Chapter 214 - To Next Move

Illyana lay among the wreckage of broken Asgardian palace, her head on Lavena's thigh, who was sitting against a broken pillar.

"You two doing good?" Frigga bent forward, gently asking them.

Lavena shifted to the side, patting the floor beside her, "You should sit for a while too. You did...lose your husband."

Frigga looked towards the soldiers, clearing the broken palace, rocks, bodies. She sat down beside Lavena, leaning against the pillar, "It's not fair, and deciding something so big on their own. He had no right to die on me, and especially not when there was a chance to be saved."

Illyana looked up, "Although you say seemed to understand it more than you say."

Frigga tucked her hair behind her ear, looking at the distant sky, "I knew my husband better than he knew himself sometimes. He was right...immortality...that kind of power that my son wields right now. This wouldn't have ended with him returning to peace, and in time...he would...want war. As a wife...his death is crushing the queen...I understand."

Lavena glanced towards her, "I don't you do that. I would never or dad for not taking the chance. For not living their life with me."

Illyana took Lavena's palm in hers, closing her eyes, "I won't forgive them too."

Frigga gently smiled, "Then you have no need to worry about it."

Illyana and Lavena blinked, looking at Frigga with questioning eyes, making Frigga glance down, "Oh, you don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Illyana curiously blinked.

Frigga became comfortable, putting her head on Lavena's shoulder, closing her eyes, "I don't know about your Grandfather...I think he was born long before Asgard was."

Lavena curled her lips but still said, "About 25000 years ago."

"Right," Frigga nodded, not surprised, "Makes sense, because when your father was born, the whole universe cried out with joy. It expanded...some say twice as much as before. It was one moment, every sentient race, every living being, looked in this direction. It was like for one moment, every living being was paying their respect, thanking for his birth. I remember instinctively looking towards Midgard, feeling a fresh wind blow. The fate was disarrayed, the spirits were happy, the fairies danced. It was a moment of celebration. I knew it...everyone knew it. Odin...he sensed a war coming. Every race wanted to get their hands on the child. I was watching."

"I never heard about this war," Lavena blankly asked as Illyana sat up with interest.

"Because it was too late. By the time anyone decided to six minutes, those innocent eyes had gained more wisdom than I have ever seen. By the six-hour, the whole universe was plunged into fear. Anyone who thought about harming him or going against him would descend into madness, destroying themselves. Those were the most terrifying six days...and on the seventh. Everyone...just forgot."

"You didn't..." Lavena whispered.

"No, no, I did too. I think 'forgot' is the wrong word. It was right there, in front of us, and yet, we couldn't see. It wasn't until I started talking to you that I realized it. I do remember."

"Hmm, Dad's kinda awesome," Lavena curled her lips, "But doesn't change the fact that he has lost his soul, his powers, and he's weak during Convergence. I can't even find him now... it's all the glory of the past. Not present. I am worried...he even took away my sight and gave it to Billy."

Frigga wrapped her hand around Lavena's shoulder, stroking her arm, "Child, I might have been a bit out of it, but even I noticed. You saw what that sight did to your brother? You said it yourself when you asked him what happened to you."

"Right! He was never so callous, letting Tommy nearly die! I mean, I understand that Tommy needed to die to unlock some kind of failsafe! Still!" Illyana furrowed her brows.

"How did it feel? Seeing what that kind of power does to you?"

"Auh! Please don't tell me this was supposed to be some kind of lesson to teach me about power and responsibility and its crushing burdens?!"

Frigga gently smiled, closing her eyes, "You seem to know pretty well why your father did what he did. I just hope Thor knows why."

Illyana exchanged a glace with Lavena, sighing. It just happened once Thor gained new powers; he rained down a pillar of thunder that swallowed Hela, Fenris, and her army, forcefully teleporting them.

Tommy just ran too fast, entering the portal, disappearing with them.

Illyana shrugged, putting her head down on Lavena's thighs, "Whatever...let's just rest. I am dead tired of fighting that evil bitch. Wait...was she?"

"Not mine."


Lavena twisted her right arm, patting Frigga's cheeks, using her left hand to stroke Illyana's head. Her eyes were gazing in the distance, "I hate you...Dad...but just be...alive."

Frigga opened her tired eyes, her cheek on Lavena's head, holding Lavena's palm, reassuring her. Maybe, the thing that connected them right now was this feeling and fear of loss.

The three of them sat there, sharing silence and peace, when a pillar of lightning fell down, and Thor walked out of it, followed by Tommy.

"Thor," Frigga hastily stood up, rushing to hug him, closing her eyes, "You are safe."

"Yes, yes, mother. I am safe," Thor hugged her, closing his eyes. Finally, he had the time to mourn the loss of his father.

Tommy walked over, looking at his sisters, "Taking easy while your big brother is fighting at the front lines?"

Illyana scoffed, "No way you are the big brother. Lavena is the eldest, me second, then you can be somewhere at the third position."

"Heh," Tommy glared down at Illyana, seemingly contesting for the position.

"Did you kill Hela? So soon?" Lavena looked at him with a strange gaze.

"She? No, she escaped? Someone helped her escape. Some kind of Sorcerer, I think. I would have gone to see if not for being in Dormammu's domain."

"Oh, so you do have a brain," Illyana was almost surprised, seeing him in a new light.

"No, something is wrong?" Lavena furrowed her brows, "It's not like Dormammu. He's a Cosmic Conqueror; all this seems too fine-tuned. Whoever is behind this knows what they are doing, and I even have someone in mind."

"Mephisto," Illyana sat up when her voice was followed by Frigga's, "Mephisto?"

Lavena got on her feet, "Yes, Dad warned us that Mephisto has been recently active, but why Dark Earth. Why send Hela there."

"Hela is the Goddess of Death, and she will thrive in a place like Dark Earth," Frigga furrowed her brows, "But there's more. She'd try to conquer it with Heroes from Earth, and now Hela and Mephisto must have his forces and your brother who has been working in shadows. There is a chance other parties are involved."

"He wants an all-out fight until everyone is tired and taken out so he can take all the spoils of victory," Lavena closed her eyes, thinking.

She rubbed her eyes, questions, "If I was Mephisto and wanted to add another party to this battle, then I would choose...where?"

"The other Asgard?" Thor confusedly asked.

"No, the other King Odin is strong, and the problem was dealt with, and Billy wanted Loki. The guy who knows every place in Asgard...if I am not wrong, Loki is in the other Asgard, just in case."

"That...that makes sense," Frigga furrowed her brows, "Then what other places that could be targetted by Mephisto?"

"Earth?" Tommy guessed when Lavena narrowed her eyes, "Watchdogs, they have become active about three years ago. When Dad said that Mephisto became active...that can't be a coincidence."

"Watchdogs...are those guys that hate superhumans?" Illyana tilted her head, "If I wanted to attack...and if I wanted to target superhumans...then I know just where to find the easiest mark."


"We need to hurry!!" Lavena became worried when Frigga spoke, "Even if that is the case...then it must have started by now. They must have initiated their attack; it might even be over."