Chapter 11 The Arena

Hey guys, Star Vids here! sorry for not being able to write a chapter last week. I apologize on my behalf but last week. I dealt with a death in the family so I had to go to a funeral on short notice, so it was my fault not to ask Jek0306 to let you guys know that we wouldn't be able to publish a chapter last week. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy this upcoming chapter and God bless.

Aio jumps forward and punches the oncoming wolf in the snout. A shock wave is sent out and dust is flown into the air. The wolf stops in his tracts and falls down, knocked out. The dust settles and the other kids see Aio standing over the wolf, with his whole body covered in glowing blue energy. Aio brings his fist up and looks down at it.

"Nothing will stop me from my revenge now that I've mastered the first layer." Aio thought to himself before noticing another criminal and jumping over and punching her in the face instantly knocking her out. Another one runs in behind using a vine sword he made to try and stab Aio. Aio turns around grabs the sword, and pulls the criminal towards himself before kicking the criminal back forty feet. Aio smiles enjoying the power that he has at his fingertips, he is punching, kicking and slamming criminals down with ease. Having the first layer lets him be nigh invulnerable. He jumps up high into the air and comes down punching the ground around five criminals and sending them flying into the air taking them out of the fight.

"Oi, come here boy and let me teach you some manners, it looks like your mummy didn't do her job." A criminal says, in an English accent, holding an energy lance. Aio walks towards him.

"What did you say?" Aio asks, still walking, clearly disturbed.

"Did you not hear me? Are all your brothers and sisters as dumb as you are, ya twit? Your mother clearly did a horrible job raising you guys!" The criminal yells while swinging his lance down onto Aio. A shock wave is made, kicking up dust. Jake sees what is happening and yells out to Aio, thinking he's hurt. As the dust settles, Jake sees Aio on his knees, blocking the lance. Aio grabs the lance and stands up facing the stunned criminal.

"You're dead!" Aio screams full of hatred, his face burning with anger. He then punches him across the arena, and runs forward catching him and throws him against the arena wall and starts to punch him more. Aio then kicks him to the other side of the arena, he runs and meets him mid-air and kicks him back to the side of the arena. He starts punching the criminal into the wall, over and over again. Jake runs forward and stops him from killing him.

"Aio stop, it's not worth it. If you kill him, it's the end of everything you are working toward." Jake says. Aio pauses, taking deep breaths as if to quell his anger. And stares down the bloodied criminal, his face severely disfigured, swollen, and full of terror.

"You're lucky." Aio says, walking away to beat up more people. Jake turns around to see a girl crawling away crying in terror, trying to get away from a criminal with sharp teeth and claws. The criminal is laughing clearly enjoying what she is doing. Jake jumps in between them and creates a barrier to shield them.

"Run away, cutie." Jake says, the girl thanks him profusely and runs away. Jake stands up and removes the barrier and looks at the female criminal.

"You disgust me." Jake tells her. He then, using all his focus, throws a punch that misses her.

"You mi..." The criminal starts to talk, then a huge fist made of rock forms and hits the criminal and knocks her out. Jake is almost laughing.

"That's the point, homie." Jake laughs and runs to help another student. He saw Clarissa getting surrounded. She was holding her own while throwing crystals at her enemies, but she was getting overwhelmed. Jake ran in and made a shelter around them.

"Hey, what's up girl. If you haven't noticed, I'm kinda flirting with you, cause I think you're hot."

Jakes says in a flirty voice using the smolder. Clarissa looks at him in disgust.

"Gross, I'd rather take your hot headed friend over you. Get away from me, I'm doing fine by myself." She says in disgust.

"Now that just hurts, I love my boy Aio, but that just hurts." Jake says almost sounding offended. "I came to you and laid out my feelings and you broke my heart." Jake starts to shed fake tears. Clarissa just has a deadpan expression.

"Okay, I'll stop gorgeous." Jake says and turns the shelter into tiny projectiles and shoots them out taking out all of the criminals around them and then runs off winking at Clarissa, while she rolls her eyes.

"Call me!" he shouts out getting ready to help out more people. The ostrich legged kid runs by him laughing as he always is. He jumps up and runs on the criminals head and knocking them out as he hits each one in the head. Ros looks at him at first confused then shakes his head in disappointment. Ros then turns his attention to the group of men running at him, he shoots a sound wave at them and blasts them away with ease. He just walks around blasting anyone in his way and those who dare attack him. A criminal runs up and grabs Ros from behind and trys to stab him.

"Bad idea." Ros says and grabs the criminals face and puts a sound wave into it. The man screams and falls over unconscious. Ros continues to walk around taking down people with ease wondering if he'll find someone worth a challenge.

A girl is running away from a bear armed criminal. He licks her blood off his paw.

"Delicious, I think I'll have some more." He says sinisterly. He continues to walk towards her as she frantically tries to run away bumping into people left and right. She runs into Dark Void.

"Please help me, he'll kill me." She pleads, still crying, as she slides to her knees. The bear armed criminal walks up to them.

"Great, now I have two people to taste." He said almost in excitement. Dark Void sucker punches the criminal and knocks him down. He then grabbed the girl by her collar and pulled her to his eye level.

"Man up, or get out of my way, incompetent fool." he says as he throws her aside. She sits there on her knees crying wishing she was anywhere else but there. Dark Void refrains from using his powers and sticks to martial arts. He grabs a criminal by the head and knees him several times in the face and throws him down. Dark Void was burtal with his strikes, but careful to never use his powers. He strikes a criminal hard in the face and feels it break under his fist. He lets him fall down and feels satisfied.

Chase and Merry Eden are fighting and are at ease. The challenge that was in front of them presented no difficulty. Chase was in his beast form biting, crunching, and whipping his tail around taking out all around him. Merry was using her immense strength to send criminals flying across the arena with ease. She still has her childish joy in her, this freaked out Chase.

"Will you ever stop smiling! It's freaking me out!" Chase yells as he uses his tail to take down three criminals. Merry just smiles and counties to punch.

"Seriously stop it, or I'll throw you!" Chase threatens her with a low growl.

"I can't, I just can't stop being happy." She responds laughing. Chase then grabs her with his tail and throws her across the arena at several criminals taking all of them down. Merry was ecstatic and laughed the whole way.

"Thank God I got rid of her, she was really getting on my nerves." Chase thinks as he goes to dispatch more criminals. As he starts to swing his tail, every criminal gets shocked by the collars they wore around their neck and fell over unconscious.

"This exam has ended please exit the way you came in. If you need first aid please head to the infirmary." Miss Flare announces over the intercom. Aio slightly out of breath walks out and sits down on a bench, Jake follows right behind him.

"How did it go man?" Jake asks.

"It felt good to finally hit something." Aio answers.

"I just wanted you to know I was angry about what was said about our family, but you need to control yourself. But thanks for defending our family." Jake says, and he saw a slight smile come from Aio. Several nurses and Raquel walk by to tend to more severely injured examinees who weren't able to get out of the arena, and to the criminals who were injured in the arena. The police on the campus took the criminals out of the Arena, who weren't into the door where they originally came out of.

"Please stand by for the top ten exampees for this exam. This exam was scored by how many criminals each examinee was able to take out, and who was able to handle themselves in specific circumstances and situations." Armed announces right before the list was posted on the TV with the number of criminals each one took out.

1. Aio Nelson - 28

2. Ros Miller - 27

3. Chase Grogan - 25

4. Merry Eden - 25

5. Dark Void - 23

6. Jake Smith - 20

7. Clarissa Blair - 19

8. Ami Ito - 17

9. Miku Kazami - 13

10. Jay Fowler - 11

Aio smiles at the ranking, he beat Ros and won first in the exam. He was pleased and it brought him joy, thinking how mad Ros might be coming in second and losing to him. Jake was just happy that he got in the top ten. Chase was very annoyed that he tied with Merry. She came up to him and hugged him and jumped with joy for tying with him in numbers.

"This is the worst. Not only did I have to tie with this brat, but I also lost to that guy Aio." Chase thought to himself. He walked away to be alone with his jealousy.

"Yay, finally I got in the top 10. Jay Fowler tenth, yes that is me." The ostrich legged boy says laughing with excitement. Every other examinee who didn't get in the top ten was on edge, they knew that half of them would be cut and not make it into the school.

Miss Flare and Armed leave the broadcast booth and walk down the hall. They open the doors and to a well lit room with a round table with several other the teachers and Ace heroes who acted as judges. They sit down. Miss Flare looks at all of them and intertwines your fingers on top of the table and simply asks.

"So who made it?"

Next Time, Chapter 12 Results...