Reese wakes up next to Luca. She nor he has moved all day. Reese snuggles in closer to Luca. She looks him up and down. His color looks better. She is relieved he is looking better than he did when she arrived this morning.

Reese knows she has to go to the studio tonight and work with Kat, but she isn’t sure about leaving Luca alone. She knows her only option is to call her brother.

Reese leaves the bed for a moment to retrieve her phone. She scrolls until she finds Romans's name. She hits the call button. She patiently waits for him to answer.

“Hello, Sister,” Roman says.

“Roman, I have to work tonight. Can you stay with Luca, please,” Reese says.

“Seriously, Reese,” Roman says.

“Listen to me. I have to go to the studio to be with Kat. I need you, Roman. Please,” Reese says.

Roman loves that Reese needs him. “I will be there, sister, but you owe me big time,” he says.

“Fine. I will owe you one jerk,” Reese says.

She hangs up the phone. Roman makes her crazy, but she loves him. They have always been there for each other. Their relationship has always been complicated but loving.

Reese crawls back into the bed with Luca. She wants to lay beside him for a few more minutes. She knows she has to get ready to go to the studio. She doesn’t want to leave Luca to go to the studio until Roman is here.

Reese lays with him, looking at his sexy body. She begins thinking about everything that transpired between them. Why did I have to bite him, she thinks.

“Get up, sister. The studio is waiting for you,” Roman says.

“That was fast,” she says as she crawls out of bed.

Reese slips into her shoes and grabs her purse. “Listen, if he wakes up, tell him he got food poisoning, and I asked you to stay with him, okay,” Reese says.

Roman smirks at her,” Okay,” he says.

Reese hurries out of the house. She has got to make herself presentable before she goes to the studio. Reese jumps into her car. She hits the icon on her screen, “Call Kat, “ she says.

The phone rings just once, “Hey baby, you are coming right,” Kat says.

“Yes, but I need a favor,” Reese says.

“Anything for you, sugar,” Kat says.

“Long story short version. I had a long night and an even longer day. I need a shower and clothes, or I will have to go by my apartment,” Reese says.

Kat laughs, “I got you, but girl, I want details,” Kat says.

“Thank you. I will see you in twenty,” Reese says.

“Bye, Sugar,” Kat says.

Now that Reese handled one of her dilemmas, she cranks up the radio and enjoys the ride to the studio. Reese ponders deeply the fact that she has only been working for Luca a day and has already slept with me.

Luca was a tasty treat to Reese. She regretted biting him, but it was over now. She could find a way to make it up to him later, maybe tonight, if he wakes up. If he doesn’t wake up by in the morning, she will have to give him more of her blood.

Reese pulled into the studio. She hoped there weren’t too many people already there. She did not want anyone seeing her looking like she had been up to no good.

She carefully and quietly walked through the back door. She has her sunglasses on and her hair hiding her face. “Please do not let anyone see me,” she says quietly to herself.

She runs into Kat’s dressing room. “Damn girl, what rode you hard?” Kat asks.

“I know. I look terrible. I just need to get myself straight,” Reese says.

“You sure do. Use my shower. I put you some clothes in there. Is Luca coming tonight, or did he do that already?” Kat asks.

Kat gives Reese a lookup and down.

“You have no idea,” Reese says.

“I want details,” Kat says.

“You know I cannot do that,” Reese says.

“Okay, Okay. I understand. I am disappointed, but I understand. UmmmUmmm Looks like he put you through something serious,” Kat says.

“Well, I am out of bed, but he is not,” Reese says.

“Wait a minute—you wild thing. Now you got to tell me everything,” Kat says.

“You get Nada,” Reese says.

Reese goes back into Kat’s bathroom and undresses. Kat has left her out a pair of jeans and a tee. Reese jumps into the shower and scrubs her body. She doesn’t wash her hair.

When Reese steps out of the shower, Kat is in the bathroom. “Listen, I was just picking at you earlier. Whatever is going on between you and Luca is none of my business. I like you, Reese. I think you would be good for him,” Kat says.

“Thanks, Kat, but I don’t think it's really a big deal. I think we had a few beers and well. It was just one of those things,” Reese says.

“Yeah, well, I saw the way he was looking at you, but my opinion is just that well it's mine,” Kat says.

“So, what is the plan for tonight? What do you have going on?” Reese asks, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, nothing major. I just wanted you here. If that is okay. The atmosphere is so much better when there is a woman on set,” Kat says.

Reese dresses and tightens up her ponytail. “Not a problem. I told you I was here for you anytime you need me to be here. That is my job,” Reese says.

Luca begins to come awake. Roman is sitting in a chair across from his bed. “Who are you?” Luca asks.

“Hey, I’m Reese’s brother Roman. She asked me to sit with you while she was at the studio tonight with Kat. Evidently, you have a bad case of food poisoning,” Roman says.

“I don’t really remember anything from last night except well…. Wait, you’re her brother?” Luca says.

“yes, sir. So spare me any intimate details about your night. I do not want to hear them. Cool,” Roman says.

“Fully understood,” Luca says.