Chapter 14

Marie-Jeanne along with Henri was getting ready of the hunt and during this time Henri noticed Sebastien was seem to convince his Marie about the Beast being a supernatural creature.They needed weapons much stronger than normal steel.

While this did cause Henri to be curious about where Sebastien encountered this werewolf.But something caught his eye,it as blood spots on Sebastien's shirt side,so seeing this he questioned"You are injured?"

Marie hearing this also now noticed her brother's injuries and with worry asked"What happened?"

Sebastien while touching his wound with a frown replied"It is just a wound from the battle,it is probably opening up."

Marie frowned and said"You should go back,such wound."

Sebastien nodded and was going,while Henri didn't know why,but something felt off.It was only later he realized the wounds matched with the arrows he shot the beast.

Henri went with the hunting party and he was pretty sure this would get them nothing because this werewolf has always been hunting in the dead of the night.

But he decided to focus in the task and the search did not yield any results as Henri thought.

So just after dark has fallen over Gévaudan, where, one by one, the hunting party is suddenly knocked off their feet and dragged away by the Beast, who then viciously tears them apart. Marie-Jeanne looks terrified as she turns toward the source of the noise the Beast is making, shooting off crossbow bolt after crossbow bolt in each new direction she faces, and when she sees the bloodied body of one of her companions laying in the snow, she becomes even more scared.

Marie was scared and her breath was eradicated and she finally gets a glance at the Beast and shoots another bolt at him, which barely grazes his shoulder before he turns and runs away. When she goes to chase after it, the Beast swerves and ends up right behind her, allowing him to swipe her in the leg with his claws. The shock of pain from the gash causes her to drop her crossbow onto the ground, but she quickly pulls a knife from her waist to make up for it as she tries to staunch the blood flow. As she backs away, the Beast slowly begins to stalk toward her, growling under his breath as he does so. Just as she seems to fear the end of her life is near, Henri comes out of the woods and lunges toward her yelling "Get down!"

He leaps infront of her and holds his hand out as the Shield Rune glows and activates.The Beast leaps forward to tackle them and is stopped by a bluish-mystical barrier and it throws him off with great force in opposite direction.

Realizing that he's not getting through, the Beast becomes frustrated and runs in the opposite direction,but Henri wasn't going to let him go easily snatched a compound bow off his shoulder, pulled an arrow from the quiver on his back, and fired.

The arrow hit the leg and Beast gave a growl,but ran away.

Henri seeing it ran away,but to make sure Marie isn't attacked again he puts Mountain ash around her in a circle.Which confused Marie.

While Henri soon found a bloodied arrow.

This whole thing left a horrified Marie-Jeanne who was still processing what has just happened.

Marie-Jeanne looks at her rescuer with disbelieving eyes and said"That was no wolf!"

Henri rolls his eyes with an exasperated expression and replied"Of course now you idiot,That was a Werewolf."

Henri took Marie to his cottage in Gévaudan, France, where Marie-Jeanne is holding a cloth to her wounds and looking around at the bowls and jars of materials on his table.

The fire crackles in the background as Marie-Jeanne curiously lifts up a jar of familiar-looking black powder and questions "What is this?"

Henri rolls his eyes impatiently and answered"Mountain ash."

Marie-Jeanne notices a bowl of red berries on the table and picks it up and continued her questioning" And that?"

Henri sighs and answered"Mistletoe. Please, put that down."

Marie-Jeanne looks mildly embarrassed and put out, but sets the bowl back onto the table as he asked. Henri grabs some cloth and water to clean up the wound on Marie-Jeanne's leg from the Beast

Marie-Jeanne curiously questioned" Why do you have all of this? and What was that glowing mark on your arm?"

Henri was suprised because his marks were covered by slight glamour,so only way she was able to see that was having natural Sight.

Henri knew his mentor probably would try to recruit her because of this,since people with natural born sight are very rare.So he explained"I am a Shadowhunter or you could say Nephilim."

Henri gave brief explanation of Shadowhunters and Shadow World.Marie-Jeanne was shocked hearing such a world existed.

Henri takes a deep breath before continuing

HENRI: ...Half a lifetime gathering the implements and skills to survive a werewolf.

Then a fire message falls from the sky. He catches it, and words appear"I will be reaching the cottage soon."

Henri saw the girl looking at message with awe and curiosity,as he hesitates for a moment before looking her in the eyes and said"My mentor is coming?"

Once Marie-Jeanne's wounds have been bound, she stands to her feet,she gives Henri a determined look and said"How do I join this group or become one."

Henri was not sure,but still replied"I will ask my mentor,but not going promise you anything."

Marie-Jeanne saw the Henri's mentor,he had wavy, shoulder-length, dark brown hair and brown eyes.Also he had grown a short stubble beard. He was a darkly handsome man, being tall, slender yet muscular.

Alexander studied Marie-Jeanne,who slightly under the intense gaze.While he asked"I didn't know you had someone with you?"

Henri coughed and replied"She was with hunting group and I was able to save her."

Alexander nodded,while Marie-Jeanne quickly getting up said"I want to join you in killing this monster."