Chapter 38 - Third Eye, Creation of the Spirit Ring

Mo Xie has trained with the main team from time to time to improve teamwork in preparation for the Advanced Academy Continental Soul Duelling Academy. Xuan Zi also brought in the new preparatory team and trained them together.

They were about to leave when Mo Xie looked for Xuan Zi.

"Do you want to leave before everyone else?" Xuan Zi asked with furrowed brows.

"En. I need to get some stuff done outside of the academy, but I'll find you guys in time at Star Luo City." The reason for Mo Xie's departure was to analyze the formation of a spirit ring at the time a spirit beast died.

He had already prepared the whole theory and was 90% confident that he could create a spirit ring for himself after fusing with Life Gold Knife, but he wanted to be sure he could do it.

There were spirit beasts in the Beast Duelling Arena, but Mo Xie still didn't want to draw attention to himself because of his research. He had already decided that when he was confident of defeating a Soul Douluo, he would make his new method of acquiring spirit rings known across the continent with the support of the academy.

It was also necessary to create a large catalog of spiritual abilities that was not possible for the current him, as it would take too much time.

Therefore, he would write down spiritual abilities little by little and then compile everything until he had abilities of all kinds to be able to create a small library. Luckily the Advanced Academy Continental Soul Duelling Academy was about to happen and it was a good opportunity to analyze new abilities.

Xuan Zi thought for a moment and sighed. "Fine, but don't be late for registration for the tournament." He gave the address where they would be staying and chatted some more.

As he was leaving, Mo Xie suddenly called him. "Elder Xuan, when you're gone, be careful with the corpses." Mo Xie hesitated long before deciding to warn Xuan Zi. He knew they were going to hunt down an Evil Spirit Master, but he couldn't show it on the surface.

However, it was better to warn now and arouse some suspicion than to just let the inner courtyard students die. If he went with the group, he could warn them before any explosion could happen, but Mo Xie didn't have that freedom at the moment.

"What do you mean by that?" Sure enough, Xuan Zi asked with a hint of suspicion.

Mo Xie looked into his eyes and replied sincerely. "This is just a sincere warning to prevent something bad from happening. You'll know why this is when the time is right." If he asked him later about how he knew this, he would just answer that it was an ability from his Mystic Eyes, but it had some restrictions.

It might be a lie, but it was the best he could do to hide that he knew how the history of this world played out.

Mo Xie didn't wait for an answer and just turned and left. He had already prepared everything he would need, so he went straight through the academy gate and out of Shrek City. Before leaving, he also warned Ma Xiaotao to be careful along the way.

Although she was a little curious, she didn't ask too much and just nodded to his warning.

"Sigh, I hope nothing happens…" Mo Xie could already be seen flying towards Star Dou Forest. He had a flying spirit tool that worked in conjunction with his Basilisk Wings making his speed even faster than normal.

Mo Xie built this spirit tool when he returned to the academy. He spent a few days doing tests and diagrams until he got to the current model. His speed was at least twice as fast as the normal speed of his Basilisk Wings without using any boost from his wings' spiritual ability.

Because of that, it didn't take long for him to reach his destination and enter the forest.

The moment Mo Xie entered he encountered several ten-year-old spirit beasts and decided to start with them. He was also careful not to kill more than necessary, as the spirit beasts were dwindling with each passing moment.

As he went deeper, Mo Xie analyzed the formation of spirit rings of various spirit beasts. In all, he killed ten 10-year-old, six 100-year-old, four 1,000-year-old and two 10,000-year-old spirit beasts.

The entire process since the death of the spirit beast and the formation of the spirit ring was thoroughly studied by Mo Xie and he confirmed many of his doubts and was now 95% sure of success. The remaining 5% were unknown, as everything was still a theory and he had not put his method into practice.

After finding and sealing a relatively large cavern so as not to be disturbed, Mo Xie began installing several arrays in the center. There were some Soul Binding Arrays, Soul Crystallization Arrays, Soul Fusion Arrays, Spiritual and Mental Power Collecting Arrays, Spiritual Power Storage Arrays, Elemental Arrays and several other arrays with different uses that would help Mo Xie during the creation of his spirit ring.

It took a few hours to complete all the preparation and Mo Xie couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. He used various rare metals to create all these arrays, but they would likely be destroyed today.

If Mo Xie wanted his arrays to remain intact, they would have to be created with metals used to create the ninth-class spirit tools. That was still a luxury he didn't have access to at the moment.

Sitting cross-legged at the center of all arrays, Mo Xie pulled out the Life Gold Knife and called Xu Ling into his mind. "Senior Brother Ling, I'm counting on you to help me with the fuse."

"Do not worry." Xu Ling's serious voice rang in his mind.

Mo Xie relaxed his body and slowly took the Life Gold Knife in his hand to the middle of his forehead. The moment the knife touched his forehead, a comfortable feeling spread through his entire body before a green glow appeared.

The knife freed itself from his hand and began to float on its own with the tip of the blade pointed towards the center of his forehead as a strange energy streaked his spiritual sea toward the knife.

In the next instant, the knife entered Mo Xie's forehead and an enormous vital energy began to be absorbed by his body, almost making him moan with pleasure and happiness. A green energy spread, strengthening his body, blood, bones, organs, passages, meridians and veins. The third level of his cultivation technique activated by itself and completely ran through his body and soul, purifying them to an even higher level and strengthening his organs to the extreme.

A green halo of vital energy formed around his body and mysterious lines were absorbed through his body. Mo Xie could feel his affinity and understanding of the laws increasing with each passing moment.

The biggest change took place in his spiritual sea.

Before starting the fusion process, Mo Xie's spiritual sea was filled with purple, gold and silver colors. His spiritual sea was limitless and couldn't see the edge even if he spent hours wandering around it.

However, when the Life Gold Knife penetrated the center of his forehead, a sharp pain hit him and the vital energy spread into his spiritual sea adding yet another color to it.

This vital energy constantly nourished his spiritual sea, and although Mo Xie couldn't say how much, he knew his spiritual sea was growing even more. However, Mo Xie realized that his Spiritual Sea had become a real space, capable of housing some life forms.

The water in his spiritual sea seemed to condense into a pasty liquid, but it looked like it would take a while for the entire transformation to be completed.

Slowly, the Life Gold Knife began to soften and enter the opening in his forehead, until the small wound enlarged and revealed a small purplish-green eye with gold and silver patterns in its pupil.

Even greater pain assailed him as the eye began to meld with his bones, flesh, and tendons until it finally became a part of Mo Xie.

However, Mo Xie did not relax, as the important part would follow. With a thought, the arrays he had installed glowed with an intense light and activated.

Xu Ling also made his move and used a part of the Life Gold Knife's power that he intercepted.

The most striking feature of Life Gold is that it is able to create an independent space, as it is the crystallization of the vital essence of a world.

Using the new spiritual sea created by Mo Xie's third eye as the source, Xu Ling intended to provide even more space for the inscription of the spirit ring arrays, help create the cores, and strengthen the ring age.

Spiritual and elemental energies began to gather in the cave while Mo Xie began to control each of the arrays. When the energy concentration reached a critical point, Mo Xie let Xu Ling take over his body and he immediately used the power taken from Life Gold.

The elemental and spiritual energies began to be compressed into two small vortices that rotated in opposite directions and were controlled with the help of the Soul Crystallization Arrays and several other arrays were activated until the outline of an opaque spirit ring began to materialize.

This ring was about the same size as his 1,000,000-year-old spirit ring with a bright white color with no hint of impurities. There were thirteen opaque patterns with different colors manifesting in the ring and they grew deeper with each passing moment. Each pattern represents an element with the golden gray pattern representing the mental attribute.

Several lines began to interconnect within the ring and condense various types of arrays taking the two vortexes of compressed energy as their nucleus.

An unknown time later.

As more and more energy was collected and compressed into the two small vortices, they began to show signs of getting out of control, but Xu Ling used Life Gold's energy to stabilize them and repeated this process over and over until the two metaphysical cores were condensed at the center of the spirit ring. Each one emitted a dazzling glow, with the first glowing golden-gray colors and the second glowing in a twelve-color light.

As the scale was much smaller than condensing a Soul Core from a spiritual master, there were no major problems during the process.

The spirit ring was finally condensed and stabilized with only the last step left. Mo Xie regained control of his body and began to connect this spirit ring to his soul. Time passed slowly until the ring was completely absorbed into his body.

Mo Xie sighed and the spirit ring reappeared once more and the cores inside it began to roar, sucking all the spirit and elemental power into the air and the rest of the vital energy that Xu Ling had stored up.

Slowly, the color of the ring began to change from white to yellow. Its yellow color began to darken until it became a deep purple color with black streaks. From its color, Mo Xie deduced that it must be around 8,000 years old.

Unfortunately there wasn't enough energy to make it a 10,000 year old spirit ring, but it wouldn't take long for the transformation to happen as it could grow along with Mo Xie.

Mo Xie looked at his new spirit ring with satisfaction. Inside it was a large blank space that could store at least two abilities and that space would continue to grow with the age of the ring, increasing the number of abilities that Mo Xie could store.

He even knew what skill he would store and couldn't help but smile happily.

However, he didn't have time for that right now. The entire cave was a mess and all the arrays had been destroyed. He was afraid that some 100,000-year-old spirit beast might have sensed the turmoil caused by him, so Mo Xie cleared the entire cave and left the next moment.

Sure enough, a few hours after Mo Xie left, a beautiful green-haired woman with a powerful aura of life around her appeared in front of the cave with her brow furrowed.

"Such a powerful vital energy…" She muttered and looked around the cave. Finding nothing, she left and went back the way she came.

Mo Xie didn't know it, but sealing the cave with various arrays saved him from a lot of trouble with the individuals who lived in the center of the Star Dou Forest.