
"That guy is so clingy, he's like superglue and he's a huge dick." Kyle says.

"Which guy?" I ask looking around wondering who he's talking about.

"The one talking to Mr. Allan." Kyle moves his head sideways to motion to Karter and the guy.

"What makes you think he's clingy and a dick?" I ask Kyle.

"Every year, well at least since the last four years I've been here, he just finds Mr. Allan and sticks by his side not leaving him even for a second. I bet he's into him or something and he's so arrogant. I've been forced to talk to him a few times and every time he says he earns in millions and that I could never achieve as much success as him." Kyle scoffs looking at the man Karter was talking to.

I chuckle, "You're a good observer."

"I get that a lot." Kyle smiles at me.

"Kind of creepy though that you've been noticing the guy who follows your boss around for four years now." I joke.

Kyle rolls his eyes, "Shut up Marie."