Chapter 15 The Attack

The icicle came down and hit Aio in the chest and shattered, for he had his first layer encircling his body.

"What?!" Frostbite yelled. "That's impossible!" Aio didn't respond he just punched Frostbite and tackled him. Frostbite fell down, when he hit the floor he yelled out in anger and four more men came out to attack the students. The students were stunned, very few were prepared to defend themselves in time for the new attack. Dark Void kicks one of the new criminals in the face and pulls Aio off Frostbite to get him back with the group and to make sure Frostbite gets away.

"That's the last time I'm saving you from being stupid." Dark Void tells Aio. Aio just looks back annoyed and confused. The students were backed up against the locked doors with little hope of escape. Aio looks around and sees most of the students scared, a few were even crying.

"Where are the teachers!" one student screams out.

"Come on guys, fight or die!" Aio yells out. He then runs at the criminals first followed closely by Jake, and superman punches the first guy while Jake is blasted away by a stream of water shot out by one of the criminals. Aurora turns into wind to gain speed and turns back into herself and body slams a criminal. Dark Void relies on his martial arts to fight and abstains from using his powers. He jumps to Aurora's aid when the criminal she body slammed gets back up and turns his hands into giant hammers and tries to hit her. He blocks the hit and punches the criminal in the face stunning him and pulling her away. She tanks him and hugs him to his surprise He then pulls away and quietly slips away from the fight without anyone noticing.

The three remaining freshman classes come down from the stairs to see the commotion, when they see it they join in the fight. The freshmen were not prepared for what they were facing, most students were not doing well and were being severely injured and some were even killed. Jake although he was trained well couldn't overcome the overwhelming power of the criminals. Other students like Clarissa and Aurora were tiring from the constant exertion of their abilities. Aio was one of the only students who was able to possibly hold his own against one criminal, because of his force field abilities, his very limited experience, and his training. He is still struggling, he is over concentrating on what he needs to do while trying to remain aware of his surroundings. Aio is thinking through everything that needs to be done so he doesn't make a mistake.

"Ok, I need to keep my first layer away from my skin, and punch him"

"Block this strike, and punch back."

"I need to punch the criminal coming up from my right."

"Is my layer staying away from my skin?"

"I need to check behind me now." Aio was thinking so much he didn't notice a criminal walk up behind him. At that moment the criminal strikes Aio and dazes him. Aio is sent flying and two other criminals strike him to the ground. The criminal walks up to Aio, picks him up and throws him into a corner and proceeds to punch and beat him. All Aio can do to defend himself is to hold up his arms and try to block each punch, but the effort is futile. Before long Aio's first layer fails him when it touches his skin and explodes burning and dazing him. The criminal stops.

"Frostbite! He is all yours." The criminal yells out.

"Good job Powerhouse." Frostbite replies walking over while trying to avoid the bodies of the downed students, there were very few still standing. Frostbite picks Aio up by the throat burning him with his ice cold hands.

"I've been waiting a long time to do this, your death will not be quick I will make it slow and the most painful thing you will ever face. I will make you beg for death." Frostbite whispers into Aio's ear. He forms an icicle and carves his brother's name into Aio's chest and stabs him. Aio's scream was blood curdling. Frostbite forms another icicle and prepares to plunge it into Aio's chest again.

Across campus the teachers are being blocked from aiding the students. Several A ranked criminals have infiltrated the dorms of the teachers who lived on campus. The principal is leading the attack, he has two energy pistols and an energy suit. He channels energy into his suit to give himself strength and stamina and protection, and he channels energy into his weapons to power them.

"Teachers focus on protecting the information servers and getting to the students, don't get distracted by the random bombs going off they're just there to distract us." Timothy Rogers, the principal, shouts out, the teachers around him run out to fulfill his orders. "Flare get over here!"

"Yes, Gunslinger." Flare shouts when she gets to him.

"What's the status of contacting the teachers and guards who live off campus." Gunslinger asks Flare.

"Someone blew up our communications hub, and set up a radio frequency jammer so we can't make any calls out." Flare answers.

"Someone went through a lot of trouble to attack, this is too well planned." Gunslinger replies. "Go get Raquel, and try to make it to the students they need help and will probably need medical attention."

"Will do sir!" Flare responds, as she runs out to find the school medical staff. Two criminals run up at her, she creates a huge wall of fire and stops them in their tracks while she gets away. She didn't have time to deal with them she had a job to do. Gunslinger runs at them and he shoots out blue energy projectiles from his energy pistols. The pistols are long, metallic and have capacitors in the center to house the energy that Gunslinger poured into them. The guns have glowing blue lines that went throughout the pistols when they were charged. When the energy projectiles hit the criminals it burned them, while the concussion from then projectiles ruptured their organs and broke bones, while the energy overloaded their nervous systems and killed them. He then runs up to rescue a few teachers who were struggling to fight off a criminal. He shoots out a volley of shots at him, but the criminal manages to dodge them. Gunslinger runs while still shooting at him trying to corner the criminal. When he finally cornered him, Gunslinger runs at a wall to jump off of it and uses it to get the perfect vantage point. He shoots the criminal dead center, the force of the shot pushes the criminal back a bit and knocks him off his feet, he dies instantly.

The man who planned out the attack was walking through the hall towards the information center, he rounded a corner to where it was located and found a teacher standing in his way.

"Who are you." The teacher asks.

"If you must know, my name is Vendetta. I am Shuhluht's vendetta on the world" He replies.

"You must be crazy." The teacher says before summoning lava from the ground. Vendetta runs and jumps off the walls and dodges the lava, when he gets close he pulls his sword and cuts the head off of the teacher. He then enters the information center and murders all of the support staff, either with his sword or his guns. He then grabs the information he needs and leaves.

Anima is at home with her family she is holding her six month old daughter, her husband is tucking in their two other young children. She starts to feel strange, something is wrong she runs to where her husband is and frantically asks about the kids.

"Ron are the kids alright?"

"Honey they're good, and already asleep. Are you okay?" Her husband asks back.

"Yes, but something is wrong I can feel it." She answers back.

"I'll call the school, they will know something." Ron says while trying to comfort her.

"I'll get my sister to watch the kids." Anima says while setting the baby in her crib. Ron grabs his phone, but can't get through. He then opens the closet and gets his suit.

"I can't get a hold of the school, I'm heading over there to see if everything is alright." Ron says.

"Okay, I'll wait for my sister and head out when she gets here, be careful." Anima says. She then kisses her husband tenderly.

"Come on Rachel, I'm always careful." Ron says before jumping out the window. Rachel just stands there for a moment then dresses into her uniform.

Back at the freshman dorm, Frostbite is torturing Aio and all of the freshmen were defeated. Jake is crawling towards Aio but he is so badly beaten that he could barely move his arms. Out of nowhere the walls burst open and Saxon, the top senior walks in. When he sees Aio getting tortured and the freshmen all on the ground either dead or hurt he gets angry and attacks the criminal closest to himself, the hammer handed one. He liquefies the metal in his suit to create armor All around him and then he creates a metal staff to use as a weapon. He easily takes down the first one. His metal armor could stop every attack with the hammer, and a couple hits with the metal staff took him out of commission. but when Powerhouse attacks Saxon couldn't do anything that would slow him down. Saxon, at first was withstanding the punches, soon was getting overwhelmed and started to waver. All hopes seemed lost, but Right ran in at super speed using the momentum combined with his super strength to knock Powerhouse down and precedes to beat him until his face was bloody and Eight was sure he wouldn't get up again.

"Good job, but it's time to focus on the remaining three." Eight said to Saxon. Saxon approaches Frostbite while Eight fights the other two. Frostbite begins to throw icicles at him, but they shatter on his armor. Frostbite only gets angrier with that and forms an ice staff. They begin to fight, both equal in skill, but Frostbite couldn't get through Saxons armor. Saxon then shatters Frostbites staff and starts to beat him and tries to get him to submit, but Frostbite won't. Frostbite then grabs Saxon's leg and begins to give him an ice burn. Saxon yells out in pain and stops and falls over grabbing his leg. Frostbite looks over at the other criminals and sees them subdued. He then runs out and gets away.

Raquel and the medical staff come through the door with Flare. Flare runs to Aio and holds him, trying to comfort him. The medical team immediately start first aid on the students, Tak was the first one to be healed. Tak runs out to find Frostbite, and wants revenge. He runs until he enters the gym He walks him slowly and hides when he sees Dark Void talking to Frostbite. Dark Void then touches Frostbite, and Frostbite begins to scream, but it stops suddenly and he falls over dead.

Next Time, Chapter 16 Recovery...