The night sky was a glow with bright city lights and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. Luke was impatiently waiting outside the restaurant in his Navy coloured suit in which he was looking like a movie star.Luke was about to call Zella and suddenly he looked up and can't stop himself from not looking at her. Zella was looking like a princess in a applique purple dress and the blossom roses in her brown hair made her more beautiful. Luke feel like a fairy from somewhere was coming towards him.Zella then snap her finger on the face of Luke.
Zella:"Hello Luke,are you alright? "
Luke:"Um, what!ahh yeah I am fine completely fine."
Luke:"Oh! Zella, come this way we are gonna have dinner in this restaurant. "
Zella and Luke went into the restaurant. Luke all the time stealing glances at Zella and while she is not looking.
Zella:"Um, should we order something."
Luke:"Ah,Um yeah you are right we should order something. What .. what should you like Zella."
Zella : "Well, I would like to have 'Spaghetti ' with prawns."
Luke then calls the waiter
Waiter:"What would you like to order? "
Luke:"Two plates of Spaghetti with prawns."