° Chapter. 18

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Jungkook stood facing the quaint window that gave him a beautiful view of the outside of Taehyung's boutique as he waited patiently for your return. Jimin had since assisted him with his custom-made suit – classic black and white, but with a blood-red, silk cravat and red-lined, diamond embellished cufflinks that gave his whole look an expensive, yet elegant feel.

"Is this what…nervousness feels like?" Jungkook pondered to himself – feeling what could only be described as tiny wings of butterflies fluttering around inside his stomach. Jungkook let a smile gingerly unfold upon his face, knowing that he was much like many of the boys he had observed in romance novels and movies as they waited for their significant other, before accompanying them on a date. Jimin stood to the left of Jungkook – doing some final touches to his own outfit in the mirror, but also secretly observing how Jungkook kept his hands behind his back and shyly twiddled his fingers. "If I didn't know any better, the Prince looks just like a normal man…is that the power of (Y/N)'s love?" Jimin wondered, thinking back to how he felt when he touched you. Jimin knew from Taehyung and Jungkook about your touch – but had never felt it directly himself until moments ago. Although it was only for a few seconds, Jimin could feel the beginnings of a change within himself; what that change was, however – remained to be seen.

It was then that Jungkook heard footsteps approaching the back door – causing him to spin around on the spot as he was fully aware of your presence. Your powerful, intoxicating aroma that always held him captive was prevalent in the air around him once more. Jimin turned to the door too – hardly able to contain his excitement to witness how Jungkook would react. And with that, the door opened to reveal both you and Taehyung as he guided you back into the main area of the boutique.

"May I present to you; your lady for this evening, Miss (Y/N)~"

Jungkook's eyes widened like two saucers upon taking in the entire sight of you. His mouth became dry and wet both at the same time as your beauty stole the breath from his lungs – leaving him speechless on the spot. You could barely keep your stare on him – half embarrassed at the whole showy ordeal, but the way he looked at you was so intense that you felt your skin was on fire. He couldn't find the mental capacity to focus on each thing about you – other than the way you practically glowed with enchantment; with the colour of the dress being ever so fitting for a woman so ignorant of her Vampire lover.

"(Y/N)…" Jungkook finally breathed as Taehyung ushered you forward by yourself.

"Turn around – let him see" Taehyung spoke softly as you obeyed his instruction – letting Jungkook feast his eyes on the thousands of sparkles that collected the lights in the room. Jungkook was never a being to be blown away by material goodness, but the way you looked in that moment – everything from the softness of your hair, skin and the way the dress hugged you in all the right places; left him absolutely decimated in the most enthralling way possible.

You turned around to face him once more, stopping before him with just a few feet laying between you both as your mouth curled into a shy smile. One of the millions of things that Jungkook loved about you was your smile – and how well you wore it, especially in front of him. Feeling rather nervous at his gaping silence, you raised your hand to your ear, tucking one of your curls behind it as you dipped your head in between your shoulders.

"So…what do you think?" you asked, a playful giddiness apparent in your voice as you avoided his eyes.

Without further hesitation, Jungkook stepped forward – almost eliminating any space between your bodies. Raising his hand to your chin and angling it upwards to his face, he bore his eyes straight into yours – almost as if he were studying you and questioning to himself if this exquisite beauty in front of him could actually be real, before his voice resounded in the air around you. "(Y/N)…you are the most…beautiful, mesmerising thing I have ever seen in all my years alive" his voice was low, husky – with an edge of sensuality. He looked at you as if you were the only thing he had ever known; and it made your insides heat up to a boiling point you never knew existed. You knew that Jungkook thought you were beautiful, for he had informed you many times of this fact. But the way he said it – with the way he looked at you in that moment, you truly felt the emotion inside of him, in every way imaginable.

"…you don't look half bad yourself" you gave him a wry smile as you reached towards his cravat, letting one of your fingers glide along the silk as Jungkook returned your grin in light of your back-handedness. "I'm just kidding; you look so handsome, Jungkook" your voice took a serious tone as you stared back at him – both of you almost completely forgetting that Taehyung and Jimin were still there, too.

"It appears that you and I may have attributed to the wonders of the world" Taehyung whispered to Jimin as he came up behind him, throwing his arms over his shoulders while giving him a warm back hug. "Normally I find moments like this sickening – but…they're different somehow" he whispered again – with Jimin nodding in response as he laced his fingers with Taehyung's.

"We can hear you, you know" Jungkook murmured to Taehyung – never once taking his eyes off you as you as all four of you shared the same gentle chuckle. You didn't even realise it, but Jungkook had since raised his hands to either side of your shoulders – ghosting them gently up and down your arms and feeling the natural warmth of your skin passing into him like a transfer of energy that he couldn't resist. You continued to let your cheeks be adorned with a pink hue, before you saw Jungkook reaching into his pocket – only to produce a black, velvet jewellery box. Taehyung gasped at the sight of it – as did Jimin, all three of you thinking the exact same thing.

"I may have had an inkling that Taehyung and Jimin were using crystals and diamonds on your dress, so with that thought in mind; I wanted to give you a gift…" his voice was as soft as a gentle breeze, causing your stomach to flutter and your heart to speed up. Jungkook smiled angelically, before opening the box to reveal the most exquisite pair of teardrop, diamond earrings on a platinum setting that you had ever seen. Meanwhile – Taehyung and Jimin almost toppled over each other in an attempt to try and get a glimpse of what was inside, with Taehyung thinking "If he gives her pearls to wear with that outfit – I'll kill him!"

"Oh! Thank goodness~ they're Cartier diamonds – for a second I thought you were about to ruin her outfit" Taehyung breathed a sigh of relief as Jimin shook his head and let out a hearty chuckle.

"Jungkook…" you finally breathed, watching him take the earrings out of the box before taking it upon himself to place them in your lobes. "You know that I don't need things like this…" you begged with a heartbroken tone.

"You don't like them?" his voice was coy as he moved to your other ear to finish placing the final earring.

"No! They're…they're breathtaking. It's just, I don't need expensive things…the only thing I need, well – is you" you bleated bashfully as you faced the floor. Jungkook grinned from ear to ear at your endearing, heart-felt words, before he took you by your shoulders and swung you round gently to face the mirror behind you. You looked up – seeing the image of you with Jungkook; thinking to yourself that you look like a pair of ridiculously beautiful royals, but you weren't able to take your eyes off the way Jungkook wasn't looking at his reflection. He was looking directly at you.

"I know you don't need them. But this is my gift to you…even though I can never match the gift you have given to me" he whispered – his words being lightly carnal and husky in your ear.

"What gift did I give to you?" you felt a small jolt of confusion pass through you, before Jungkook pressed his lips to your skin, and murmured once more.

"You've given me the greatest gift of them all; one that even the rarest, most expensive diamond in the world couldn't compare with" he kissed your ear gently, "The greatest gift is you. And you, (Y/N); you cannot be bought, for you are priceless…and I love you" Jungkook closed his eyes and pressed his lips to your temple – thinking to himself that he could care less about Taehyung and Jimin being able to witness the delicate tenderness he let bleed out of him. His words hit you like a heavy bag of bricks as you reeled your head back to look into his deep mahogany eyes that seemingly held you in the grasp of his enchantment.

"As are you, to me" you whispered – both of you smiling like stars on the darkest of nights.

"Alright, alright, enough of this lovey-dovey business; we have a ball to attend!" Taehyung interrupted both of you as he clapped his hands together and brought you both back to reality. Still feeling caught up in your sentimentality, you turned with a grin to both Taehyung and Jimin. You had already thanked Taehyung from the bottom of your heart, but this time you wanted to extend your gratitude to Jimin for his intricate crystal work.

"Jimin – I never got a chance to thank you before, but the crystals…and this pashmina are so, incredibly gorgeous" you said as you took five long strides towards him – with Taehyung moving aside slightly and Jungkook widening his eyes at your sudden movements towards the natum lamia.

"It's no problem (Y/N), I –"Jimin began, before he was abruptly cut off by you throwing your arms over his shoulders and pulling him right into your enveloped embrace. As Jimin was still only dressed in his light dress shirt – he could feel your skin through the faint material of your gown; and for a moment, he almost lost himself entirely. Warning bells rang off inside Jungkook's head as he made an attempt to sprint towards you to pull you away as he witnessed Jimin's face in the crook of your neck – his fangs fully protruded just millimetres away from your skin as a natural reflex in response to your closeness and an animalistic look present on his features. However, Taehyung moved just as quickly as Jungkook to block his path, grabbing the Prince by his wrist – both Vampires looking at each other; Jungkook glaring at Taehyung as if he had lost his damn mind.

"Wait…" Taehyung whispered to his cousin. "Watch…"

Jungkook – almost out of breath, looked over towards you and Jimin, dreading what he would observe. And; to his complete surprise, he saw Jimin's face that was contorted in woe and blood frenzy just a moment ago – was now relaxed…and he was no longer a canvas of deathly grey tones.

"What…what's happening?!" Jungkook screamed internally, seeing Jimin's skin change from its previous pigment to the colour of golden sand as the seconds ticked by. Jimin – whose body was as stiff as a piece of metal when you first hugged him, was now circling his arms around you – the back of your dress allowing his fingers to brush with your skin that kindled even the most twisted parts of his natum lamia state. His once protruding fangs had all but disappeared as they were replaced by the most genuine smile of happiness; and what looked to be like a glowing aura of radiant light, circled around you both that was only visible to the Vampiric eye. Jungkook and Taehyung – now aware of Arjana and Dmitri's presence in the room as they too felt a shift in the atmosphere, all witnessed the sound of Jimin's beating heart. In that moment, Jungkook looked to Taehyung, both of them with confused, yet wondrous and dumbfounded expressions on their face – and they both knew exactly what had just happened.

"I can't believe it…" Jungkook thought to himself, completely at a loss for words.

"Jimin…he – he's no longer natum lamia" Taehyung's eyes were wide and wild with excitement as he let go of Jungkook's wrist.

"He's…he's a full Vampire now" Jungkook concluded from the new smell and feeling in the atmosphere that radiated from Jimin. Jungkook glanced in Taehyung's direction once more, with the two Vampires passing knowing, yet enigmatic looks between each other. It was now extremely apparent to even Jimin, that he was no longer natum lamia. What was of more importance, however, was the fact that your touch – and your touch alone, had seemingly sped up the process of Jimin turning into a fully fledged Vampire; reducing it to a matter of seconds which was in theory, impossible. Your ability was also no longer just a mere mystery to both Jungkook and Taehyung; you had become an absolutely unfathomable phenomenon.

Meanwhile, being completely unaware in the bliss of pure ignorance, you continued hugging Jimin as if your life depended on it – smelling the sweetness of his natural scent as your right cheek brushed with his. You had noticed that now, he felt much warmer in comparison to how cold his fingers were when he first touched you, but you thought nothing of it.

"Thank you, Jimin" you whispered to him, your grip around him getting tighter as you felt him do the same.

"…you're so welcome, (Y/N)" Jimin's voice was as gentle as ever in your ear. "And thank you…too" he thought to himself, fully in the knowledge that you had no idea you had just essentially freed him from a hellish purgatory that you couldn't even begin to imagine. You broke the hug first, stepping back from him and cupping your hand over his cheek to smile at him once more, before nodding and turning back round to Jungkook and Taehyung.

"So – this ball, we ready?"

After saying your goodbye's to Arjana and Dmitri – with Taehyung and Jimin telling you that they'd be along shortly, you and Jungkook set off once again in the direction of the ball with both of you now dressed to the nines. Jungkook had informed you that it would be held in a grand, Grecian style event hall that was often used for business banquets and wedding receptions – making you more than excited to witness the grandeur of how the other half lived.

"There's also one other thing I thought you should know, before we arrive" Jungkook spoke up with the car fast-approaching your destination. You turned to look at him – marvelling at his handsome side-profile, hardly believing that you would be walking into this event not only as his personal assistant, but as his significant other too.

"What is it?" you asked with a smile on your face, your voice gentle as you blinked in wait of his response.

"You remember me talking about my parents before, yes?" Jungkook questioned, never taking his eyes off the road as he took a right turn at a set of traffic lights. You had both been en-route for around fifteen minutes now, with five more minutes left until your arrival. You shifted in your seat a little, thinking back to when he first brought them up at the Italian restaurant.

"Yes~ I do. Why? Will they be there tonight?" you asked, already knowing the answer as you had done more than enough research to know that his parents had orchestrated the event for many years.

"Indeed they will. My father – you already know his name, Jeon Jeonju. But my mother is Jeon Serrena. My two sisters, Hyeja and Chaewon will be there tonight with their husband's also. We'll be sitting with them at the top table…is that okay with you?" Jungkook seemed to harbour a slight element of nervousness at how you might possibly react to know that you'd be meeting his family for the first time at such an event.

"I mean – I'll be a little nervous because it's the first time for me to meet them but…I'm excited to meet your family, Jungkook" you gave him a smile, but on the inside you felt like you were about to walk into the viper's pit. You'd often heard others talk about the 'woes of their in-laws' and how stressful it can be to hope to live up to their expectations; especially in your situation as you were a mere commoner compared to your boyfriend and CEO, Jeon Jungkook. "I'll just be myself – that's all I can do, right?" you thought.

"You mentioned as well that Hyeja is the oldest with her own kids, right? And…and Chaewon…" you thought back to Jungkook's words in the restaurant – "Unfortunately, Chaewon and her husband…well, they are still trying to bear children"

Jungkook gave you a faint smile. "You remembered" he looked over to you, feeling rather warm inside that you seemed to retain every single piece of information he ever gave you about his life. "Yes, Hyeja is older than Chaewon, and I am the youngest child" he nodded as he began slowing down his speed.

"You're the baby of the family~" you reached over and gently took his cheek in between your finger and thumb – your words making Jungkook smile uncontrollably as he had never heard himself being described in that way. Jungkook portrayed the physical image of a thirty year old man – so to a human, it would seem that he was in the prime of his life. But in reality, he would be celebrating his four-hundred and first birthday this year; which in Vampire terms, meant he was still extremely young. His eldest sister, Hyeja –sat at nine-hundred and eighty-nine years old; with Chaewon being a middle ground of six-hundred and forty-two. However, Jungkook's parents – the King and Queen of the Eternal Kingdom, started their royal reign and family much later in their Vampiric lives compared with other Vampires. Jungkook's father, Jeonju – stood at a grand age of seven-thousand, eight-hundred and ninety-seven years old; and his mother, Serrena? A whopping eight-thousand, five-hundred and twenty-three years old.

In no time at all, you and Jungkook were pulling up outside the large, tall standing, off-white building – decked out with spirals of upward-facing spotlights that shone directly into the early night sky at either end of the plush red-carpet that led to the main doorway. You found yourself uncomfortably holding your breath as you caught sight of the paparazzi that stood in wait of the many important figures to arrive to the ball – all while you ogled the tall, Grecian style pillars that supported the front marble-arch that all helped to hold the heavy weight of the building above it.

"(Y/N)?" Jungkook placed his hand on your thigh, knowing full well that you were anxiously holding your breath from the way your heartbeat began to slow down.

"Hm?" you barely uttered a whisper, before Jungkook angled your face towards his by taking a firm, yet gentle grasp of your chin.

"Are you nervous, my love?" his tender voice was soothing – but not enough to calm your thoughts.

"No! I…" you trailed off, seeing Jungkook raise an eyebrow at you knowingly. "Yes…a little. It's just…the cameras and the people. I know that the pictures get published to the Forbes magazine and whatnot. It's kind of all new to me…" you looked outside once again, letting your anxiety of the whole situation almost get the better of you. Jungkook sighed as he moved his face closer to you – taking you by complete surprise as his lips found their way on to yours. For a moment, you were hardly able to catch your breath – feeling how warm and eager his mouth was as his kiss ranged from soft to needy gasps, making you completely forget about everything around you, as if time had truly stopped. It was then that you were thankful for Jungkook's car having tinted windows – making your private, intimate moment just that; private.

"I know that it must be a little daunting for you. But" he paused, his nose against yours as his eyes stayed fixated on you, "Just pretend that the only people there are you and I. Keep looking at me – and I won't take my eyes off you. How could I? You're absolutely breathtaking" he whispered, offering you a glistening smile that made you feel slightly light-headed. You breathed on to his lips, feeling a little more at ease at the thought of having him there with you the entire time.

"And besides" he spoke up once more as he reached over and removed your seatbelt before facing you once again, his eyes sparkling with a somewhat carnal look that instantly made you tense your body up in excitement. "After this is all over, and after I get you back home…I'm afraid the gentleman you see in me tonight will completely disappear. This dress is exquisite; but what lies in wait underneath…is all mine"

Meanwhile, as you and Jungkook proceeded to step out of the car – with Jungkook giving his keys to the valet service before both of you stood to get your pictures taken; Jungkook's mother and father, Jeon Serrena and Jeon Jeonju were already aware of their only son's presence as they both sat at the top table inside, enjoying some fine merlot in wait of their his arrival. Being the King and Queen of Vampires, they held the utmost regal power among any other Vampires in the world. Unbeknownst to you – both Vampires and unsuspecting humans attended the annual fundraising ball; as most Vampires took it upon themselves to be involved in the medical world and research of manufacturing blood to keep their thirst humane and at bay.

"My dear – it appears our son has just entered the building" Jeonju leaned over to his wife – his impeccable suit being just as wonderful as he; hair as black as the night with eyes to match and smile lines in the creases of his clean shaven face.

"Mmmh~ yes my love. I've been looking forward to seeing him tonight, it's been a moment too long" Serrena leaned back to brush cheeks with her husband, her long, wavy, raven hair that was swept over to the side cascading down her virginal white dress, with black appliqué flowers that travelled from her shoulder down to her foot. "And it appears that he has brought another one of his human escort lady-friends – this one smells quite delightful, however~" she purred kittenishly into his ear as both of their eyes sat in wait of the doors to open at any moment.

Jungkook kept his arm tightly locked around you as you both made your way into the building – hearing the paparazzi shouting "Hello Mr. Jeon! Pose for a picture Mr. Jeon? Can the lady turn to the left a bit? Perfect!" as you both stood to grant the photographers the pictures that would be printed fresh in the magazines and papers come Monday morning. You felt rather embarrassed about having to stand and smile while a million flashes went off in your face – but upon looking to Jungkook, he looked somewhat like proper model material as he deftly adorned a professional businessman-like smile on his face that both dazzled and dizzied you.

After finishing with the paparazzi, Jungkook placed his hand on the small of your back as he ushered you in through the front doors where you were both met by two doormen – one at either side who greeted you both.

"Ah, Mr. Jeon – it's a pleasure to see you again. Shall I proceed with the usual announcements?" the taller of the two men to your left addressed Jungkook as the one on the right smiled and offered you his respectful inclinations. You tilted your head slightly as you looked to Jungkook. "Announcements?" you gave him a confused blink.

"Proceed with my usual titles, but may I ask that this time, could you please include the name of my partner?" Jungkook put emphasis on his use of 'partner' that still made you smile every time you heard it as he gave your arm a loving, reassuring squeeze. In previous years, Jungkook never would have announced the name of his female companion as essentially - she meant nothing to him other than for show; which she was always well aware of as well. Jungkook never mixed his business with pleasure…but, since then, Jungkook had found you to call his own.

"Oh! Absolutely Sir – how would the lady like to be addressed – Madam?" the man looked to you, holding a leather-bound black book that held all the names of the guests that had been introduced to the ball that evening.

"Uh – just Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is quite alright, thank you Sir" you replied with a nod as he diligently took down your name in his book.

"Lovely – thank you very much Madam. Are we ready to go?" the man extended his arm in the direction of the imposing, ornate-white double doors that obviously led into the main area of the ball. You felt positively overwhelmed – being called Madam, being attached to Jungkook's hip as his partner and looking like you had come from a long line of rich and famous business families as you felt a small sweat begin to appear over your shoulder blades.

"Sweetheart" Jungkook leaned down to your ear. "Everything is okay – I promise you. I've got you, alright? There's no need to be afeared – you're safe" a heavenly smile danced on Jungkook's lips as he took your hand in his. "There are a few steps that lead down into the ball. The man there – Ryouku, will introduce us both upon opening the doors, to which we will stand for a few seconds as the guests look up to us. Then, we will descend the staircase and make our way to the top table" he quickly informed you as you both began following Ryouku towards the doors.

"The guests look up at us?" you repeated, already being able to feel eyes on you – yet not even being present in the room with them.

"Yes, but remember – I'm here with you. It's nerve-wrecking for me, too. So I'm glad you're here with me as well…" Jungkook told you somewhat of a little white lie to calm you, but his gentle, soothing tone seemed to have an effect as you took a deep breath – both of you standing before the doors. "All you have to do is smile, hold on to me…and the rest will come naturally. Don't worry about a thing – okay?" he whispered as his arm snaked around your waist from behind, pulling you closer towards his body before you placed your own arm around his waist, too. Jungkook knew from your vitals that you were absolutely terrified – and that was putting it lightly. He understood that you were not used to this side of his life, but he knew that he would be there – right by your side to protect you and offer you a sense of safety; even in the faces of many curious eyes wondering as to who this human woman beside the Royal Prince of the Eternal Kingdom was.

You and Jungkook both looked forward as the double doors opened – letting you feast your eyes on the marvellous interior filled with the elegant guests below you; some sitting around their tables and some standing to chat with various others. But the moment you both took a step inside – all eyes were on you.

"May I present; Mr. Jeon Jungkook – CEO of Jeon Corporation, son of Sir Jeon Jeonju and Lady Jeon Serrena…and his partner, Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Ryouku's voice rang loud and clear throughout the room thanks to the microphone system set up for announcements. Your face automatically donned an embarrassed smile as you noticed all of the guests instantly looking up towards you both – their eyes scanning over every single inch of your demeanour and presence.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" you repeated over and over in your head as you tried to avert your eyes away from their gaze to look up to Jungkook – who was already looking directly at you.

"Shall we?" he held his hand out to assist you in your heels to begin walking down the marble staircase to join the other guests. You swallowed hard, praying to whatever god that was listening in the hopes of you not taking a tumble down the steps and embarrassing yourself into the next century. However, with Jungkook's assistance, you made it to the bottom with ease as you held your dress up slightly to allow you clear vision of where your feet placed themselves below you.

Across the room, Jeonju and Serrena - who had since stood up and moved to the front of their circular table to greet their son, both watched you and Jungkook with more than intrigued eyes.

"His partner?" Jeonju conversed in a low tone to his wife – both of them smiling and showing face to the other guests in the room.

"My, my. I was expecting Jungkook to turn up with one of his usual companions. This…is quite a surprise, isn't it my darling?" Serrena raised her eyebrows as her eyes glided down your dress – knowing exactly who and where you got it from.

"She obviously means a great deal to our son, Jeonju" Serrena whispered as she folded her hands in front of her – watching Jungkook pull you closer to him as you both waded your way though the many guests that stood to greet him.

"Yes – I could smell it the moment the doors opened" Jeonju held back a slight scoff at the notion of his own son mating with a human.

"Mmm. That's not what I was referring to my dear. Her dress was made by none other than our dear Taehyung…" Serrena's eyes twinkled. "Jungkook wouldn't have gone to all the effort for her if she wasn't special to him…and neither would Taehyung – especially not for a mere human girl. Curious…" she concluded.

"What does that have to do with anything my love?" Jeonju angled his head in Serrena's direction after watching Jungkook grip you tighter – always keeping you within his grasp as you were both almost at the three, small steps before the top table.

"Oh Jeonju, come now. You have eyes – yes? Can't you see the way our son is holding this creature of beauty?" Serrena softly spoken voice murmured to her husband as she looked him in his eyes. "His body language screams 'protector.' He's making every single Vampire and human in this room aware that she belongs to him~" she grinned wickedly, making Jeonju chuckle in turn.

"It seems we're in for an interesting night, my beautiful wife~" Jeonju smiled back at her as Jungkook looked up to them both – donning a reminiscent smile in fondness of his parents.

"Let's greet our son and his…guest, shall we?" Serrena smiled back to Jungkook as they both approached you, both parties meeting the other at the steps.

"Jungkook – darling, it's so good to see you again" Serrena kissed Jungkook on either side of his cheeks while her hands placed themselves on his shoulders. You stood back a little – wondering who this absolute vision of elegance was that currently had her hands all over your boyfriend. You observed the way she held herself with such grace and opulence – the way her white dress hugged her figure in a fish-tail fashion that trailed around her feet and the way the black lace around her shoulders formed into flowers that travelled from her chest to the bottom of her dress that ultimately accentuated her entire silhouette. Another thing you noticed – was that out of everyone in the room that night…you and this woman were unique in the way she was mostly in white…and you were all in red.

"Come here my boy, long time – no see" Jeonju patted Jungkook on his shoulder as both men let out hearty chuckles.

"I don't believe you've introduced us to your guest yet, Jungkook~" Serrena's dark eyes went straight to you – smouldering and hot in her stare as you felt like the temperature in the room just increased by about ten degrees Celsius.

"Ah – yes; my apologies" Jungkook stood back as he angled his body towards you, before taking you by your hand to stand before his parents. "Mother, father – this is my girlfriend…(Y/N)"

"Mother?! Father?!" you could have dropped dead right then and there as your jaw hit the floor. "This woman is his mother?!" you took a second look at her features – almost as youthful as you.

"(Y/N) – this is my father, Jeonju…and this is my mother – Serrena" Jungkook squeezed your hand over and over in an attempt to encourage you to pick your mouth up from the ground as you stood completely dumbfounded in their presence.

"Girlfriend…" Serrena repeated in her head as she smiled directly at Jungkook. "You have a lot of explaining to do, my son" she gave him a knowing look – seeing him return one of a much similar fashion.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Jeon" you almost stuttered as you bowed your head out of pure respect for them both.

"Oh please – child, Mrs. Jeon is my mother-in-law. Call me Serrena~" she extended her jewelled hand towards you as you smiled at her gentle, soothing voice and friendly gesture. Jungkook had been waiting for this moment ever since you both stepped foot inside the chatter filled ball; for if anyone were to know about why your touch had the effect it did – it would be the Queen of Vampires. You returned her extension – hoping that your hand didn't hold a river of sweat in your palm as your skin came into contact with hers.

"Oh my goodness!" Serrena exclaimed suddenly, widening her eyes and looking straight into yours. You widened yours in turn, looking at her face go from complete shock and bewilderment to calm and loving in a matter of seconds.

"My dear, please…such formalities aren't needed. Where I come from, we aren't as reserved in our welcomes" Serrena opened her embrace for you to step into. You assumed she meant with her being Italian that it was more than okay to behave in a more endearing manner – yet she was completely accentless. You had an idea that she would possibly have a slight Italian twang to her voice, but you couldn't quite place your finger on the way she spoke. Nevertheless, you smiled sheepishly as you proceeded to hug her.

"My good god in heaven…" Serrena closed her eyes and she relished in the feeling of her skin on yours through the open back in your dress. "Well…it appears Taehyung had a reason for designing this dress in such a way…what a fox he is." She let a deviant smile spread on her cheeks. Since touching you – and since it was more than clear that Taehyung had made the gown especially for you; Serrena knew that Taehyung never did anything without a purpose. Essentially, Taehyung had made this dress not only to make you look like the radiant beauty you were, but to send a message to Serrena; and she heard it loud and clear. Jungkook knew from the look of pure ecstasy on his mothers face that she knew exactly what you were. And as Serrena pulled back, she took your hands in hers while continuing to warmly smile into your face.

"My dear, it's such a pleasure to meet you tonight. Jeonju…why don't you take a leaf out of my book and welcome our son's beloved in the same fashion?" she looked to a pensive, unsure Jeonju. He knew that Serrena was up to something from the alluring tone of her voice, and he knew that he should play along even if it were to just entertain her.

Jeonju cleared his throat as he stepped forward. "Yes – indeed, it's –" he cut his own sentence off upon gracing you with one arm around your shoulder, his fingers gliding over the open skin on your back and his face practically coming to life. "…it's wonderful to meet you…(Y/N)" you noticed a complete shift in the tone of his voice upon hugging you – much like it did with Serrena, too.

"Man…these people are weird" you thought to yourself as you stood back from his embrace – Jungkook's mother and father both radiantly smiling at you as if you were the most precious thing in existence.

"Please, (Y/N) – why don't you take a seat and I'll introduce you to my two daughters?" his father held out his arm for you to link with. You looked to Jungkook – seeing him smile and nod approvingly.

"Sure, I'd love to!" you replied, feeling a massive wave of relief wash over you. "They must like me…otherwise this wouldn't be the reaction I'd receive…right?" you concluded, before making your way over to the table with Jeonju to sit down and be introduced to Jungkook's sisters.

After you were well out of earshot, Serrena looked straight into Jungkook's eyes – still with the same grin of happiness on her mouth as Jungkook stepped closer to her; desperate for her to shed some light on the phenomena that was you.

"Mother – you felt it, yes?" Jungkook whispered quickly.

"Oh yes. I…I did indeed feel it" she replied wistfully, watching you from the corner of her eye as she witnessed her daughters undergo the same thing as she and her husband just did.

"Taehyung and I…it's a long story but – she was my P.A, and a lot of stuff happened, and we've been trying to figure out what she is and –"

"My darling son, this is neither the time, nor the place to delve into such discussions. I'm well aware of what this special creature is. And…it appears that you my boy…you have fallen in love with her" she smiled gently, caressing Jungkook's cheek with her soft, mothering hand. Jungkook swallowed – wetting his almost dry throat as he nodded, completely unashamed of his feelings for you – a human.

"We'll talk more about this later, after the ball. Your father and I will return to the Manor with you to discuss it" she dropped her voice as she went to walk over to join you both – before Jungkook held on to her arm, pulling her back slightly.

"She knows nothing of our world. She knows nothing of what she is or what we are. I have so much to tell you mother…it's…it's been eating me alive" Jungkook's voice was quick and hurried; and it frightened Serrena to a small degree to see her son so afeared.

"Yes – I could tell by her natural aura that she is not aware of anything. Don't worry my dear – everything will be discussed after the ball. For now, let's enjoy ourselves" she took him by his hand, before leading him over towards you and the rest of his family.

Soon, Taehyung and Jimin had joined you all and the hours rolled by quite pleasantly. You drank and ate and chatted along with societies highest rankings and enjoyed their conversation; however, you decided it was best to only have one glass of merlot as you didn't want to make a fool of yourself by getting nervously drunk. You had been so skittish and downright scared upon entering the room and greeting Jungkook's parents; but now, it felt like you had known them all for a great length of time as even his sisters welcomed you into their conversations about life, business and family. Hyeja – the eldest with her own children was most talkative with you, even her husband joining in upon sitting down next to her. Chaewon and her husband – the middle sister, was a little more quiet and reserved in comparison; but delightful nonetheless.

You had noticed that by now, many of the couples in the room had gotten up to dance along to the live band and orchestra that was situated at the far end of the room with the grand, marble dance floor laid out before you. A part of Jungkook, who was sitting right beside you, longed to ask you to dance with him. But deep down, he knew that everything was already so much for you – thinking to himself "Perhaps, next time" as he smiled and watched how well you got on with his family. Knowing glances and exchanged words were passed between the Queen and Taehyung – with Serrena telling Taehyung to make his way to the Manor with Jimin after the ball; as the reveal to what you truly were concerned him too. Taehyung had promptly introduced Jimin to her – informing his Queen that your touch had accelerated his lover's transition into becoming a fully fledged Vampire; to which Serrena nodded and smiled in response.

"So, (Y/N)" Serrena spoke up amidst the flowing conversation. "Do tell us – how is it working for my son? We've all heard the rumours about my son being a vicious businessman" everyone laughed – including you and Jungkook in response to her words.

"Well…it's true that Jungkook can seem a little mean to people who don't know him personally. But…actually, he's really lovely once one gets to know him" you replied with a hint of shyness in your voice as you looked to a smiling Jungkook.

"Mm~ He is his father's son after all. But my dear, you seem like the type of women to not put up with any pigheadedness?" Hyeja gave her brother a playful glare – one to which he scoffed and chuckled at in response.

"Why yes (Y/N) – especially now since you are both courting?" Jeonju added to the banter at Jungkook's expense.

"Absolutely not! He's my boss, yes…but he daren't walk all over me. Right, Jungkook?" you had every single Jeon at the table bursting into fits of laughter. For in reality – Jungkook was not just a boss, but a Prince who had respect given to him as entitlement.

"Yes, sweetheart" Jungkook replied sweetly – giving you a more than naughty look with his eyes; one that said "I'll make you regret that in my bedroom later."

As you all continued your conversation about your working life with Jungkook, to everyone in the rooms surprise; the double doors at the top of the steps swung open. At first, you didn't know why everyone at the table had whipped their heads around so quickly. "What on earth?" you thought as you followed their line of sight.

You looked up – observing four men, just waltzing ever-so-casually into the event in much the same black and white suits as most other men in the room had on. You furrowed your eyebrows together as a slight hush of silence made its way across the entire area…before you felt your heart stop altogether.

You squinted your eyes further – looking at the paler and shorter of the four men, his jet black hair that almost covered one half of his face…before you noticed; he was looking directly right back at you.

In an instant, every single Vampire in the room shot their eyes from the door to your direction – clearly able to hear your heart hammer in your chest as if you were about to go into cardiac arrest. Jungkook stood up before lowering himself down on his hunkers as he placed his hands on both of your shoulders; knowing exactly the reason why you were reacting in such a way. Your breathing was all over the place as you felt your lungs almost tighten – your blood running cold while your temperature seemed to skyrocket simultaneously.

"Jungkook – what's wrong with her?" Serrena hissed at him – glancing back and forth between the figures at the door and you.

"J-Jungkook…Jungkook" you spoke raggedly, trying your best to grab on to his arms; but all life seemed to vacate your body as you felt sick and dizzy from the sight of the man from just across the hall. You looked into Jungkook's face, letting him see the horror and terror on yours, before you spoke deathly, bone-chilling words that even see had Jungkook absolutely terrified as he tried to act quickly, but failed miserably at the fearful sight of you before him.

"Jungkook…it's him…it's him…the drawings - my b-brother…

…i-it's Dracula"