Her temptation.

Sundar with a tired face, walked over his kitchen sink and washed up his cup. He paused his movement for a while staring at a notepad, sticked in his fridge. He curled his lips into a meaningful smile.

"Thank you, Mr Judge for letting me stay at your place. I compromised with them and I guessed, I will move in today. Sorry! I didn't informed you when I left as I don't want to wake you up early in the morning. And if anything happened, Please call me". In the end, she left her number.

He read it more than three times today.

Sundar then walked out from his apartment. He stood in front of Glipy's apartment with a confused look. He wiped out his phone and started calling someone.

"Hello" A sweet voice greeted him.

"Hi, I am Sundar. Did you moved in?" He asked.

"Mr Judge! Not yet, I am stuck here" Glipy replied grumpily.

"What happened? Wait.....Are you drunk?" Sundar asked as her voice was scattered.

"Oo...How do you know?"Glipy clapped her hands. "I thought of moving in today but I was caught in teacher party" Glipy mumbled over the phone. "But I don't know how to come back. I felt scared! What should I do?" She said weakly.

"Calm down. Where are you right now?" Sundar asked. "Tell me your address." Sundar was already getting dressed.


Glipy was sitting at the corner with heavy eyes. Her lips felt dry and her head is dizzy.

"Miss, Just this glass"

"I am really fine" Glipy said pushing the glass.

"Don't be like that. Just have this one"

"No, Teacher John. I had enough" Glipy said as she stood up. She closed her eyes as her surrounding is spinning.

"Are you okay?" When Loren's hand was only a few centimeters from Glipy's shoulder, somebody yanked her body towards something hard. Glipy ended up plastered to the side of a man.

"Sorry! I will take Miss Glipy home" Sundar said, then took off his jacket and covered Glipy's body. Everyone turned their eyes to them.

"Who are you?" A woman on the farthest asked, nodding in their direction.

"Miss Glipy boyfriend....?" Another woman added with a twinkle eyes.

Sundar pushed a smile and replied, "She's my friend, and I think she is a bit drunk so I'm taking her home."


Sundar walked her to his car in passenger seat. He scooped her upper body to her seat belt. He could see her beautiful luscious lips, which he almost tasted as his mind reminded him. He started the car's engine and went on his way.

He let her sit on the sofa while he went to bring a glass of water. She parted her lips a little sipping the water. Sundar could not take away his eyes from the simple movement. Sundar was unable to move from his position as he was lost in her eyes. He should not be fantasizing about a girl who was going through something.

Glipy came back to her senses a few seconds later. "Thank you. Mr Judge" Glipy said slightly leaning her head towards his shoulder. Glipy could see Sundar's features clearly. She discovered that from this angle, his face looked so perfect, it was like a sculpture. He was extremely handsome.

"Should I give you reward?" Glipy asked pouting her lips. "Why? You don't like" She added as Sundar was silent.

Sundar shivered when Glipy wrapped her hands around his neck and questioned him again, "Don't you like it?"

Sundar was being tested. The one in his arms was beautifully delicate and frail. With her drawing closer, all he smelled and sensed was the fragrance of camellia exuding from her body. A soft and warm body filled his arms. Her exquisite and beautiful curve was within his reach…