° Chapter. 27

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Pain, suffering and excruciating, mind-numbing agony entered your stiffened body in the form of Vampire venom hellishly graced upon you by Yoongi's fangs. The bite itself was torturous – even when Yoongi had ripped them clean out of you after injecting you with his poison. In many ways, it felt like you had been stabbed with two heated blades; but you never anticipated the throbbing torment that travelled to all corners of your body with each beat of your heart that carried the venom in your bloodstream. You didn't even notice the blood spilled from your neck – staining the white dress you wore in its wake. You didn't notice that you had since fallen to the floor – nor did you hear Jungkook wailing and bellowing at the top of his lungs from the other side of the room; fighting against all the odds despite being broken and weak from battle. All you knew was nothing less than pain as you felt what could only be described as acid being pumped through your system – causing your body to convulse, your limbs to seize and your muscles to lock into contorted positions on the ground.

"Is this it? Is this where it ends?" you heard yourself in your own head, wondering what would become of you. For a moment, you thought back to Taehyung's words about your body not being able to handle the change; which only brought Jimin's face into your mind, and you started seeing the faces of everyone who had touched your life in such delicate, yet powerful ways.

"Jimin…Taehyung" you knew you were screaming – but your words were nonsensical. "Cassidy…mother, father…" you lost touch with reality as you completely disassociated your mind from your body – knowing that any fight left in you was slowly fading away like an old, used up oil burner.

"Jungkook…" you longed to look into his eyes – to see his angelic face one last time, but in the midst of your struggle to try and get a hold of yourself, you couldn't differentiate left from right – up from down, nor could you hear anything…except your heart that was quickly decreasing in speed. "I'll never see him again, I won't see any of them again…and…I just want it to end" you silently begged for death, wanting nothing more than to become a mere shell of your former self; knowing that anything would be less painful than the pain you were currently being subjected to. You knew that you should keep fighting against the force that was weakening you; but what was the point? "If I live through this…I'll be under his control…Yoongi's control. He'll use me as a weapon to cause mass destruction to not only Vampires – but humans as well. Everything…everything is damned. And it's all because I wasn't strong enough. Jungkook…I love you; can you ever forgive me?" you had all but truly, given up.

Since biting you, Yoongi had let you slip from his grasp – watching you collapse on the floor as everyone in the room listened to your blood-curdling screams, your deafening shrieks and cries of aching affliction that made Jungkook's skin crawl with every wave. Each time that Jungkook tried his best to crawl to be by your side, his body was met with another forceful kick to his ribs by Seokjin – causing consumed blood inside Jungkook to escape his mouth from the brutal beating that had been forced upon him. But no matter how painful it was; Jungkook still kept trying to make his way over to you – to try and hold you in his embrace, even if his attempts were all but in vain.

Taehyung, still with Jimin in his arms, sat at the foot of the living room doors – watching the entire tragedy unfold right before his eyes – hearing your heartbeat slow, being able to sense all of your vital organs shut down one by one. "Her body is just too weak to withstand the change…(Y/N); you're…you're dying…" he bit his lip in frustration as he looked to Jimin – his skin clammy and his expression one mixed with defeat and agony. "Jimin, you tried to save her…but my brother – my only brother, he…he killed both of you" Taehyung could almost touch the life that was currently leaving Jimin's eyes as they both looked into each other's souls.

Yoongi began stepping back, not being able to take his eyes off your body as it convulsed before him. It almost looked like somewhat of a demonic possession – how your eyes rolled back, how you seemingly foamed at your mouth as you let out inaudible words of fear and confusion. "This is wrong…this isn't what the book said would happen; it said the change should be instantaneous – what's happening?!" Yoongi began to worry, furrowing his brows together as he watched your struggle diminish. "Her heart…it's…"

"No! (Y/N)! Please…please, God – no!" Jungkook roared with his face firmly planted against the bloodstained floor; as your heart finally stopped beating.

"She's –" Yoongi began.

"Master, is she…?" Seokjin piped up, still making sure that Jungkook wasn't able to go anywhere near you.

"She's dead! You've killed her!"Jungkook cried out in vain, feeling such rage and pity for you and himself manifest its way into his chest – his own heart, and his entire soul. "You bastard…I'll…I'm going to…" Jungkook whimpered as he finally took to his feet – bloodied, bruised and battle-worn in his appearance and energy while he tried his best to stumble towards Yoongi. Seokjin and Yoongi watched Jungkook as the Prince threw his fist at Yoongi's face, completely missing him altogether and falling once again to the floor.

"…she was…just too weak" Yoongi rolled Jungkook on to his back with a flick of his foot against his body – both Vampires looking each other dead in the eye; while your cold, lifeless body lay directly parallel to Jungkook's.

"My (Y/N)…my beautiful (Y/N); I've failed you I – I….I couldn't shield you or the life you carried inside you…I'm…I'm nothing" Jungkook coughed up another round of blood – gargling and almost choking on it as all he wished was to turn back time and to never have left you alone in the Manor. In that moment, Jungkook selfishly didn't care about anything else – his family, his title of being a Prince; he didn't even care about the Vampire who had taken everything away from you, everything away from Taehyung; and now himself in turn. All he cared about was the fact that you were gone – completely obliterated from the very thing you managed to give him; life. "I'll never see that smile again, I'll never hear her beautiful laugh or feel her heavenly touch… and I won't ever forgive myself" Jungkook no longer tried to hold back his tears of scornful sorrow as he wept over the loss of the only thing he had ever loved with every fibre of his entire being.

Outside on the gravel, Namjoon finally came to his senses after being hurled out the window – opening his eyes to be met with the raging storm that continued to beat down upon him.

"Namjoon! Where are you?! Get in here!" he heard the familiar voice of his master call out.

Namjoon slowly took to his feet, balancing himself carefully before steadying himself with the help of the Manor's exterior walls. The last thing he wanted to do was to answer to Yoongi's every beck and call; alas, his soul being bound to him meant that he had no choice. Reluctantly, Namjoon pulled himself back through the gap in the window – only to be met by the sight of you bleeding out on the floor; limp, frail…and unquestionably dead. What hit him next was something that he hadn't experienced for just shy of twenty years since being turned; guilt, sadness and the feeling of an imaginary hole in his heart. For when you had previously touched him prior to Yoongi sending him crashing on to the courtyard, you had returned Namjoon's feelings to him; and your death caused undeniable feelings, albeit torturous ones, to fill him to the brim. Without so much as a second thought, Namjoon immediately went to rush to be by your side – for what reason, he didn't know. But before he could successfully do so – he found himself being steered away from your body as Yoongi grabbed him away; yanking him to the left and glaring straight into his eyes.

"Yoongi…you – did you…what did you do?!" Namjoon yelled, looking back and forth between Yoongi and your body, raindrops dripping from his ashen hair that sprayed as he turned his head. Yoongi rolled his eyes, before taking a fistful of Namjoon's leather jacket and slamming him against the wall beside the broken window. "She's dead, Yoongi! What did you do?!"

"Shut the fuck up you useless vermin!" Yoongi screamed into the taller rogue's distraught face. "Shut the fuck up and help me!"

"Help you how? How am I supposed to help you, Yoongi?! You…you killed her; you…I –" Namjoon couldn't believe how things had transpired as he struggled to find the sense to allow himself to think clearly for even a moment.

"I just bit her! I didn't do anything – I bit her just like the book told me to and she just started doing some freaky shit on the ground and then the next thing I knew, she just…she just died!" Yoongi retracted his hands from Namjoon and began tugging at his own hair as if he intended to pull each strand out from the root. Namjoon watched Yoongi as he proceeded to pace back and forth, trying to come up with some way to right the wrongs of the evening; but they both knew of no way to turn back time; which Namjoon knew was the only thing that could possibly have helped his master at that stage.

Across the room, still cradling Jimin for dear life, Taehyung looked up to observe his brother; listening to him mumble over and over like a madman, before he couldn't hold his tongue any further. "I told you her body wouldn't be able to withstand it – you knew what could happen, yet you still did it anyway!" he shouted, before finally letting words pass his lips that he had been holding back for what seemed like an eternity.

"You…you destroy everything you touch…and you never learn" he whispered through his tears as he tightened his grasp on Jimin – not fearing the death that could be inflicted upon him at the hands of his own brother. "You've taken the only thing I've ever loved – the only thing I had for myself…and I'm not afraid of you any more, brother" Taehyung locked eyes with Yoongi as his elder brother came storming towards him like he was walking upon hot coals.

"Yeah? Do you wanna be next?!" Yoongi stopped right before Taehyung, watching him as fresh tears trickled down his cheeks.

"If you so wish – then so be it. But…unlike you, brother…I would never lay my hands on you. Even after everything you've done in your lifetime. Because I…I was never like you, was I? You always called me the weak one – and maybe you're right. But I sure as hell would never even dream about hurting you; despite all the hurt you caused me. And that…that is the biggest difference between you and I." Deep down inside, Taehyung silently wished for someone to put a stop to his brother – but not because he hated him; for Taehyung wasn't capable of hating anyone.

Yoongi took a long, hard glare at Taehyung – wanting nothing more than to lay him to rest; but like Taehyung, Yoongi knew that he could never bring himself to hurt his only brother. "You're lucky I can't fathom why I can't bring myself to harm you…" Yoongi sneered inwardly to himself, before turning on his heel and continuing to manically pace the entire length of the living room; something he often did when things didn't go his way. Jungkook listened to Yoongi's panicked footsteps as if they were as constant as a metronome, mixed in with the thunderous storm outside – feeling more weak than he had ever felt in all his years alive; both physically and emotionally. His breathing was shallow as he struggled to gasp for air, and he knew that he needed blood to sustain his body from blood he lost during the fight. But ultimately, Jungkook had all but given up as he panned his eyes back to your form just across from him; gazing upon your face that looked like you were all but peacefully lost in the land of slumber. In that moment, Jungkook recalled all the nights he lay beside you, watching you sleep – content in so many blissful ways…and the feeling of loosing you was absolutely too much to bear.

"Maybe we just need to wait" Yoongi finally strung together words that made sense.

"For what? Her body to decompose? Or for Jungkook's family to get here with reinforcements?" Namjoon answered back, completely unafraid of the repercussions his words might cause.

"…the next time you open your mouth – I better hear words that are of use to me; or else you'll join her. You've gotten awfully talkative since you let her touch you…" Yoongi let out a vicious growl, having no idea he looked and sounded like the purest form of a being that had been driven to complete and utter insanity through the power of greed and selfishness.

It had seemed like hours since Yoongi last spoke – but it had only been a few minutes in reality as Jungkook still found himself laying on the floor like a docile lamb, waiting to be put out of his misery. He knew that there was nothing more he could do – and he knew that Yoongi had absolutely no idea what his next move should be as it seemed like he was waiting until the last minute before his parents would arrive.

"Why do I still keep looking at you, (Y/N)? Is it because you're gone? Or is it because I wish you were still here?" Jungkook flicked his heavy eyes in your direction once again, following the trail of your once aromatic blood that did nothing for him at this stage as he rested his vision on your hand that was outstretched on the ground. It was then, Jungkook widened his eyes slightly – as he saw what he thought to be the tiniest form of life…in the form of your finger flinching ever-so-gently.

"…(Y/N)?" he questioned himself – keeping his stare firmly fixed on your finger. "Is it because of my weakened state? Am I seeing only what I want to see? Have I gone delirious?" he kept quiet, thinking that he had joined Yoongi in the realms of madness…before his eyes confirmed it to be true; as your finger flinched once more.

"She's…she's alive?!" Jungkook knew he wasn't just imagining it any more as he observed several different parts of you move only subtly – your fingers, your eyelids, your lips…but they were absolutely moving. "What's going on? I felt…I felt her presence leave this world – and I still can't feel it in the air around us all. What is this?" he searched his tired mind for answers he just didn't possess.

Very carefully, Jungkook angled his head to look back at Yoongi – watching him as he continued to babble on about how all of this was wrong and how you can't be dead; before seeing that Namjoon and Taehyung had both since caught on to your little signs of frail life. Jungkook passed confused, knowing looks between both of them – looks that went completely unnoticed to Yoongi and Seokjin; looks that said "Say…absolutely…nothing…"

You felt nothing – but everything at the same time, almost as if you were floating inside a space- time vacuum that held no gravity or matter, as you saw the darkness that was the backs of your eyelids; keeping them peacefully closed. Mere moments ago – you had felt the coldness of the wind sweeping in through the broken window; the dampness of the rain that splattered down on the floor beside you – and of course, the pain that had been surging through your entire body. But now – none of that seemed present; and instead, all you could feel was bliss.

"Am I dead?" you wondered for a second, feeling a warming sensation on your skin as you furrowed your eyebrows together – still with your eyes closed. "It feels like…like the sun?" you still were unsure of your surroundings as you used your fingers to feel the surface underneath you.

"It's soft…grass?" you felt the gentle padding of foliage beneath your fingertips – knowing that what seemed like only a few seconds ago, you were on the cold, wooden floor of Jungkook's living room. Feeling slightly startled, you shot your eyes open – only to be met with a sight that not only greatly confused you, but completely took every breath you had inside of you away.

Not knowing where you were or how you got there, you stood up straight – noticing that you were still wearing the white dress as you took in the sight of your surroundings. While you took a gasp of fresh air – you found yourself in the middle of a field filled with blooming flowers of all kinds – roses, lilies, tulips and daises to name but a few. It stretched for as far as your eye could see; and above you, sat the sun in her sky, shining down upon your skin and warming your once chilly bones.

"(Y/N)!" you heard a familiar voice call you, causing you to spin round on the spot to gaze upon a slight inclination – a beautiful oak tree in full and glorious bloom sitting atop of a small hill. But most surprisingly of all, the voice belonged to your brother, Cassidy – who was sitting beneath the tree; as if he had been expecting you.

"…Sid?!" you called out as you nonsensically began running towards him – only now noticing that you were completely barefoot, not that it mattered anyway as the feeling of the earth below your feet was a comforting one; one that reminded you of your childhood in the country, living with your grandparents. As you ran towards him, you noticed that even though you had been running for the best part of thirty seconds, you weren't out of breath – nor did you feel even the slightest bit of fatigue.

"Sid! How did you – how did I? Oh Sid…" you finally reached him to see your kid brother sitting upon a stray root of the tree, smiling up into your face as the sun's rays peaked through the leaves and shadowed his face almost angelically. You felt yourself welling up – seeing his beautiful, smiling complexion; his hair relaxed that blew in the gentle wind along with the flowers and leaves that surrounded you both. Upon walking closer to him – you wondered for a moment; "Are you real? Am I dreaming?" – before you extended your hand to caress Cassidy's cheek, feeling the delicate dewiness of his skin that both calmed and terrified you.

"Sid…how did you get here?" you asked him, but he never responded – only, he continued smiling at you, before you saw his eyes wander behind you as if to signal you towards something. Quickly, you followed his gaze to see none other than Jungkook climbing the small hill; dressed in his comfortable Sunday attire as if all three of you had decided to go for a scenic picnic in the countryside.

"Jungkook!" your voice was airy, yet excited as you ran towards him – throwing your arms around his broaden shoulders as he took you in his arms in turn…yet he never spoke; taking on the same vow of silence as your brother. "Jungkook…how did you get here? How did I get here? What happened to Yoongi? Where's Taehyung? Is Jimin okay? Was it…was it all just a bad dream?" you let question after question spill from your lips – but all you got in turn was a cherubic smile from Jungkook; his eyes gentle and gleaming as they had always been.

"Jungkook…please talk to me – I'm so confused. What is this?" you begged him – before seeing several familiar faces begin to gather at the foot of the hill; Jungkook's family – including Serrena and Jeonju, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, your mother and father – with your grandparents…and finally, Mugsy – who was being held by Jimin as every single one of them smiled to you…as if you were their sole source of happiness.

"…I'm…I'm dead, right? This…this can't be real…" you blinked over and over as you shook your head, trying your best to make sense of everything around you. Everything from how you felt Jungkook's grasp on you, to Cassidy's cheek, to the grass beneath your feet and the sun upon your skin felt real.

"…are you lost, child?"

You widened your eyes to their full capacity upon hearing a beautiful – yet mysterious voice come from behind you. The voice was one that you had never heard before, but there was a likeness to it that you just couldn't put your finger upon. It was not a singular voice of a man or a women – but it was almost like two tones put together; making the voice completely unidentifiable, but wonderful to listen to. Slowly, you bravely turned around to make eye contact with whoever was speaking to you – but upon gazing on the being, you found yourself at a loss for words.

"I…" was all you could utter as you gazed upon a being that you couldn't peg as being a man or woman – rather, the being seemed completely androgynous; you would even go as far as to say that they looked genderless in their entire form. To your wonder, the being smiled at you most angelically – their smile so heavenly and gentle that you found yourself almost smiling back – noticing their eyes to be the colour of deep, golden sand; but unlike any shade you had ever witnessed before. "I think…maybe – yes. I think I'm lost…" you responded shyly, looking back at Jungkook who continued to smile at you as if he knew of what was going on.

"That's okay, we're all partial to becoming lost sometimes – aren't we?" the being continued smiling as they stepped forward. At long last, you noticed their magnificent ground-length, blue, embroidered with white material gown that hooded their hairless head completely. If you were to take an educated guess, you would have questioned whether or not this being was a figment of your imagination – something straight out of a fantasy novel or from the realms of someone's imaginative fantasy world. But as clear as day, the being that was much taller than you stood directly in front of you with a serene, warming smile graced upon their features.

"Who are you?" you asked the first question that came to your mind. The being passed a gentle, knowing glance to the side – before looking up at the leaves that shrouded both of your heads under the brilliant, yet calming sunshine.

"Not you – not I; but we" they replied – their voice as soft as roses and their features so beautiful, it looked like they had been handcrafted by the gods. "We are sine nomine – we are the nameless – and we are pleasured to finally meet the one who will change the world when she finds her way home~"

"We? Meet the one who will change the world? What on earth are you talking about? And – where is this place? Do you know if I'm dead?" you certainly didn't beat around the bush as you really just wanted to get to the bottom of all the confusion that resided within you. You did, however, notice that the being made no contact with Jungkook and the others that stood around you – and vice versa for them with the being, too.

"Yes, my child. We. For there are no singular sine nomine. We…we are the ones who placed the first domitors on this earth; and how wonderful it has been to watch you grow, (Y/N)" the sine nomine paused to take a breath; despite the bewildered look on your face.

"This place…this place is not a place for the living – but it is also not a place for the dead, either. We refer to this dimension as 'falsum paradisum´- or perhaps 'false paradise' in the tongue you are most familiar with. Your physical body will be where you left it in your realm – but your soul has wandered to this one; think of it like a waiting room, between your world and the next. The vision you see around you is different for each person that arrives here. Ah, what a beautiful scene…but it's your true idea of happiness; and that is why you will be able to see all the ones who you hold close to your wonderful heart around you, too. Tell me, domitor (Y/N) – why did you imagine this place?" the being tilted their head with the utmost, genuine curiosity.

"…uh…well – I guess it kind of looks like the fields that surrounded my grandparents house when I used to live there. And – I can see my family and…and the person I love; well, Vampire I love…" you trailed off – wondering how the being would reply to you.

"Yes…it appears that a domitor has finally fallen in love with a Vampire after thousands of years; we wondered when such a time would come. And goodness gracious – it seems the Prince of the Eternal Kingdom has chosen you as the one he wishes to love for eternity and a day!" the being clasped their long, elegant fingers together as you looked back to Jungkook for a moment – watching the gentle breeze catch his hair, making it flutter across his forehead.

"To answer your question, (Y/N)…I'm afraid that I have good news and bad news; such is life, eh?" the being chuckled as they turned to face the field – gazing upon the figment of your imagination. "(Y/N) – the human domitor was killed by Yoongi, the rogue Vampire. But…just like the phoenix…you will rise from the ashes, my child. You were meant for greatness – and my goodness, what greatness you will bring onto the world. That is why you are here, so that we can talk for a few moments before you return to where the living belong."

"…so, I'm not human any more?" you asked, looking down at yourself to try and find any noteworthy changes about yourself – but alas, everything was the same as you had always remembered it to be.

"No, my child. You see, when Yoongi bit you – his venom that wreaked havoc upon your body then tried to overpower your old DNA. We suspect that Yoongi assumed it would work upon you just like it would work upon any other human he has turned before…but domitors don't work like this at all. In fact, when you are released from this state – you will come to know that your domitor DNA has synced perfectly with the DNA of his Vampire venom. Essentially; you are more than a Vampire and a domitor now – and it has completely rewritten your entire build up. This is why you were subjected to such an immense amount of pain, in such a short space of time"

You stood silently for a moment – the realisation of the fact that you were probably the first person ever to meet this mysterious sine nomine who was the sole creator of domitors – settling into your mind. "How do you know all of this? I mean – I didn't mean that to sound as rude as it did, but; are you from the Netherworld? Are you on Vampire's side? Where is…where is your realm?" you turned to face the sine nomine – seeing them continue to beam at you delightfully.

"We are everywhere and nowhere; and we are only on the side of those who do good - Vampire or human, it doesn't matter. We do not reside in any particular realm – for we see and know of all knowledge this world has. But – to put it in simple terms, no; we do not come from the Netherworld. In fact, the place that we and you were first created in is probably similar to what humans refer to as heaven – or a place of nirvana. But we can assure you – it's nothing like the stories in books found on earth that were written by man~" the sine nomine chuckled somewhat gracefully – their golden-sand-like eyes glistening in the sun that completely mesmerised you. "When we first learned of Vampires being stripped of their emotions; this threw off the natural balance of life that we strive to attain. Hence; we placed domitors on earth to tip the scales back to their correct position - and it worked in everyone's favour…mostly." you listened to their words carefully, finally understanding how and why domitors came to be; but something else bothered you in turn.

"…you said that…that I would be the one to change the world. What does that mean? I mean – I know that I have this…this ability to give emotion, and to help natum lamia become fully fledged Vampires; is that what you mean? To continue the work of domitors?" you ever-so-innocently asked the being, just wanting to be as informed as you could possibly be. "I'm…I'm not special. And I really don't think that I'm going to perform all these 'great things' as you mentioned. I couldn't even move when Yoongi…when he killed me" you looked to the ground, recalling how weak you had been when faced with the certain death that was Yoongi.

"Oh my dear child…" the sine nomine turned to face you – placing their hands on your shoulders that spoke so many levels of comfort to you in the most natural way imaginable. "You will be able to do much more than just return emotions and heal natum lamia from their sickness. You are a Vampire-domitor hybrid…do you know that you will now be the only being on planet earth that possess all the strengths of a Vampire, a domitor and a human – combined?" their eyes bore into yours – dazzling and dizzying you beyond belief. "We're afraid that time doesn't allow for us to talk of all the things you will be able to do – but before we depart, there are just a few things we must inform you of" the being spoke hastily, but calmly to you.

"Yoongi was wrong when he assumed that you will be bound to him. Domitors cannot be bound to anyone…especially not a domitor who is now a Vampire, too - despite his venom being the thing that enlightened you. You have no need to fear – you will not answer to him as your master."

"…well, that's good to know" you let out a half-hearted chuckle, mixed with a fulfilling sigh of relief.

"You will come to know of all the greatness you can achieve upon waking up – think of it like a link of information from us, to you. It will come naturally to you – we can promise you that, (Y/N)" the sine nomine's voice was both haunting and melodic to you as they slowly offered you several, soft blinks of their feathered lashes that lined their beautiful eyes. It was then that you actually took a moment to wonder what would await you when you 'woke up' – as you took a breath to question the being once more.

"…when I go back; I'll be faced with Yoongi again?" you asked, seeing the sine nomine nod in turn. "Do – do I have to…could I? Am I expected to – you know?" you didn't want to say the actual words you were thinking; for they terrified you.

"Are you asking whether or not we are requiring you to eliminate Yoongi?" the being asked, to which you nodded quickly in response, keeping your eyes anywhere but theirs. "Ultimately, that decision is completely up to you. It would seem – given that Yoongi has been the sole destructor of so many aspects in your life that extracting your pound of flesh would be suitable revenge. I don't think anyone would judge you unfavourably for that. But – may we offer a few words of advice?"

"…um – sure?" you didn't know what caused you to smile amidst the seriousness of the topic – but perhaps, the fact that the sine nomine seemed so calm and gentle in their nature that it soothed even the deepest worries that resided within your heart.

"To err is human; to forgive, divine" their words were powerful yet tranquil, as you mulled them over in your mind. "Whatever decision you make; we will take it as the correct one – and you will have our help and support throughout the remainder of your eternal life"

"Eternal life? Oh…yeah – I almost forgot" you felt somewhat docile and idiotic at the remembrance of the fact that you were now exactly the same as Jungkook and his family. Although, the notion of the sine nomine telling you that you were essentially even more powerful than Jungkook not only worried you, but left you questioning how your new form would affect your relationship with him. You still had many questions – would you thirst for blood? Would you be able to control your metabolism like a Vampire could – essentially freezing your youth and looking like you currently did for the rest of your days? But, however important those questions might have seemed; nothing could have prepared you for what came next.

"It's almost time to go back, (Y/N); so as a parting gift, we would like to inform you of one last thing. Although you will feel it as soon as you return…we just wanted you to have one exciting thought to encourage you in your battle upon waking up" the sine nomine took your hand and raised it to their lips, giving you a small, chaste kiss on your knuckles.

"You are now the most powerful creature – above any Vampire, domitor, human or animal that exists in your realm. The ones whom you cherish? Let them be your guiding light in the shadowy darkness that you currently face. But most of all – you have something very small, very fragile – but very powerful inside you at this moment; all of which means that throughout all things you must face from this second onwards…you will never walk alone, my child" their voice became almost evanescent, as the bright light from the sun seemed to fade. In the aftermath of their words, you looked around you – seeing everyone, including Jungkook; continuing to bear encouraging, opulent smiles on their faces, which in turn…gave you immeasurable courage for what you knew you must do.

"(Y/N), you are carrying half of the Prince of the Eternal Kingdom, and half of us inside of you in the form of a child. You, your child; and your future children, will help bring about great change in the world. You and the  Vampiric Prince, will rewrite history as we all know it" you found yourself wide eyed and in complete and utter shock at the sine nomine having just so eloquently told you that you were pregnant; but somehow, even though in any other situation you might have been confused and overjoyed at such surprising news – you knew you had a task to do…and you were hell-bent on completing it to the best of your ability.

As you stared into the sine nomine's beautiful eyes – you felt your dream-like world beginning to collapse around you; falling away into the hazy recess of your mind as you finally felt compelled to close your eyes. You had been given so much information in such a short space of time – making you feel almost sick and dizzy from having to process it all. You knew that with this information, you – and only you, could provide countless Vampires with long awaited answers to burning questions as to where domitors had come from - and who created them. Ultimately, you wondered if you had gone absolutely crazy – if you had just imagined the entire thing. But as you felt your mind settle back into your physical body; you knew that absolutely none of that mattered.

"I know what I must do…" you had concluded.

Meanwhile, Yoongi had since taken to venting his frustrations out on Namjoon – calling him every vile name known to the world as the storm continued to rumble and crash above the Manor.

"Master…there's nothing more that we can do. She's – you've killed her. If we continue to wait here for her to magically return from the dead, we'll only be met with the royal family coming to detain us all" Namjoon spoke calmly as he knew that there was some form of life inside you – but he just didn't quite know how. In many ways, all Namjoon wanted was for Yoongi to leave with him, Hoseok – who was still passed out cold at the far end of the room, and Seokjin to depart as quickly as possible; to allow time for Jungkook to regain his energy and figure out why your body had been subtly twitching and flinching as if you were fighting to survive.

Yoongi let out a sigh of frustration and anger, turning his back on every soul in the room and resting his hands upon the marble fireplace – wrecking his brains through and through. He knew that there was truth to Namjoon's words, but he just couldn't let go of the fact that he had essentially brought his own plans crashing down around him like the thunder and lightning outside. "I…I don't fucking know what I should do…" he murmured to himself, biting his lip and furrowing his brows; knowing that he must leave soon, or face certain and undeniable death by Serrena when she arrived.

Suddenly, as if from absolutely nowhere – everyone in the room felt an undeniable shift in the build up of the atmosphere. It was as if everyone's ears were being filled with deafening white noise – a vibrant frequency that filled their entire beings. Jungkook took a gasp of air as he kept his eyes firmly locked on your face…before seeing you smile.

"…(Y/N)…" he thought – full of hope.

"What the hell is that sound?!" Yoongi's voice blared as he still kept his back turned - putting his hands over his ears to try and think clearly.

"…oh my god…" Namjoon whispered, as he, Jungkook, Taehyung and Seokjin observed you gracefully taking to your feet like a swan gliding over calm waters.

"What do you mean 'oh my god' – is it the Jeon's? Have they arrived?!" Yoongi spun around to face Namjoon, ready to bolt out the door to try and make as much ground away from the Manor as possible. But instead, he was met with something that – for once in his life, left him without words.

You felt ethereal – delicately untouchable, but viciously fragile all at once as you slowly steadied yourself on your own two feet. Instantaneously, you could hear and feel absolutely everything – from the wind that surged outside, to the leaves on the trees that surrounded the Manor as they danced and flicked in time with the gusts of air that moved them. You could hear cars in the distance, you could smell millions of new and wonderful scents that you had never had the pleasure of witnessing before; but most wonderfully of all, you could feel the life that was forming inside your womb, and it gave you the most beautiful form of courage of them all. You didn't thirst – you had no pain; as if you had never been bitten at all. And more importantly, you felt such power being surged through your mind – as if your mind was a super-computer that was being subjected to the uploading and unlocking of vast amounts of information; as you continued to keep your eyes closed.

"(Y/N)…look at me…please…" Jungkook begged you silently, hardly having any strength to keep his own eyes open as all he wished to know was that you were okay, hoping with everything he had left that somehow; everything would turn out just fine. And just as if you had heard his plea, you opened your eyes…but to Jungkook's dismay, the only one your gaze fell upon; was Yoongi.

"She…you're alive?!" Yoongi whispered, not being able to tear his gaze off of your eyes that had seemingly changed to the colour of golden sand. "Her eyes are this colour? She should be natum lamia…her eyes should be blackened as she should be thirsty for her first feed…what's happening?" Yoongi questioned himself, feeling rather nervous at your beautifully insidious stare that seemed to make him feel like his skin had just been set alight.

"What the fuck is going on? Did I do it?! I've succeeded! Look – Namjoon! I did it! See? I told you that all we had to do was wait…the book was right!" Yoongi let a smile unfold on his face, despite the secret fear that inhabited his instincts – as the book he had studied only seemed to possess some details of the situation.

Everyone remained deathly quiet – even Taehyung who still held Jimin throughout his last moments close to him. "Her eyes…she's…she's a Vampire – but she's not quite like us…" Taehyung found himself almost transfixed by your presence.

"Fuck…she's actually a Vampire now?" Namjoon uncouthly thought to himself as he watched you never take your stare off Yoongi; not exactly sure how to feel within himself. However, what came next was something that shocked everyone – as you opened your mouth to speak, after another strike of lightening and round of thunder filled the gaping silence.

"I'm here…Master"

And just as quickly as you had come back to life, with you addressing Yoongi as your master; Jungkook felt as if his soul had all but truly ceased to exist.