Chapter 15

A/N:The pairing is confirmed atleast, I think so.

1)Isabelle Lightwood

2)Lydia Martin

3)Malia Tate

4)Lydia Branwell

Henri explained everything that happened without leaving anything behind.While Alexander nodded and asked"Do you have any suspicions about who the werewolf is?"

Henri eyed Marie-Jeanne and hesitantly replied"I think it is Sebastien Valet."

Marie-Jeanne hearing this was shocked and in disbelief yelled"What?"

But before Marie-Jeanne could continue,Henri cut in"I am not suspecting your brother without any form proof and wait till you hear everything."

Marie-Jeanne frowned and asked"Why do you suspect my brother?"

Henri sighed and explained"When I first met the Beast,I was able injure him with my arrows they are special and werewolves aren't able to fully heal even with their healing capabilities.Your brother had the wounds in same places as the Beast's."

Marie-Jeanne didn't want to believe this said"My brother came back from war,this could be from it and everything could be a coincidence."

Henri sighed nodding,while Alexander asked"Do you have one of the arrows with his blood."

Henri hearing this nodded and replied"Yes,I took it to track him later."

Alexander nodded now looking at Marie-Jeanne,who was now sitting opposite to him,she was slightly fidgeting from all the silence.

Alexander broke then silence and asked"What if this werewolf is your brother?.....the ones that were killed and ripped to shreds includes children"

Marie-Jeanne taking deep breath and with determination replied"Then we have to kill him."

Alexander nodded,Sebastien was beyond redemption and he added"Also if this is him,then he has a helper covering everything."

Marie-Jeanne thought about this and answered"Only one who my brother would trust is Marcel."

Alexander nodded and said"We keep an eye out for him and if you still have doubts about our methods,you could test him."

Marie-Jeanne was hopeful,but nodded.

Henri brought the bloodied arrow.Alexander used his steele to draw thr tracking rune on the back of the hand of his hand, while gripping the arrow in the other hand.

Marie-Jeanne looking at whole thing with curiosity and slight awe questioned"What does this mark do?"

Henri was the one to answer"This rune allows us to track a person's whereabouts and,if the person is skiled he could see what the person is seeing,but it only works if we have one has a possession of the person being tracked.In this case we have Beast's blood."

Henri knew they are easy to learn to draw but difficult to use correctly. If used successfully, the Shadowhunter will see visions of the subject's location and may be accompanied by a knowing sense of orientation. This is often used by the Clave to track down criminals and even demons.

The tracking rune on Alexander's hand glowed as he started to see glimpses of where their target was and it was the local tavern.

Alexander opened his eyes and said"Found our beast,he is in the Tavern."

Marie-Jeanne already knew in her heart that Sebastien was the werewolf.

In the French Tavern in Gévaudan, where Marie-Jeanne has just brought several large bottles of berry wine to the tables.

Marie-Jeanne looks around at the tavern's patrons as she sets more berry wine on the table and said"To honor the dead. I expect everyone to drink."

While Alexander and Henri were watching everything from the side,their invisibility runes made sure to keep them out of sight.

The patrons nod in agreement and shrug in reluctance as the bottles are passed around and the wine poured into glasses. Once everyone has a glass, Sebastien holds his own up in the air and toasted"To the dead."

All the patrons in unison said"To the dead!"

Everyone drinks their wine, not noticing that Marie-Jeanne was subtly watching Marcel and Sebastien as she lifts her glass to her lips. After Marcel takes a sip, he notices the rowan berries at the bottom of his glass, which causes his eyes to widen in horror. Sebastien has just taken a large gulp of his own wine when everyone is soon startled by the sound of glass breaking and turn to find Marcel has smashed his glass in his hands, and Sebastien looks at him with concern said"Marcel..."

Before anyone else can react, Marie-Jeanne rushes over him and takes his injured hand in her own.

Marie-Jeanne leads Marcel out to the well, where she confronts Marcel about Sebastien,but no matter how much Marcel tried Marie-Jeanne could tell he was covering up.

Marcel because of some guilt, uses his free hand to pluck a key from the waistband of his trousers and nervously holds it up before nodding toward the cellar behind her, which she saw him locking up before the early-morning hunting party and said"You'll find what you're looking for in the cellar."

Marie-Jeanne, uneasy by Marcel's demeanor, takes the key and walks down the stairs into the cellar with a lantern in her hand. However, when she makes it to the bottom of the stairs and moves closer to the light, she is horrified seeing all the dead bodies and gasps so hard that she pushes herself backward into the wall.

While Alexander and Henri's saw Sebastien,who waited until Marcel and Marie-Jeanne are out of the room when suddenly, the effects of the rowan berries in the wine start to take hold, and he begins to cough and gasp. He backs up into the wall and starts tugging at his collar as his eyes start to glow bright beta blue and his fangs start to emerge, though the rest of the patrons are too distracted by their own conversation to notice.

Alexander was not sure if they could kill him without him going on a rampage inside the Tavern.They were not ready to endanger the whole tavern to get him.

Marie-Jeanne confronted her brother the moment she walked back into the tavern" You have killed children."

Sebastien sighs and replied "I kill whatever dares to cross my path."

Marie-Jeanne was tearing up and questions"Why?"

Sebastien shrugs showing no remorse and answered "It's what I am. What I've become. You've heard the old story of what happens when you drink rainwater from a wolf's print."

Marie-Jeanne looks absolutely appalled and disgusted by what she's just learned from her brother, and she looks around the tavern with a worried expression, though Sebastien is calm as ever said"Go. Go ahead. Tell them its me. Then watch me tear them apart in a matter of moments-- every last soul in this place."

Henri was about to step in,but stopped hearing this,while Marie-Jeanne shakes her head in disbelief that her own flesh and blood could be so cruel and heartless and whispered"You're a monster."

Sebastien clicks his tongue in amusement and shakes his head and replied"No Beast,Marie-Jeanne-- The Beast."

Sebastien stands to his feet and walks over to Marie-Jeanne before kissing her on the side of the head just to antagonize her even more, and she freezes in fury and terror, torn between her desire for vengeance and her desire to keep the rest of the patrons safe,but she subtly saw Alexander gesturing her to not do anything.

Sebastien smiled and whispered"You won't catch me... And you won't kill me.We're family, Marie-Jeanne. We're family."