Chapter 28 - Body Metamorphosis

8 months passed in the blink of an eye.

After students were divided into classes according to their abilities, Mo Xie was once again appointed as class leader. No one said a word against it, as Mo Xie was stronger than everyone else in the class.

However, because of his training with Ma Xiaotao, Mo Xie attended classes less and less. With this, Mo Xie was able to focus even more on his cultivation and improve his strength.

During those eight months, Mo Xie advanced even further in his Spirit Tools studies and made it to fourth class. The Spirit Tools knowledge in his mind was enormous, so to make sure he learned everything, he reviewed it several times until he got to this result. Mo Xie would need just a little longer before he could advance and become a fifth-class Soul Engineer.

His progress in blacksmithing and arrays had also reached master level and was steadily advancing. His Sword Domain also improved, but it still has some distance to the great success.

Mo Xie has madly trained his body, spiritual and mental power and finally reached Rank 40 during the last month. He had already eaten the soul advance pill, which had shortened the distance a little. His physical and mental power also became more powerful and could match that of a Rank 65 Soul Emperor.

Mo Xie opened his eyes in his training room and smiled slightly. "I can finally complete the second level of my cultivation method." Mo XIe could try this when he reached Rank 39, but he thought it would be best to go a little further and accumulate more natural energy. Now it was time to finally reap the fruits for his patience.

Mo Xie sought out Yan Shaoze and reserved a private training room so there would be no unforeseen problems or interference.

He locked the door and sat cross-legged in the middle of the room after installing several master-level arrays. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate.

The second level of the natural qi refinement method completely reforms the body from the natural energy accumulated in the body. The pain felt in the process is unimaginable and extremely excruciating.

Slowly, when Mo Xie felt it was time, he began using the natural energy in his body to break his bones one by one. He has never felt so much pain in his life. Even the torture he'd gone through in his past life was nothing compared to that.

He gritted his teeth and held on as long as he could. This process of breaking and repairing his bones took 4 full hours. With the continual refinement of his bones, Mo Xie's height began to increase and reached 1,70m. He could clearly feel how powerful his bones had become now.

However, this was just the beginning.

After changing the bones, the next step was the organs. The process of refining the organs had to be done in a very delicate way, so that there would be no deviation and harm to the metamorphosis of his body.

Black blood leaked from all of Mo Xie's openings, staining the floor. Two more hours passed before all of his organs were completely refined. If anyone looked into Mo Xie now, they would see that both his bones and his organs looked crystal clear, emitting a green glow with no hint of impurity. They had become much tougher and wouldn't be easily hurt from now on.

Only the last step was left. Mo Xie should completely refine his veins, meridians and blood. Calmly but surely, Mo Xie used the natural energy in his body to complete his body's metamorphosis.

This was the most dangerous stage. One mistake and his meridians and veins would become useless, and his bloodline would be wasted, making him unable to cultivate again.

Mo Xie has perfectly controlled the natural energy, directing it through his veins and meridians and blood, refining and strengthening them. He felt a sharp pain in his meridians and veins every moment. His blood began to boil and exit his body, enveloping him in a cocoon of red blood.

The red color of this cocoon was opaque at first, but as time passed, it began to glow more and more. When another 6 hours passed, his martial souls vibrated and manifested connecting with his blood. The cocoon that surrounded him glowed a strong crimson color and a primordial aura exhaled from it. If Mo Xie hadn't set up multiple master-level arrays, the entire inner courtyard would have felt this aura.

However, some powerful figures in the academy felt the power contained in this aura. The power was so much that it made these figures feel terrified.

In front of Mo Xie's training room, Xuan Lao, Yan Shaoze and several other elders from the sea god's pavilion arrived.

"What a powerful bloodline!" Yan Shaoze said with a solemn expression. He felt his martial soul trembling.

"Shaoze, who is in this room?" Xuan Lao asked hastily.

"It's Mo Xie! He came to me this morning to reserve a private training room for him." Yan Shaoze replied. He couldn't believe this feeling of suppression came from a 12-year-old child.

Xuan Zi and the elders who arrived exclaimed in surprise and disbelief.

"What's that brat doing in there?" Xuan Zi asked once more.

"He said he was going to go into seclusion for a few days, but he didn't say what he would be doing." Yan Shaoze replied in a dubious tone.

Xuan Zi was about to enter the room when a voice came from his side. "Do not disturb this child. He is in the middle of his cultivation and cannot be disturbed!"

Seeing Mu En's spiritual clone arriving, all the elders bowed to him in greeting.

"Mu Lao, what is this brat doing?" Xuan Zi questioned.

"He is using a technique to strengthen his martial soul bloodline. Don't worry about it and go back to what you were doing." Mu En replied.

"This matter must also be kept secret and must not be spread to other people. Do you understand?" Mu En said in a serious tone.

"Yes!" The elders responded and left, leaving only Yan Shaoze and Xuan Zi in front of the room. Even though they had a lot of questions, they still complied.

"Xuan Zi, protect this child until he leaves and don't let anyone near this room. Shaoze, you can go back to your work. We will talk about this at the next meeting of the Sea God Pavilion." Mu En spoke once more.

Yan Shaoze waved and left shortly thereafter. Mu En looked at the training room lost in thought with Xuan Zi at his side.

Mo Xie was unaware of the commotion caused by his bloodline and continued to complete the refinement of his body. His veins, meridians and blood were undergoing a baptism. He could feel the improvement in energy circulation in his veins and meridians, which were getting stronger and more resistant. They glowed the same color as his bones and organs.

His blood glowed a dazzling crimson color. His bloodline was stronger and would be stronger and stronger from now on.

Mo Xie remained inside the cocoon for another 12 hours before it was absorbed into his body. His skin began to crack and fall out, showing even brighter skin.

His body was now perfect for cultivating and practicing martial arts. His power, defense, endurance, dexterity and flexibility were on a whole new level and almost reached the standard of a Soul Sage. He also became immune to cold, heat and poison.

However, Mo Xie did not wake up from his meditation. With him at the center, a small vortex of spiritual power formed and was absorbed into Mo Xie's body. Even though his rank didn't go up, he could feel the energy building up. If this continued, when Mo Xie absorbed his fourth ring, he could ascend directly to the peak of Rank 42 and even reach Rank 43.

In cultivation, each rank took even longer to break through, as even more spiritual power was needed. Even with Mo Xie's cultivation speed, it would still take him some time to increase his rank, so he didn't waste that opportunity.

As he absorbed this vortex of spiritual power, Mo Xie saw Old Du's image appearing in his spiritual sea along with some information.

The Old Du image began to speak: "If you are listening to this message, it means that you have completed the second level of the natural qi refinement and strengthened your bloodline."

"As your ancestor, I couldn't be happier to see that you, my heir, are progressing correctly."

"However, there is a limit to how much your bloodline can be strengthened just by cultivating normally in the techniques I gave you. So, before my last soul fragment died, I asked one of my descendants to help you with this problem."

"The information I left in this message will take you to where my descendant is. Remember not to take anyone with you when you go meet him."

Old Du's image formed a gentle smile before saying once more, "I hope you've been well all these years. Remember to have more confidence in yourself and in your relationships. Don't let the scars of your past stop you from moving forward in this life."

His image was slowly fading away as well as the vortex in Mo Xie's body. Mo Xie slowly opened his glowing purple eyes and a warm feeling flooded his heart.

"Old Du…" Even though Mo Xie hadn't spent more than a few moments with Old Du, he could still feel all the care he gave him. Perhaps the only family Mo Xie had in this life was Old Du.

Mo Xie sighed softly and ran through the information in his mind. His next stop was then decided for the next month.