Chapter 1

He remembered getting hit by a truck and the next thing you know boom you are in this white room sitting opposite an old man who tells you that he is the Creator and that your death is a mistake and the one who was supposed to die was the girl next to you.I sighed and asked"So do I get to choose the world I get to reincarnate in or is it random?"

The Creator smiled answered, "Random actually."

I sighed "Let's get this started."GOD snapped his fingers as sin the wheel appeared out of thin air.I deadpanned "So a spinning wheel huh."GOD shrugged said, "Sorry kid this is the only way."

The spinning wheel was spun and it landed on Teen Wolf.I was surprised it was something I knew,while not everything,but still enough to survive.

I asked"Do I get any wishes?"Creator nodded and replied, "Yes 4 wishes.Don't bother trying to wish for any anime or op wishes"

I thought for while as this world was filled with

supernatural beings who will just kill you just because they don't like you. I didn't want to be a vampire or Werewolf as these were to common,do I then decided my wish and said"I want to be a shadowhunter.But I want to be the Shadowhunter with purest angel blood making me gifted in the rune creation,2nd wish is to have the Institute with every knowledge and weapons in it,3rd wish Intuitive Aptitude and the last wish is to have the Mortal instruments"Call me lazy but he was not about to start from scratch.

The Creator was thoughtful and replied, "The 1st wish is pretty easy since you would basically become the first Nephilim and the one with purest angelblood.Since you won't have many restrictions like that of the original Shadowhunter world,you would be quasi Immortal.Your strength,speed,durability and reflex will make you the go head to head with a Alpha werewolf easily,that is without the runes on you."

I nodded as this was okay,GOD continued"The second wish is also grant able as you would need the knowledge and weapons to counter the supernatural beings in this world,you would be able to teleport that whole building to where you desire.The 3rd wish is also easy." Creator then waved his hands and said"But the last wish is a bit tricky,but still granted.The mirror use will be changed to

I nodded and thought about the mortal instruments.The Mortal Instruments are the three divine items given by the Angel Raziel to Jonathan Shadowhunter, the first of the Nephilim.The Mortal cup, Mortal sword, and Mortal mirror.Raziel gave them to the Nephilim not only for individual use, but also in case of dire emergency, when he would heed their call only once; when used all together, the Instruments would summon the Angel.

A thousand years ago, the Angel Raziel was summoned during a time when the Incursion was at its peak, when a huge wave of demons crossed dimensions into the human world. Raziel rose from Lake Lyn and mixed some of his own blood with the blood of Jonathan in a Cup, which became known as the Mortal Cup, and gave it to him to drink, entrusting with him the responsibility of creating more of his kind by letting others drink from it. Along with the Cup, Raziel also gave him the Mortal Sword.The Sword is used in trials to determine if a Shadowhunter is being deceitful and the Mirror which in reality is actually a lake that is the entrance to the Shadowhunters' home country,which is Idris is the Shadowhunter homeland, their home hidden from mundanes.The country is surrounded by mountains and wards.

I needed power to survive,it was needed among such beings as the nogitune,hellhound,Beast of Gevaudan...etc

As I hesitantly asked"Can you make sure the Shadow Hunters can be created through the Mortal cup doesn't have any sort of issues and also if they betray me or my rules they will lose their powers and knowledge."

I blacked out after that,while I didn't know that,ai made slight mistake,which was that GOD to make something rival my abilities,he made slight adjustments like demons were roaming the earth and most of them made the werewolves look like nothing but kids fighting each other.