Chapter 31

Alexander went that night to visit Lydia, since that girl needed a heads up about the alpha situation.He had told Natalie to explain everything to her.

Lydia was looking at Natalie and Alexander, as if they were crazy and asked "Are you guys on drugs?"

Alexander shook his head and held his hand out as flames started dancing on them.It shocked Lydia, who after breaking out from it checked to see if there was any tricks.But found none.

Natalie spoke up"Lydia, I know this looks surreal.But your grandmother was banshee and through her you inherited it from your grandmother Lorraine Martin.Also every supernatural being like werewolves to demons exists."

Lydia felt this was surreal, but she slowly absorbed everything and asked"Why are you telling me this now?"

Alexander explained"Because there is a werewolf alpha out there and you need to be careful."

Lydia was slightly scared and asked"Why can't we move away?"

Natalie answered"I thought about it,but it seems as a banshee you ability to predict when someone's death via premonitions is very sought after in the supernatural community, so keeping you here in beacon hills seemed the best choice."

Alexander took out a bracelet enchanted by Magnus and said"This will protect you, if you come in contact with the Alpha.Also I created a barrier around the house,so you don't have to worry about any dangerous supernatural."

Lydia took the bracelet and thanked Alexander, who smiled at her causing Lydia to blush.

Alexander then added"Also Lydia keep a lookout for anyone at your school, who suddenly shows enchanhed abilities.Since I have a hunch this Alpha is recruiting."

Lydia nodded,while Alexander walked away Lydia asked her mother"Is he single?"

Natalie sighed and replied"Lydia."

Lydia shrugged and said"What, I was just curious."

Natalie changed subject"Lydia, please stay safe."

Lydia smiled and nodded,she went back to her room.Their relationship was mending and she also stopped the act of being the vain, shallow, ditzy mean-girl and she was slowly back to being the real Lydia.Also she dumped her boyfriend Jackson as their relationship wasn't exactly stable as Jackson's need to be the best at everything he tried, his cocky and egocentric attitude, as well as the fact that he occasionally blamed her when something went wrong with him.

In addition to the personal issues that Jackson had, Lydia also had her own problems in the relationship; this included the fact that she had to conceal and hide her true intelligence as a result of Jackson's inferiority complex

Also she was really interested in Alexander.

The next Scott after gettinng bitten by the Alpha came to school and in english class Scott and Stiles enter their first period English class and take their seats with there English teacher Mr.Curtis.Curtis talked about the attack in the woods.

Scott and Stiles share excited look before suddenly, Scott hears a phone ring so loudly that he believes it to be right next to him. However, when he looks around the room, he sees no one else reacting to the noise, causing him to frown in confusion. Eventually, the sound of a female voice draws his attention to the row of windows to his left, through which he sees a young brunette woman sitting on a bench at the bottom of the stairs to the front entrance to the school. She has just answered the phone, which she has braced between her ear and her shoulder so she can dig through her gray canvas bag. The fact that he can hear her speaking like she's sitting right in front of him only makes him more confused.

Allison replied through the phone"Mom, three calls on my first day is a little overdoing it."

Her mother says something unintelligible on the other end of the line

Allison sighed and replied"Everything except a pen. Oh, my God, I didn't actually forget a pen. Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya."

Allison hangs up and puts her phone away.That's when a tall handsome young man walked next to her, appearing not much older than Allison arieved.He has ink-black hair, gray eyes, and sharp, beautiful features,he smiled at Allison and said"You know,she is just worried about you."

Allison smiled back and replied"I know,but she can be a bit too doting."

Allison didn't really know Alexander's real identity,she knew him as her cousin.

Scott continues to eavesdrop as the vice principal of the school comes out to greet her" Sorry to keep you both waiting."

Principal turned to Alexander and said"It is quite honor to meet you."

Alexander nodded and replied"Sorry for being late,my cousin here was new too.So I deceided to help her out."

Principal smiled at Allison and said"It is good have you Ms.Argent,So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?"

Allison  replied"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family."

Alexander said his goodbyes to Allison and walked away,while inside Scott, still looking alarmed, tracks Allison his eyes until she is walked into the school and through the hallway as Scott heard the vice principal say"Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while."

The vice principal walks Allison into the classroom, where he introduces her to the other students"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."

Allison, who looks nervous, smiles weakly before finding the only open seat in the class, which just happens to be the seat behind Scott and to the right of Stiles, the latter of whom smiles at her awkwardly as she sits down. Scott, having heard her conversation with her mother earlier, knows that she forgot a pen and offers her one of his own. Allison looks surprised by the gesture, but smiles at him gratefully and said"Thanks."

Scott smiles back at her in a way that indicates that he is starting to fall for her already before turning back around in his seat so she can't see him blush. The English teacher then picks up where he left off as Allison looks confused by this interaction.