Chapter 46

As Stiles speeds away from the school, he looks over to Scott, whose right arm is out the window, his hand gripping the top of the Jeep to keep himself in his seat due to not having time to buckle his seatbelt. While Alex seems to be pretty calm about the whole thing.

Stiles questioned"Did it work? Did you remember?"

Scott looks backwards through the rear windshield before he replies "Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood? A lot of it was mine."

Stiles' eyes widen in alarm questioned"So, you did attack him?"

Scott shook his head and answered"No. I-I-I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine--"

Scott's eyes narrow, and he frowns when he tries to put the pieces together of what he just saw and continued"It must have been Derek."

Stiles and Alex rolled there eye, both of them knew Scott was still hung up on Derek.

Alex sneered and said"Get it through your thick skull, that was not Derek the werewolf there was older than Derek and seems to have master his transformation really well.Only Alpha werewolves have the ability to transform into a large, monstrous wolf-like beast.The rest can only take a partially lupine form. Also, the werewolf's eyes was red, while Derek's eyes is blue."

That was enough to shut up Scott, while Stiles seeing tense atmosphere spoke up"What about the driver?"

Scott was thankful to Stiles for this, he could tell Alex wanted to bash his head for his stubborn take on Derek and answered"I think I was actually trying to protect him, why do I still feel Derek is suspicious"

Scott didn't fully believe Alex, since he didn't know if what Alex said was true or false.

Stiles thinks about this for a split second before finding a hole in Scott's logic and frowning and added his thoughts" So you are still hung upon Derek, who also helped you regain your memories which could implicate him and other point is the one whow as attcked is Laura Hale, Derek's sister."

Scott shakes his head, he frowns in confusion, his voice getting calmer now that he knows he's not actually the killer.While Stiles spoke up"It's gotta be a pack thing."

Scott sighed and said"Yeah, Alex said the same thing." Stiles looked at Alex and added" Like an initiation. You do the kill together."

Alex nodded, while Stiles was happy someone was there to help, while Scott sarcastically added,"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?"

Stiles' tone of voice lightens reassuringly, "Yeah, but you didn't do it! Which means you're not a killer! And it also means that.."

Scott excitedly cuts in,"I can go out with Allison!."

Stiles shoots him an offended look and said

,"I was gonna say it means you won't kill me..."

Scott, realizing he hadn't even thought of that part yet, looks at Stiles sheepishly and said," Oh, yeah. That, too."

Alex said,"You are the most obsessed and foolish werewolf in history."

Scott heard this and was flustered, while Stiles silently agreed with Alex.

While in Argent's home, Allison has just opened up her bedroom closet to find an outfit to wear to their double date, flipping on the light so she can get a better look and parting the clothing on hangers down the middle. She picks out a business-casual-esque brown and black tie-dyed top and turns to show it to Lydia, who is sitting behind her on the bed. Lydia's face screws up in obvious judgment at her fashion sense and said,"Mmm, pass."

Allison turns, rolling her eyes once Lydia can no longer see her face, and starts rifling through her hung-up clothing before picking out a hippie-style, empire-waist shirt-dress that is gold, red, teal, green, and blue in a paisley pattern, at which Lydia also turns up her nose and said,"Pass."

Allison sighs and scratches the back of her head as she turns back to the closet, and Lydia sighs before getting to her feet and forcing her way into the space as well to find something for Allison to wear herself and said, "Let me see..."

Lydia starts looking through the hangers, one by one, immediately moving the one she just vetoed to the side, "Pass."

Lydia looks at a blue and white, floral, short-sleeved dress and moves it to the side and muttered, "Pass."

Lydia takes one look at a thin, grayish-green hoodie and scoffs before pushing it to the side as well and muttered,"Uh, pass on all of it."

Lydia turns to Allison and starts patronizingly fluffing her curled hair with a sigh, "God, Allison, respect for your taste is, uh..."

Lydia looks at Allison and lets out a breath between her teeth that almost sounds like a hiss and added, "Dwindling by the second..."

Lydia smiles at Allison before turning back to the contents of the closet, ultimately stumbling upon a short-sleeved black top covered in black sequins that could be a very long shirt or a very short dress, depending on how it is worn. She clucks in satisfaction before walking back to the bed so she can hold it up in front of the mirror, gesturing to Allison to come so she can hold it up and see how she looks in it and said,"This."

Allison does as she's instructed and walks to the full-length mirror so she can hold the shirt, still on its hanger, up against her body as a makeshift "try-on." Before she can remark on it further, her father, Argent, walks in the door, looking at a green jacket in his hands. Allison smiles fakely at him and greets him in a pointed fashion in an effort to indicate to him that he kind of just barged into her room and said, "Dad! Hello..."

Argent smiles at Allison, oblivious at first to her implied hint as he puts on his jacket. After a moment, he looks up to see her pointed expression and realizes that he forgot something, giving Allison and Lydia a sheepish and apologetic look and added," Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock."

Lydia flops onto Allison's bed, landing on her right side and propping her head up on her hand with her elbow leaning against the bed itself. She looks at him with a smile on her face and greeted, "Hi, Mr. Argent..."

Argent smiled and Allison turns the topic of conversation to why he is currently there, " Dad? Do you need something?"

Argent finishes putting on his jacket and looks up at Allison with a calm expression and replied, "I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight."

Behind Allison, Lydia knew there was chance of this happen, since Alex wanrned her her, and Allison immediately scoffs and starts to protest, "What? I'm going out with my friends tonight."

Chris doesn't budge on his position and said,"Not when some animal out there is attacking people."

Chris knew the werewolf outside was hunting down anyone related to Hale fire, he didn't know who this was. But he knew there is a chance of Allison being attacked too.

Allison, appalled by this short-notice change of plans, changes tactics and starts to beg instead, "Dad. Dad, I'm, uh--"

Chris quickly cuts her off in favor of giving his reasoning in a defensive tone of voice, "Hey, hey, hey! It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30PM."

Allison rolls her eyes petulantly and throws her sequinned top onto her bed, and Chris Argent calls her out on her attitude, "Hey, no more arguing."

Allison sighs and crosses her arms over her chest, and Argent smiles weakly at the girls before turning and walking out the door, closing it on his way out. Lydia stands and makes a "hmph" noise as she watches Argent leave before making a snarky comment, "Someone's Daddy's little girl..."

Lydia makes a teasing face, and Allison nervously bites her fingernail for a moment before coming to a decision, a rebellious glint evident in her eyes, "Sometimes... But not tonight."

Allison walks over to her vanity and puts on her purple knit cap before heading to the window, parting the curtains when she gets there. She looks back at Lydia to make sure she's understanding the plan, then turns to open the window before slinking out of it and onto the roof. Lydia rushes over to the window and watches as Allison walks to the edge of the roof, right in front of the small porch, she questioned,"What are you doing???"

Instead of responding, Allison simply leaps off of the roof, doing a front flip and landing lightly on her feet in the grass next to the garage. She looks up at Lydia, who is gaping at her as though she's lost her mind, before shrugging nonchalantly, as though what she did is no big deal, and whispering, "Eight years gymnastics."

Lydia continues to gape at her, her eyes wide in shock, before Allison snaps her back to reality in an impatient-sounding whisper,"Are you coming?"

Lydia rolls her eyes in exasperation and replied," ...I'll take the stairs."

Lydia also was slightly excited for her date with Alex.