Chapter 23 - Compensation and Fame

An old man dressed in white who was leading the group ran towards Ma Xiaotao who was lying on the floor and began to examine her. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked Mo Xie, "What happened here?"

Mo Xie responded with a shrug: "I was training at the lake when she came and attacked me. I fought her to defend myself and that was the result. Fortunately she seemed to have lost control of herself and her power was greatly reduced, otherwise I would have been dead or seriously injured."

The old man nodded and asked Professor Li, "Professor Li, take a look at her and this boy."

Professor Li agreed and checked Ma Xiaotao's injuries. "Although there are some sword wounds, it's nothing serious." He spoke before exclaiming. "Eh?! Her martial soul has calmed down and there are traces of ice and fire that do not belong to her in her body." Saying this he looked at Mo Xie who just stood there blankly with no change in his face.

The old man dressed in white was relieved by this and also surprised by Mo Xie. 'Even though Ma Xiaotao had no control over herself and her power was at best on par with a Soul King in her state, this brat still managed to suppress her. And by the words of Professor Li, his martial soul has the power to suppress Xiaotao evil flames.'

He then said: "Let's finish things here for now. Professor Li, heal them and give this child compensation." Professor Li nodded and started to heal Ma Xiaotao and Mo Xie who didn't look too hurt.

"Child, what's your name?" the old man asked.

"Answering to senior, my name is Mo Xie" Mo Xie bowed and answered.

The old man dressed in white nodded and picked up Ma Xiaotao, taking her towards the inner courtyard along with the other people as soon as she was healed. Professor Li finished curing Mo Xie and said: "This is compensation from the academy for you. Don't say anything about what happened here or you will be expelled." He threw a small wooden box to Mo Xie and disappeared in the next moment.

Mo Xie opened the box and saw a golden pill in it. "Soul Advance Pill!" Although it was the first time he had seen it, he was sure that was the name of the pill. This pill has the same spiritual power that a Rank 30 Soul Elder would need to reach Rank 31. It is even more valuable than the Mysterious Water Pill.

"Hmm... I can use it when I'm close to making my metamorphosis and speeding up the natural energy accumulation process." Mo Xie muttered and put the pill box in its storage.

He went back to his dorm and cleaned up before eating something in the cafeteria and heading to class.

In class he saw Yuhao and gave him an amused smile. "So, did you like the surprise?"

"Mo Xie, you could have warned me that the pill would release impurities from my body. I thought Wang Dong had played a trick on me when I woke up with all that stench." Yuhao answered helplessly, but Mo Xie saw the happiness in his eyes. For Yuhao, this pill was extremely beneficial for his future and caused his cultivation speed to increase by at least 4 times.

Wang Dong chuckled at the side. He had also forgotten to mention this to Yuhao and only remembered when he felt Yuhao's impurities coming out. He barely had time to leave the room so as not to be contaminated by the stench.

Zhou Yi soon arrived in the room and spoke grimly. "Mo Xie stand up."

Mo Xie dutifully did as he was told and saw Zhou Yi nod in satisfaction as she said, "You did very well yesterday. Your fight against fifth grade student 'Xu Sanshi' has already spread throughout the academy and the older students are now looking for you to get revenge."

"Eh?" Mo Xie was confused. "Why would they want revenge?" Mo Xie asked.

His classmates who were unaware of this news were shocked by Mo Xie's victory over a senior student.

"Why wouldn't they want revenge? Zhou Yi commented in a more amused husky tone. "A freshman destroyed his senior in the arena and stepped on the pride of the older students. It would be weird if they didn't try to get back at you."

Mo Xie was speechless. How petty could students at this academy be? Even if he didn't reject battles, he wouldn't have time for his training.

Then Mo Xie quickly replied, "Professor Zhou Yi, if the older students want to challenge me, tell them they must have at least one Mysterious Water Pill or similar as a bet. I am a very diligent and busy student and I cannot accept any challenge." Zhou Yi smiled at Mo Xie's response. This brat was more shameless than he looked.

"Okay, you didn't disappoint me and you brought pride to the class. I hope other students can learn from you." Zhou Yi spoke and the students' faces turned grim. You are kidding? We haven't got our third ring yet and you want to make us challenge the older students? We still know how to spell the word 'death'!

However, none of the students dared to express their thoughts. They could only be helpless, as they also couldn't be angry with Mo Xie as they couldn't defeat him.

Zhou Yi ended the subject and Mo Xie sat down again. Class had finally started. Mo Xie also recalled that from today he would start his studies at the Spirit Tools Department.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the inner courtyard.

"Ugh!" Ma Xiaotao, who had fainted, had woken up. Her eyes that were once blood red now had a pinkish tinge. She placed a hand on her chest and realized it wasn't as hot as before.

Ma Xiaotao sat up in bed and removed her mask, revealing a rather pale oval face. She looked to be in her early twenties, her facial expression slightly cold. However, she was still unable to hide her beauty, which was unparalleled enough to move the heart. While she was there, she exposed her gripping figure that resembled a ripe peach.

Beside a window, Yan Shaoze was standing looking out.

"You finally woke up!" He said in a monotone.

"Do you know what you almost got to do? If it weren't for a student using strong ice energy on your body, you would have attacked the students in the outer courtyard. Can you imagine the consequences?" he asked in a severe tone.

"I can only remember a red spot appearing in front of me and my head hurting. When I woke up I was already here." Ma Xiaotao replied.

Yan Shaoze thought for a moment with his brows furrowed. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't suppress the evil flames? This could have caused a disaster!"

Ma Xiaotao was stunned. "I thought I could handle it. I didn't think it would be so serious…"

Yan Shaoze let out a long breath before saying, "The more you suppress, the stronger it will be when it erupts. Even if you're the most remarkable genius that Shrek Academy had in the last few hundred years, you can't destroy yourself for the sake of the school. If the evil fire destroys your conscience in the future, your teacher will regret it for the rest of his life."

He looked at Ma Xiaotao before speaking once more: "I'll give you two options now. Choose after listening."

Ma Xiaotao obediently agreed.

"First option: Postpone your cultivation. Your flames are too unstable for you to continue to cultivate without ways to restrain it."

Without waiting for Ma Xiaotao to say anything, he continued. "Second option: go find the student who used the ice and fire energy in your body and stabilized your flames. If I'm not mistaken, he has a martial soul related to Ultimate Ice and Fire. He will be able to help you suppress the evil fire."

"What?! Ultimate Ice and Fire? How can someone possess two ultimate elements? What is the name of this student?" Ma Xiaotao asked, shocked. A martial soul with the Ultimate Ice and Fire attribute is a supreme martial soul that has never appeared in the continent. If this student really had such a martial soul, then her problem could be practically solved.

Yan Shaoze smiled and replied, "He's a freshman this year named Mo Xie. I also almost couldn't believe it when I saw his information. He is 11 years old and is already a Rank 36 Soul Elder. He is enrolled in Zhou Yi's class 1. Elder Xuan found and recruited him while he was coming back from some matters."

Ma Xiaotao opened her mouth in shock. "Professor, did you say he was the one who stopped me this time?"

Yan Shaoze nodded and explained the events. The more she listened, the more shocked she was. An 11 year old Soul Elder completely suppressed her in her mad state. She already evaluated herself very well, as she knew how excellent her talent was. But even she felt inferior when compared to Mo Xie.

Yan Shaoze smiled in amusement at the blow his disciple took and said. "Get some rest and recover. You can look for him later. If you like him, wait until he grows up and marry him."

Ma Xiaotao's charming face turned red. "I don't want to get married, much less someone I don't like because of his martial soul! Plus he's much younger than me."

Yan Shaoze rubbed his head. "Silly girl. Your emotions can be cultivated, but you only have one life to live, much less given the talent you have. In this world of spiritual masters, a difference of 8 years doesn't mean much." He continued talking to Ma Xiaotao.

[Author's Note: If I'm not mistaken, Ma Xiaotao is 19 years old in that part of the hystory. Comment if i'm wrong with her age and i will fix it!]

The day went by quickly and soon the afternoon class also ended.

Mo Xie was now heading to the Spirit Tools Department.

"You finally came!" Fan Yu said in a dry tone.

"Sorry for the delay, professor!" Mo Xie apologized and greeted He Caitou on the side.

"Come on, I'll show you now the world of Spirit Tools." Fan Yu took him into a room and began teaching him.

Time flew by during the teaching.