Olivia after few seconds come towards Zella still have phone in her hands.
Olivia: "I'm sorry Zella to make you wait for so long ."
Zella: "That's OK."
Olivia and Zella were taking to each other then from somewhere the school physic Professor Thomas appears.
Professor Thomas is well known for his anger and strictness. Students called him "Evil Devil ."
Professor Thomas: "What are you two doing here?" (Both turn in panic)
Olivia: "We....eh, um. Were searching here for our lost phone. (Olivia pointed to the phone which fall on the ground in panic).
Zella: "Yes...professor,we have to find the phone. It's very necessary because all her assignment are save in phone.
Olivia: "Yeah..yes she is right. 100 percent right." Professor Thomas cackle and say,
Professor Thomas: "You new students can't fool me. It's your first day in school and you even done your assignment."
Olivia: "Eh,Um... Pro...fessor we.."
Professor Thomas: " Detention! For both if you."
Zella: "De-ten-tion"
Professor Thomas: "Yup! See you there ladies." (The march towards his office)
Olivia: Detention,we got detention on our very first day!"
Zella: "What can I say."
Olivia: "At least I don't have to go for academy after school."
Zella: "Um, why?"
Olivia: "Oh! Silly because of detention."
Zella: "Oh!" Then both laugh and head towards their classroom.