Chapter 22, Revelations

"I Am Overdose!" He Roars, and charges at Dark Void, Jake, and Aio. Aio takes a stance, ready to fight, and throws a punch at Overdose. It doesn't work. Overdose grabs his hand and begins to crush through Aio's first and second layer to his hand and as he screams, Overdose then throws him through the warehouse wall. Dark Void rolls out of the way, while Jake throws a spear he made from the cement. The spear breaks on Overdoses skin, but a blast from Dark Void knocks him to the side and Aio, now recovered, energizes and body slams Overdose into the ground, but overdose does not stay down for long. He gets up roars and runs at Jake. He lowers his shoulder and body slams Jake into the wall. Dark Void creates, and throws a couple energy spears at Overdose and then shoots a beam of energy at him. Aio takes the opportunity to punch Overdose in the face while he is distracted. As Overdose goes down, he backhands Dark Void across the warehouse, and through a wall. Jake runs over to provide help to Aio. He forms a huge sledge hammer and hits Overdose into the ground over, and over. Dark Void runs up to the others limping, but ready to fight and shoots a beam of energy at Overdose. They finally stop to see if Overdose is dead.

"He's gotta be dead now." Jake says out of breath.

"Don't be too sure." Dark Void replies, as Overdose rises from the rubble.

"If that didn't kill him, what will?" Jake asks.

"I will." Aio answers with a straight face as he steps forward, energy surging around him.

Overdose throws a punch at the approaching Aio. Aio catches the punch, and throws one of his own, staggering Overdose. Jake and Dark Void jump in after and tackle him. He shakes them off easily and grabs Aio by the neck and tries to choke him, but Dark Void hits him with an energy blast, saving Aio. Overdose stops for a second to gather himself as do the three boys.

"You'll never beat me" Overdose roars, but out of breath, "I am invincible." He yells out as he injects himself with another dose.

"We can't beat him." Jake says, "especially with another dose."

"We can defeat him if we remember what we trained for." Aio says, looking at them.

"I was waiting for that," Dark Void replies as he walks over to a breaker box. He punches through the door to it and absorbs the electricity. The lights go dark. You see Aio starts to glow as Dark Void transfers power to him. Aio staggers a bit and leans on the wall.

"Are you alright?" Dark Void asks.

"I'm fine." Aio answers, but at the same time thinks to himself "I think that was a bit too much juice."

Jake pulls the cement from around him and makes himself a suit of armor from it. He then makes two large hands come up from the ground beneath Overdose to hold him in place for Dark Void and Aio. Dark Void runs and hits Overdose behind in the knees to bring him down. After Overdose is on his knees, Jake forms more hands to hold him down. Aio jumps in and hits him, Dark Void right after blasts him with energy. One after another they hit him. Energy blast and punches, they continue to lower Overdose to the ground and Jake forms more hands to hold him. But after a while Jake is straining to hold him down. Dark Void forms an energy dirk, and goes in for the kill, aiming for his face. Overdose breaks free and catches Dark Voids arm just before the blade goes in. He stands up and forces Dark Void on his knees. Aio comes in to rescue him and does a neon blast (A neon blast is Neons most powerful ability, he usually uses it as a finisher or uses it against his most powerful enemies) at Overdose's face. A huge bright enery beam comes from Aios hands and hits Overdose in the face knocking him back down. Dark Void is dropped and he immediately jumps back, and gathers himself. Jake creates a wall and slams it into Overdose and traps him against the warehouse wall, but he isn't there for long, he just breaks through.

"You're weak." Overdose tells the boys. "I AM POWER INCARNATE!" He roars as he injects himself with a final dose.

"I don't think we can beat him." Jake says to Dark Void and Aio, out of breath.

"I hate to agree with you, but you're right." Dark Void replies.

"Then who will?" Jake asks.

"Not us." Aio answers, " but I have an idea. Though I'm not sure if it will work. Dark Void, I need power."

Dark Void obliges. He grabs electrical wiring and transfers the power to Aio who, after a few moments, readies the biggest neon blast he has ever created, only one tenth of Neons neon blast though. It hits Overdose and sends him flying across the warehouse and he disappears into the dust.

"Woah! I've never seen you do one that powerful. Do you think it worked? Jake asks.

"I don't think so." Aio answers as he points to Overdose.

Overdose is slowly pushing rubble off himself and coughing. He stands up and walks towards the boys.

"All that and you still can't beat me." Overdose laughs as he slowly makes his way to the boys, savoring the moment.

His walk turns into a run, before the boys know it he back hands Jake into a wall and grabs Aio by the neck. Dark Void jumps on Overdoses back and places both hands on either side of his head and pours incredible amounts of energy into him. Overdose screams in pain and drops Aio, but quickly grabs Dark Void and slams him into the ground. He steps back, out of breath and tries to gather himself. Overdose looks up and sees an equally exhausted group of boys. His face turns into a snare, he takes a deep breath and charges again, It's a bitter stale mate. Overdose then feels the effects of serums start to weaken. He knows that he cannot last much longer. He knocks back Aio and Dark Void and runs away while Jake stands stunned at the sight of him running away.

A couple of his lieutenants rush up to him.

"Sir we have heroes attacking us!" They tell him.

"Hold them off for my escape!" Overdose commands them.

"Yes sir." They reply and they form a barrier in front of the escape passage that Overdose was using. Dark Void jumps up and rushes the lieutenants to distract them.

"Go get him!" He yells out. Jake and Aio race after Overdose, into the dark tunnel. After only a few minutes they enter a small room with a few guards protecting Overdose's escape.

"I'll handle this, you are our best shot at capturing Overdose." Jake tells Aio. He steps forward and forms his armor, as Aio runs forward. All he hears, as he ran forward, was the sound of screams, yelling, and fighting. He continues to run and turns corners till he hears talking. He slows down and walks quietly waiting to see who was talking. He hears Overdose yelling first.

"You never told me Aio would be that powerful! I expected Dark Void to, but not Aio!" He yells. An unfamiliar voice answers.

"I told you he was tainted, you should have been prepared." Aio grew angry and marches out to confront them. He sees an older man in an old suite with a lab coat. He had a pair of round glasses and a small locket. The man was tall and lithe, with groomed graying brown hair and a receding hairline. The doctor turns and greets Aio with a smile of crooked teeth.

"Oh good. You've decided to join us Aio." The man says to Aio joyfully, but with a hint of insanity.

"Explain yourself old man!" Aio screams at him. Overdose steps forward to fight, but the doctor stops him and speaks.

"What do you mean...boy." The man says, the last part sounded as if he had to think of a comeback.

"How do you know my name? What do you mean I'm tainted?" Aio asks yelling at him.

"You could say I knew your father. You could also say that I created you to be perfect." The man answers giggling.

"Stop speaking in riddles old man, and answer me." Aio yells in anger

"You need to learn manners boy!" The man says sternly to Aio. " But for old times sake I'll tell you. You are a tainted and I created you to be the most powerful one to even exist." The man tells all this to Aio as he pulls up him file to show him proof of what he's saying. Aio sees it, but doesn't believe it, but knows in his heart that it is true. Aio falls to his knees in shock and defeat. The another man drops down in front of the old man and Overdose.

"Vendetta thank goodness you're here...." Overdose's sentence is cut short as Vendetta pulls his sword and decapitates him. He then looks over at the man.

"Doctor you said way too much, now get out of here before I decide to kill you too." He says to the doctor before he walks over to Aio.

"Oh Vendetta, violence always the answer." The doctor says to Vendetta before walking away. Vendetta faces Aio and raises his sword and says "You know too much, Reaper won't like this."

As he swings his sword down at Aio, Jake pushes him out of the way and is stabbed through the chest by Vendetta. Aio looks in horror at an impaled Jake. He then looks at Vendetta he wants to move, but his body won't listen. Vendetta sighs and pulls his sword out of Jake.

"Another maggot I'll have to clean up." Vendetta mutters himself before he readies himself again to kill Aio. Out of nowhere Pinpoint appears and attacks Vendetta. Pinpoint pushes him back with a flurry of attacks from his own sword and it seems that he will win the duel, but Vendetta quickly gathers himself from the initial surprise and starts to push back. Then, in just a couple moves, he quickly gains the advantage, and, shortly after, he disarms Pinpoint and stabs him through the abdomen. Pinpoint falls to the ground, as Vendetta pulls the sword out, holding his wound.

"I'll have to be honest I always wanted to fight you." Vendetta says to Pinpoint. He then walks around to Pinpoints head, ready to take it off.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM!" A woman shouts out. Vendetta looks up to see that the voice belonged to Flare. He doesn't speak, instead he throws a shuriken at her. She engulfs it in fire along with Vendetta. The shuriken has a small explosive in it and she detonates as Vendetta wanted and the explosion knocks her out. Vendetta walks out of the flames unharmed.

"This is just getting annoying." Vendetta mutters to himself. As he walks towards Pinpoint again. He stops, and looks towards the far wall and readies himself for a fight. The wall blows open and Eight and Neon burst through. Vendetta then pulls out two bombs.

"You can catch me or save your friends." Vendetta tells the two men and drops the bomb then a smoke pellet and disappears. Neon rushes to Aio, who is holding Jake.

"Don't leave me Jake. Don't let me be the last one." Aio says to Jake holding back tears. Jake puts his hand on Aios shoulder.

"You're N...n..." Jake struggles to talk before his hand fall from Aios shoulder. His muscles relax and he takes his last breath.

"No, don't die on me." Aio says before he breaks down crying over his brother's body.

Next time, Chapter 23 The Talk...