
Kendra Pov

This morning daddy asked me If I was sure I wanted to stay. He said he wanted a decision today if I was leaving or staying with him and his wolf pack. I told him yes. I want to stay with him forever and be all his.

He is taking me to the doctor today to get on the pill and have a complete physical. He said he wants to make sure I am healthy. He said after we could go to eat anywhere, I want. Tonight we are going on a date. Tonight I get to be a woman, not his princess.

“Are you ready?” Tobias asks as he comes into my bathroom.

Since I am not his princess today, I get to shower and dress by myself. It was not as much fun as when he does all of this for me. I went downstairs and sat at the table. He cooked me eggs and bacon. No bottle today. Today I have on makeup, and my hair is fixed—no pigtails. I have come to love our playtime.

Daddy and I eat breakfast together. He takes some calls from his alpha to give him an update on me. Daddy has to file paperwork to keep me. It sounds stupid to me to have to file paperwork to keep me. Daddy said there are rules to having a little. He said there are lots of littles in his pack, and once my paperwork is final, I can meet them. I cannot wait.

We finish breakfast. I go upstairs to grab my purse and check my makeup. It feels strange to be wearing makeup again. It has been two weeks since daddy washed the whore makeup off my face. He really does not like makeup, but I wanted to wear it. He said it was fine as long as I took it off tonight.

As daddy and I leave the house, I realize this is the first time I have left the house in two weeks. He has kept me locked down until I decided. I decided today I wanted to stay.

Daddy opens the door for me. He kisses me before I get into the car. “You look beautiful, Kendra,” he says.

“Thank you, Tobias,” I respond.

We drive out of our gated community into the city to see the doctor. I told him I was on the pill and that I had some in my purse, but I only had a few weeks worth with me. So we had to go see the doctor. Plus, daddy wants to make sure I am healthy.

We pull into the doctor's office. It is a small building. There are a lot of huge men here with their wives. I wonder if they are all wolves.

“Are they wolves, Tobias?” I ask.

He nods yes. “There is nothing to be afraid of. You will be a member of the pack soon,” he says.

We go in, and daddy signs me in. I find a place to sit down in the lobby. Daddy comes back to sit with me. I notice several women in the lobby with their wolves.

“ Is everyone here like us, Tobias?” I ask.

“Yes. This is a very special doctor just for wolves and their human mates,” he answers.

“Oh,” I respond.

“Kendra and Tobias,” a women call us to the back.

We go back through the door to see the doctor. The nurse weighs me and checks me.

“How old is she?” the nurse asks.

“26,” Tobias answers.

“Kendra are you here of your own free will?” she asks.

“Yes. I want to be here,” I answer. What an odd question.

“Get undressed. The doctor will be in shortly,” she says as she hands me a gown.

She leaves the room. “why did she ask me that?” I ask daddy.

“To make sure I am not forcing you to be here,” he says.

I get undressed and get on the table. I wait for the doctor. He finally comes into the room after about fifteen minutes. He does not talk to me, only Tobias. He begins to exam me. He touches me and measures me. That is odd.

“Kendra, do you want to be a wolf like you daddy or no?” he asks.

“I have not thought about that,” I answer.

“You do not need to decide today. It is an option now if that is something you want to do,” he answers.

The doctor gives me a vaginal and anal exam. He checks my breast.

“She is perfect to breed with Tobias. Are you sure you want her on the pill?” the doctor asks.

“For now,” he answers.

“Okay. She can get dressed. I will have the nurse bring her a six-month supply. If you need more, just call,” he says.

“Thank you, doctor,” he says.

I get off the table and get dressed while waiting for the nurse to bring back my pills. I do not want to get pregnant. I am glad he said he was not looking for that. I am not sure I ever want any children. It is not something that has ever crossed my mind.

As we leave the doctor's office, the alpha is in the lobby with three women. “Tobias, How did it go?” he asks.

“Good, everything went well. We are going to dinner,” Tobias says.

“You can bring her over to play if you like,” alpha says.

“Today is her Big girl day. So I am taking her to eat at Antonia's,” Tobias says.

“Well, bring her by one day next week. We can all play,” alpha says.

Alpha and daddy shake hands. I'm not too fond of the way. Alpha looks at me. It is creepy and scary. Daddy walks me to the car. He opens the door and kisses me.

As we drive to the restaurant, something bothers me. I should just ask daddy instead of worrying.

“What is bothering you, Kendra?” Tobias asks.

“Why did Alpha have three women?” I ask.

“Actually, Alpha has nine littles,” Tobias answers.

“Are you going to have more than me?” I ask.

“No, Kendra, you will be my only little. I will be your only daddy,” he says.

Daddy pulls into the restaurant. He opens my door to let me out. He is such a gentleman. We walk in, and he speaks with the host about our reservation. The host takes us to our table.

“Wine?” the host asks.

“Yes, please,” I answer.

“Me too,” Tobias says.

Tobias and I finish a bottle of wine before our food comes. I am tipsy, but it does not seem even to be affecting him. The waiter brings out the food. I have to cut my own food and feed myself. I like it so much better when he does it.

After we eat, Tobias buys a bottle of wine from the bar. We walk down to the pier in front of the restaurant. He holds my hand as we walk.

“Enjoy yourself?” he asks.

“Yes, it has been fun to be, you know, a woman for the day,” I say.

“We can do this once a week. You just pick the day,” he says.

“Friday can be our date night,” I respond.

We find a bench and sit down with the bottle of wine. Tobias pours two glasses. One for him and one for me to drink. We drink our wine and watch the water. The boats are coming in, and the sun is starting to set. It has been a long day. When we finish, the bottle daddy throws it away and takes the glasses back to the restaurant while I wait on the bench.

Tobias finally returns. I am sitting alone on the bench, waiting for him anxiously. “Are you ready to go?” he asks.

I get up from the bench and begin kissing him. There is no one around. I start rubbing the front of his pants. “Kendra, we cannot do that here,” he says.

Disappointed, I stop and begin walking back to the car. He follows behind me. I am mad he rejected me. When I get to the car, I open my door and get in. Tobias gets in.

“Are you going to have a fit because I didn't want to fuck you right in front of everyone?” he asks.

I reach over and unbuckle his pants. I pull his cock out and start sucking him in the parking lot.

“Kendra, we cannot do that here. There are rules,” he says.

I do not care. I keep sucking him as he protests. I suck him hard and fast. I massage his balls as I suck his massive cock. I won't stop. He pushes my head down to send his cock deep into my throat and releases a load deep in my throat.

I leave his pants unzipped. I sit back in my seat and put on my seatbelt. “Take me, home daddy,” I say.

Tobias starts the car to take me home. I know I am in trouble, and I cannot wait.