Kendra POV

I can barely keep my eyes open. I cannot believe he drugged me. I wonder if this will hurt the baby. Surely, whatever they use to drug their women is safe, considering they are breeding with their littles while they are drugged.

“Tobias, I am pregnant. Did you hear me?” I ask him.

He sits silently. I wonder what he is thinking. “The doctor called while you were out. My blood test came back positive,” I say.

“Is this what you wanted?” he asks.

“NO!” I scream.

He stands and begins to leave again. “You are so much better off without me here with you. Take care of yourself, Kendra,” he says.

“I knew you did not care for me,” I scream at him as he leaves me all alone to deal with my new dilemma.

I am so tired. I will sleep now. I will figure this all out in the morning. I do not need him or his pack. I will be fine on my own. I close my eyes and drift off into a deep slumber.