Chapter 26 - Freshmen Evaluation (2)

The next day Mo Xie continued to win his battles and entered the semifinals. As in the original, Yuhao was defeated by a Soul Elder and Xiao Xiao got injured so that Wang Dong could take him down.

Mo Xie was wondering if, because of his presence, Yuhao would have to fight Dai Huabin sooner with Xiao Xiao out of combat or he would be his opponent. However, he didn't care about the result. Whether he faced Yuhao or Dai Huabin, Mo Xie would simply defeat them, even if he didn't care much about the champion's title.

The day after, all semi-finalist teams would draw their opponents. Yan Shaoze was personally presiding over the draw.

"Greetings, youngsters. I'm Yan Shaozhe, the 261st Dean of Shrek Academy." He had an extremely warm temper and gave the impression of being just an ordinary man.

"Usually, it's not necessary for me to personally watch the latest matches in the evaluation, but all of you left me very satisfied with your performances. So I hope everyone can continue to amaze me with their performances for the rest of their battles." Mo Xie felt Yan Shaoze look at him when he was speaking.

"Class 1, Mo Xie. Come draw your lot."

Mo Xie walked over and took a piece of paper out of the lottery box.

"Lot number: 1." Yan Shaoze announced. Mo Xie nodded and stepped back.

"Class 5, Team Dai Huabin. Please come and take your lot. "

A tall young man strode forward. His face was pretty but icy. His long golden hair was parted in two on top of his head and draped over his shoulders. If someone were to inspect him carefully, they would notice that there were unexpectedly two pupils in his deep blue eyes. His expression was proud and arrogant.

Mo Xie noticed the change in expression of Yuhao who was near him. His eyes turned red and angry emotions could be felt from him.

"Yuhao, you better calm down! Otherwise you will alert your enemy." Mo Xie whispered and placed his hand on Yuhao's shoulder and a cold energy permeated him. The red light in his eyes dissipated and he looked at Mo Xie in alarm.

"Don't worry, whatever you want to do isn't my problem. But you need to learn to control your emotions." Mo Xie didn't give Yuhao time to speak and walked away.

"Yuhao, what happened?" Wang Dong, who also noticed Yuhao's changes, asked.

"It's nothing... Now is not the time to talk." Yuhao took a deep breath and calmed down. Wang Dong looked at him worriedly but didn't pursue the matter any further for the moment.

Yan Shaoze's voice then sounded. "Team Dai Huabin, Lot number 1."

Mo Xie saw Dai Huabin looking at him as if he were facing an enemy, but he simply ignored him.

'Looks like you'll have to wait a little longer if you want to beat your brother, Yuhao.' Mo Xie thought.

He climbed into the arena and found Dai Huabin with two other girls. One had black hair and heterochromatic eyes and was named Zhu Lu. The other one had pink hair and was named Cui Yajie.

The referee of this match was an old man who gave off a powerful aura. "For this match there will be a change in the rules. Everyone can do their best without worrying about injuries. I'll take care of any problems, so don't hide anything."

Mo Xie and Dai Huabin's team nodded and stood 30 meters away.

"Match start!" Dai Huabin and the girls released their martial souls instantly. Dai Huabin had 3 spirit rings, 2 yellow and 1 purple. Zhu Lu had 2 yellow rings just like Cai Yajie.

Mo Xie wanted to finish the match quickly, so he disappeared from his place and arrived in front of Cai Yajie. Before she could make any move and activate her rings, Mo Xie grabbed her by the neck and crushed her to the ground, knocking her unconscious.

He was so fast that Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu couldn't respond in time.

Dai Huabin was furious and yelled, "White Tiger Possession!" His body expanded and his golden hair turned black and white. The 'King' symbol appeared on his forehead and he activated his second spiritual ability - White Tiger's Fierce Light Wave!

A ball of light flew towards Mo Xie. Zhu Lu used her first spiritual ability and her claws grew even sharper and more illusory. She had the Hell Civet martial soul, which was focused on agility.

Mo Xie dodged both attacks and spoke in a monotone: "You can do martial soul fusion, right? So better do it now. Otherwise I will finish this match."

Dai Huabin felt humiliated by Mo Xie. He was the son of the White Tiger Duke and had a better talent than his brothers. His pride and arrogance were rooted in his bones, and because of them, he felt that Mo Xie was despising him.

However, as much as he hated to admit it, if he and Zhu Lu didn't make their martial soul's fusion, they would surely lose.

"Zhu Lu!" He yelled and Zhu Lu waved. They embraced each other and released their martial souls again. Their bodies began to become illusory and their martial souls merged and formed a huge white tiger with black stripes. His body exuded a powerful aura and looked coldly at Mo Xie.

Mo Xie watched the entire process with interest. He even used his eyes innate ability to watch the fusion and couldn't help but exclaim in awe. He saw how both martial souls connected and seemed to merge their origins. The process was extremely mysterious and complex.

He also noticed how the spiritual power of Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu merged and seemed to run a similar but different pattern than when they used their abilities normally.

'I will remember this and study this change slowly later.' Mo Xie thought and noticed the white tiger crouching, ready to attack him.

The tiger leapt towards him and brandished its claw. Anyone else of the same rank as Mo Xie would be threatened with this attack. However, Moxie didn't even look twice.

He grabbed his claw and threw him to the ground. Then he lifted it once more and repeated the same process, smashing the white tiger onto the platform that was now riddled with cracks.

With a little more force, Mo Xie crushed them once more before the white tiger dissipated and Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu appeared with disheveled clothes and hair. They coughed up blood several times before passing out.

Yan Shaoze looked at Mo Xie and his face twitched. 'This boy is very similar to Xiaotao… Both are equally violent!' But he soon hid his emotions.

He was also very surprised that Mo Xie could solve the Infernal White Tiger so easily. 'I still underestimated his strength.' He sighed.

The referee in the arena then announced: "Class 1, Mo Xie wins!"

Mo Xie then descended the arena and saw that Yuhao's battle was close to over. In the end, Mo Xie would face Yuhao's team.

The afternoon arrived and the final was about to start!

Mo Xie climbed into the arena and found Yuhao, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao who had recovered.

He pulled out a sword made of simple spiritual metal and asked the referee to check it out. With her being allowed, Mo Xie looked at Yuhao and said, "Yuhao, you better give it your all from the start. I will show you something very interesting."

With the referee starting the match, Xiao Xiao summoned her martial soul and used her spiritual ability.

A black cauldron appeared and split into three, limiting Mo Xie's oncoming movements. Mo Xie smiled and looked at Yuhao and Wang Dong who released their martial souls and embraced each other.

To face Mo Xie they used their most powerful ability from the start. Their martial souls began to merge under the gaze of Mo Xie who had already used his innate ability to analyze their fusion. He had no plans to dodge it.

He saw the figure of the Radiant Butterfly Goddess disappear and merge with the figure of the Spirit Eye. An area of ​​10 meters was surrounded by a golden glow and the pupil of the Spirit Eye that was once golden turned a bluish-purple. Immediately a tricolor laser shot from the eye towards Mo Xie leaving behind a golden road.

Mo Xie smiled and planted his feet on the ground. He crouched his body a little and made a movement to draw his sword. His sword released a terrible Sword Intent and a spiritual coercion exhaled from it. The elements of Ultimate Ice and Fire intertwined and began to merge.

The Ultimate ice and fire merged and created a dark blue flame that alternated between hot and cold temperatures. Mo Xie usually uses separately his fire and ice elements, but after several years of training, he has finally managed to reach their initial state of fusion. With that alone, its power was completely different from before. The name of this attack was Sword of Destruction.

If used with all its power, it could destroy the minds and bodies of its enemies without them feeling anything. It could also be used with elements other than ice and fire, but an adjustment was needed. This was the third skill he understood from the Yin-Yang Sword.

Of course, Mo Xie didn't need to use this move to win the fight, but he wanted to find out what it would be like against a mind-attribute attack of a martial soul fusion.

Mo Xie then cut his sword down, and a sword blade flew towards Yuhao and Wang Dong's attack. Faced with this blade, Yuhao and Wang Dong's attack was cut in two, with the remnant being frozen and burned. The spiritual coercion of this attack made Yuhao and Wang Dong feel like their minds were breaking apart. The temperature in their bodies began to alternate between hot and cold causing them to vomit blood and pass out.

However, they were only slightly injured and would recover quickly. Before Wang Dong passed out, Mo Xie saw a trident mark appear on his forehead.

Within Yuhao's spiritual sea, a gray ball observed everything and seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

Xiao Xiao widened her eyes in disbelief at Mo Xie and found everything unbelievable. She felt like Yuhao and Wang Dong's attack was powerful enough to threaten most of the Soul Elder's, but he easily crushed it.

Xiao Xiao finally understood how terrible Mo Xie could be. "I quit!" She spoke wistfully.

"The freshman evaluation winner is Mo Xie from Class 1!" The referee spoke after confirming the status of Yuhao and Wang Dong.

Mo Xie smiled and bowed to him and left the arena under the gaze of awe and consternation of students and academy officials.