic magic circle on the outer shield. Her eyes turned towards Captain America wearing dark silver armor, with another green pentagon magic circle on his chest, wearing gauntlets and pauldrons.
With an A on the top of his helmet, with a green glow in his eyes. He watched Black Cat, "Where are the Avengers?"
Black Cat's lips moved when Dark Captain raised his leg, "Well, they'll come when you are dead."
Black Cat closed her eyes, seeing the comments run past her eyes, 'Noooo!!! Don't!!!!!!!!'
'Evil Captain!!!!!! Stay away from my cat!!!'
'Someone! Save my cat!!'
He slammed his leg down to smash Black Cat's head when she stepped back, raising his shield, only to collide with another one. The collision between the two created a shockwave that lifted Black Cat's body. Her body drifted through the air, falling down towards the ground.
She could only watch the ground coming closer when a web appeared beneath her, saving her from falling to the ground.
"I caught a cat," Spiderman (Peter Parker from Secret Earth) appeared, landing beside her.
He stopped, rubbing the back of his head, "I mean Miss Cat? Or should I call you Lady Cat? Or Miss Lady Black Cat?"
Black Cat's eyes were fixed towards Hyperion-powered Steve Rogers matching his strength against Dormammu-powered Captain America.
"I think...we should start running."
"Mm?" Peter raised his head, seeing the two Captain America's exchange a punch that created another shockwave. Which broke the land apart, and a burst of green energy pushed Steve back. He went through the Avenger's building, which started coming down.
"Kid! Let's run!" Black Cat shouted again, snapping Peter out of the daze, "Huh! YeaHHHH!!!"
He rushed back, getting hold of Black Cat, swinging as far away as he could from the epicenter.
Peter glanced back, "What is going on? What kind of green steroids did the new Captain take?"
"They are from Dormammu Inc." Felicia felt her eyes becoming heavy, "Get away as far as we can. Send a message to Omega Flight...we need a containment barrier...there will be others...buffed up Iron Man...Hawkeye...Natasha...Thor..."
She dreaded taking the next name, making Peter gulp, "Hulk?"
"We need to prepare for the end of the world."
Jean worriedly looked towards New York, "This is just Captain terms of strength, he isn't exactly the strongest...even so..."
Jay narrowed his eyes, "It reminds me of Galactus and his heralds. These are like Heralds of Dromammu...and there are numerous individuals that he could have sent...but he chose Captain."
"Captain has a special prestige even among the Heroes. If I were him, then even I would send the Captain," Jean lightly looked above the Earth, seeing the colossal head that was larger than both Earth's.
"So would I, but that's not the problem. Dormammu only sent Captain America," Jay looked towards the head, fighting against the scarlet sea, standing up, "He knows."
"Knows what?"
Omega Earth, Genosha,
"Dad, it's like you said. Limbo is becoming overactive," Illyana appeared behind Sephiroth, watching his hand in the balcony, gazing at the dark sky.
Sephiroth gestured her to come over, making Illyana smile as she walked over, standing between his arms, with her back against the window. He leaned forward, planting a kiss on her lips.
Illyana traced his neck, cupping it, kissing him back as she closed her eyes, " doing"
"The stimulation helps me think," Sephiroth gazed into the distance, with thoughts running through his mind.
Illyana let out a laugh, "Hehe, can be so cute sometimes. Even in this form."
Sephiroth looked down, "Hmm? You said something?"
"Oh, you are really thinking," Illyana's face got cramped when Sephiroth smiled, kissing her cheek.
He caressed her hair, kissing her forehead, "Yeah, sorry. It's just a world-ending disaster, but I can pay more attention to you."
"Now you are just being mean," Illyana curled her lips, placing her head on his chest, closing her eyes.
Suddenly, the room's door was smashed open as a domineering woman walked in, "There is a limit to this!! Our world is about to swallow by an overgrown head, and you are here?! Making out?"
Illyana tilted her head, looking at Amelia Voght, curling her lip, "Another redhead? Are you serious?"
Amelia came to a halt, seeing the young girl, "She's too young, even for you."
A frown appeared on her forehead when she looked at Illyana, "Where have I seen you?"
Suddenly, her lips parted, "No, no, no, Seph! She's! You! Do you plan to start a war?!"
Illyana shrugged, "I am a mutant. If I don't come and live with my fellow mutants, then who would?"
"Oh god!" Amelia covered her face, "If Dormammu didn't destroy the world, then her father and grandfather would destroy Genosha. Wait, isn't her grandfather, you father? Oh... your family is messed up. No, you are messed up."
"Is she? Ok?" Illyana struggled to tear her eyes away from Amelia to look at her father.
Sephiroth chuckled, "She's fine. Just tensed like everyone else."
Amelia covered her face, "Just do something, Seph...make a goddamn appearance."
"Huh," Sephiroth raised his hand. Masamune appeared in his palm as he released tremendous energy shrouding the sky, forming a green sea beside the scarlet.
The energy dispersed, creating another dimension visible from the naked eye, about to initiate Supernova. But before he could, white fire and crimson energy appeared in front of him, tieing his hand in place, ""Stop!!""
Sephiroth narrowed his eyes, "Why are you stopping me?"
"You are going to destroy the Dark Earth! Of course, we are going to stop you!" Jean was barely able to hold his hand from moving, feeling the sweat on the back of her neck.
"This way is better. It's a sure-fire way to make sure there will be no future trouble."
Wanda shook her head, "There are people who have survived on that Earth. I know you can feel them...there are bound to be more in that universe...we can't kill them. I can't let you."
Sephiroth frowned, "I have Darkforce in me...If those three become one, even the Heart can't hold them back. It's better sacrificing the few if that means the other two universes will survive."
Wanda hesitated, "No, we can't. I can't let you do that."
"Then just try and stop me," Sephiroth took a step forward when Darkforce burst out from him, causing him to fall on his knees, with a green glow in his eyes.
He coughed, "Not so soon...Damn it!"
Illyana nearly shouted out Dad, but Wanda covered her mouth with energy.
Amelia rushed over to Sephiroth, "Seph!!"
Sephiroth covered his mouth, glaring at Wanda and Jean, "I only had one chance to he knows of my existence."
"Ops?" Wanda nibbled on her lips, wincing, "Sorry."