Chapter 41 - Deal with Gu Yuena

Hearing the female voice coming from the lake of life, Mo Xie instantly guessed who it was. 'Silver Dragon King, Gu Yuena.'

Di Tian had already dropped to his knees respectfully. "Master!"

But the voice didn't answer him and instead spoke to Mo Xie. "Human, where did you get this martial soul? It's impossible for her to appear in a mortal world."

Mo Xie felt her voice sound a little strange, as if she knew something but didn't dare speak.

"I already told you, I am the heir and descendant of the Mystic Heavenly Wolf." By then, he was back to normal, with his spirit ring and aura retracted.

"How could that be possible…" Her voice seemed to carry a little disbelief.

Mo Xie thought for a moment and decided to take a chance. "If I'm not mistaken, you should be the Silver Dragon King, right?"

The temperature in the room seemed to drop quickly, but Mo Xie didn't care much and continued. "I can feel a powerful draconic aura within the lake, as well as various elements gathering without its direction."

"To my knowledge, the Dragon God has been split into two, the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King. However, you are still far from reaching the level ofPrimordial Chaos Dragon." Although he knew the risk was great, it was a good opportunity to get the support of these powerful spirit beasts.

Because of that, Mo Xie decided to reveal some secrets to gain their trust.

Di Tian scowled but said nothing. He knew how powerful the Dragon God was, but hearing about the existence of the Primordial Chaos Dragon piqued his curiosity.

Certainly, Gu Yuena's voice appeared once more, carrying a serious tone. "How do you know that?"

"Just as you have some of the Dragon God memories, I gained some memories when I awakened my martial soul." Mo Xie replied.

"The memories I gained describe the origins of my martial souls, as well as other existences of the same level. My ancestor was one of the first existences in the universe together with Primordial Chaos Dragon, Chaos Immemorial Phoenix, and others existences. They also gave me some techniques that helped me improve my strength."

[Author's Note: Changed 'Primordial Chaos Phoenix' to 'Chaos Immemorial Phoenix'. I think it's better to make a distinction like this.]

"Looks like your bloodline is too pure to be able to inherit those memories." Gu Yuena said in a deep voice.

"Do you know about my ancestor?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"No, but I have a vague memory of the Primordial Chaos Dragon. But this memory seems to be in a fog and I can't access it." Gu Yuena said with a little regret in her voice. She knew of the existence of the Dragon God ancestor, but she had no memories of him.

"But what's your reason for discussing all this?" Gu Yuena asked in a monotone voice.

"First, it's to prove my sincerity. This is a secret that I haven't told anyone and it can make me chased by several experts who will be after my knowledge and techniques. At the moment I'm still too weak to fight them." Mo Xie replied calmly.

"Second, if I'm not mistaken, you must be in the lake of life to heal right?" Mo Xie asked, but his voice held certainty.

"And what does this have to do with you?" Gu Yuena did not confirm or deny it, but asked about his motives.

"Although the lake of life can help heal your wounds, it will take a long time for that to happen." Mo Xie saw that he had her attention and continued. "The lake of life is certainly precious, but leaving it that way is wasting a natural treasure. I have some array formations in my memory that can further strengthen its properties, and if arranged correctly in conjunction with the dragons' natural healing factor, it will only take a few years for you to fully heal."

Mo Xie clearly felt the fluctuations of spiritual power within the lake. Even Di Tian wasn't so calm now.

"You may have lived for a long time, but the arrays in my memories are something my own ancestor created, so I'm sure it will be effective."

Gu Yuena knew there was no free food in this world, so she asked after a moment, "What do you want in return?"

Mo Xie smiled and replied. "I want you not to act against me or people I consider special to me. You will also help me three times when I see fit."

"I can also promise that this help will not harm you or the spirit beasts. And I also want you to help me compile various arrays that can be used as spiritual abilities. For example, arrays with attack power based on fire, light, attribute enhancements, etc."

"Why would you need it to compile multiple arrays if you have them in your memory?" Gu Yuena thought Mo Xie's last request was strange, but she still agreed.

"Actually, I kind of developed a new way to get a spirit ring without having to kill a spirit beast."

"This…" Bi Ji was the one who spoke. Because of her gentle nature, she was most affected by Mo Xie's words and knew the benefits this can bring to spirit beasts.

In fact, Mo Xie felt sorry for the spirit beasts in this world. They were continually hunted to the point of extinction, while Gu Yuena, Di Tian and the others constantly struggled to preserve their heritage. So he wanted to help them if it didn't bring any harm to him.

He then summoned his self-created spirit ring and a purple ring with black patterns and a thirteen-colored halo rose.

Di Tian had already reached Mo Xie's side and placed his hand on his shoulder, using his spiritual and mental power to feel the differences in that ring. A mantal power wave also came from the lake and passed by Mo Xie.

"It doesn't really belong to a spirit beast…" Di Tian muttered, still confused. Aside from knowing he didn't belong to a spirit beast, he couldn't find out anything else.

"How did you do it?" Di Tian asked seriously.

Mo Xie then told them about the process in detail. Even if they knew, there would be no uses for spirit beasts. However, Mo Xie only told them that his eyes can see the inner structures of a spirit ring, but he didn't tell them about its other uses.

Even though they knew he was hiding other secrets, they didn't ask. Mo Xie was sincere enough in trying to resolve the issues between the spirit beasts and humans, so they wouldn't let him down for a few small matters.

"However, I will still wait until I become a Soul Sage to bring this method to the public. With my current strength, if I release this method, I fear that many problems will come to me." Mo Xie said sincerely and took his spirit ring back.

"It's really inconvenient considering your current strength and we also can't go out openly in human cities at the moment, as we would be targeted by humans." The Myriad Demon King, who hasn't spoken so far, said in a sigh.

Mo Xie agreed with a nod of his head.

"Waiting a few years shouldn't be a problem." Bi Ji said in a gentle tone. Even the Bear Lord and Scarlet King agreed.

"Mo Xie, right?" Gu Yuena's voice sounded once more. "Are you sure these are your only requests?" She asked in confirmation. This exchange was much more beneficial to her than Mo Xie, so she was a little confused.

"En. Just think of this exchange as a gift from me to the spirit beasts. It's also not like I'm in the losing side, as I can get help from an extremely powerful spirit beast in return." Mo Xie shrugged in response.

"Right, what should I call you?" Mo Xie asked.

"Name... Just call me Gu Yuena." Gu Yuena replied and talked to Di Tian.

"Di Tian, ​​I'll leave the preparations with you." Di Tian nodded respectfully. Gu Yuena's voice also disappeared completely.

Mo Xie then began using his mental power to form a projection of the arrays in his memory.

It was just a projection, with no real use, but it was extremely complicated to project it with his mental power. Its complexity was such that Mo Xie needed almost 2 hours to finish assembling the first array with his mental power.

Di Tian saw the entire process and couldn't help but admire Mo Xie's achievements in mental power, as well as frown at the complexity of the array.

Mo Xie then explained: "This is the first of the three divine arrays I will deliver. It accelerates the production of vital energy, improves the healing factor and condenses the power of heaven and earth. There are other uses as well, but you should check it out later."

For all his knowledge, it took Di Tian four full hours to fully memorize the array before Mo Xie began another projection.

After delivering all the arrays, he also made a list of materials needed for all three needed arrays and where they could be found. As rulers of Star Dou Forest, they should be able to find them quickly.

The most important material was also already present within the lake of life. There was a large chunk of Life Gold that would be used to arrange the arrays, and with Di Tian and Gu Yuena's vast knowledge, even if they hadn't studied arrays, relying on their strength, it wouldn't be difficult to complete array formation since they already had all the necessary information.

Several hours later.

"I didn't have time to ask before, but how long have I been here?" Mo Xie asked Di Tian.

"If we consider the time you woke up, it will be three days in a few hours." Di Tian replied.

Mo Xie's face darkened.

"Some problem?" Di Tian asked.

"Yes, I should be in the Star Dou Empire capital in one day to participate in a tournament, but even if I fly without any rest I won't make it in time." Thinking about how Xuan Zi would react if he was late, Mo Xie couldn't help but feel a headache.

"This is a small problem." As they had already talked about it and it was impossible to keep Mo Xie in Star Dou Forest, Di Tian decided to give him a hand. He was also much friendlier to Mo Xie on the surface.

Mo Xie didn't know his inner thoughts, but it shouldn't be a problem considering their current relationship.

Di Tian grabbed him by the shoulder and flew into the sky before his figures disappeared.

Mo Xie could clearly feel the space power fluctuations and felt as if his comprehension improved a lot with each space jump that Di Tian performed. He continued in this state of understanding for an unknown time until Di Tian's voice rang out beside him.

Just then, Mo Xie realized that they were only a few dozen kilometers from Star Luo City.

"Your comprehension is very good." Di Tian's voice held a rare tone of appreciation.

Mo Xie smiled and didn't disagree. "But I wouldn't be able to get so much if it weren't for your accomplishments in space power." He really wanted to thank Di Tian after seeing his use of space power.

This time it was Di Tian who smiled.

"Be careful not to die around." Di Tian warned and disappeared from where he was after saying goodbye to Mo Xie.

Mo Xie sighed and once again reinforced his will to get stronger after seeing Di Tian leave.

There should still be time to complete the registration, so Mo Xie released his Basilisk Wings and flew towards Star Luo City.