Chapter 35

Scott and Allison arrive at the party in the backyard. They walk through the house toward the back patio, where they find dozens of party attendees dancing and drinking around the swimming pool and the fire pits scattered across the yard.

Derek,Alexander and Isabelle arrived,Alexander told Derek"Keep an eye on his,this is his first full moon and from what I heard Gerad has brought his group hunters into town."

Derek controlled his anger and with deep breath focused on the task in front on him.

As they take the party in, Scott notices Derek Hale standing in the shadows behind a fire pit located by the gate to the yard.

He and Scott stare at each other for a long moment as a nearby dog starts barking at Derek, who uses his animal instincts to quiet the dog with simply a look. Derek then resumes staring at Scott until Allison, noticing Scott's distraction, interrupts them"You okay?"

Scott turns to look at Allison, breaking eye contact with Derek in the process and replied"What? Yeah, I'm fine."

Scott looks back at where Derek was just standing, only to find that he has vanished. His gaze travels up to the roof, where he sees a shadowy figure leaping across the top of the Martin House under the full moon overhead, causing him to frown in concern. When he returns to looking at Allison, he notices that she's holding out her left hand and waiting for Scott to take it, which he finally does with a smile.

Scott and Allison dancing by the pool. Allison puts her right arm around his neck, and the two get closer and closer to each other. Allison runs her fingers through the back of Scott's hair with a smile before burrowing her face his neck. This gives Scott the chance to keep looking around the yard. His gaze eventually falls onto Isabelle and Alexander dancing,while a lot of eyes were focused on Isabelle.

Isabelle quickly tugged Alexander by the collar and pull him clor, so for Scott it looked like they are having a passionate make-out session and would't see Alexander's face.Which worked and Scott focused back on Allicent again.

Alexander looked at her curiously,Isabelle shrugged and replied"I didn't want him to notice us."

Alexander didn't fall for it and was about to talk about Kaelie,Isabelle sighed and said"I like you teach,so does Lydia.Also I talked with Kaelie,she is okay with sharing."

Alexander sighed shook his head,while asking"You know how old I am right."

Isabelle shrugged and replied"No issue there,we talked our parents.They said go for it."

Alexander nodded and said"I will think about it."

Isabelle did a victory sign,she found this a good start and wanted to tell Lydia(Branwell) about this.While Lydia (Martin) saw this from the other side and pouted,she wanted to have a chance with Alexander too.

Allison and Scott are nose-to-nose now, and just when it looks like they're about to kiss, Scott's fingers tighten around the back of Allison's jacket as the full moon finally starts to take effect in his body. He's suddenly stricken with a terrible headache caused by all of his senses being heightened all at once, and he groans as he clutches his temples with both hands. Allison stops dancing and looks at him with concern and questioned"Are you okay?"

Scott continues to groan until the ache subsides slightly, opening his eyes just enough to see where he's going as he turns to go somewhere private and ride the sickness out and answered "I'll be right back."

Alexander and Derek saw this,Alexander gave sign to Derek to cover for Scott.Which Derek agreed and walked towards Allison.

Scott heads inside the house, leaving Allison alone in the backyard. As Scott walks through the dining room, his vision starts to get shaky and blurry. He passes Stiles, who is wearing a lavender dress shirt and tie and is in the middle of a conversation with another male student when he sees Scott and looks at him with a worried expression and asked"Yo, Scott, you good?"

Scott is too overwhelmed to respond to Stiles' question and instead continues making his way through the house, passing Harley in the living room, who also seems concerned by Scott's obvious pain and asked"Are you okay?"

Scott pushes on through the foyer and out the front door, where he stumbles down the stone staircase to where he parked Melissa's car. Allison, looking both confused and hurt, follows Scott until she sees him get into the car and drive off without another word. Just then, she hears her name being called out, it was Derek" Allison."

Allison turns around to see Derek standing behind her with a charming smile and continued"I'm a friend of Scott's."

Allison looks back at the road that Scott took to get home before turning back toward Derek, who takes another step toward her and added"My name's Derek."

Scott has just rushed upstairs to his bedroom, where he locks the door before sliding down it into a crouching position. Directly in front of him is his open bedroom window, which gives him a perfect look at the full moon in the sky. Groaning in pain, he stumbles into the attached bathroom and strips out of hist-shirtt and tshirt before climbing into the bathtub and turning on the shower so that hot water pours over him. This seems to give him some momentary relief until he suddenly grits his teeth in pain and anxiously rubs his right hand over his face to try to distract himself from it. He seems to get a headache from his extra-heightened senses and grips the sides of the bathtub. Suddenly, his fingers start to ache, and when he looks down at the palms of his water-swollen hands, he is horrified to see his fingernails growing into long, sharp claws.

Frantically getting out of the shower, Scott looks in the mirror over the medicine cabinet and is even more overwhelmed to find his canine teeth growing into fangs and his irises glowing a bright gold color. Just then, a loud pounding knock is heard on his bedroom door.In Scott's bedroom, where Scott is pressing his forehead and torso against the inside of the door.