Kendra POV

I am outside the cabin. My head is fuzzy from where Alpha slammed me into the ground. I am having trouble focusing. Alissa is with Chuck and me. The vampires are going into the cabin to help Bradley fight off Alpha. They do not want to get in the middle of a wolf fight for obvious reasons.

Alpha is in his complete wolf form. Bradley is struggling. I do not want to watch him die tonight. I cannot bear it. I think I may be in love with him or something close to it. I cannot take another heartache right now.

“We need to help him,’ I say.

I start to make my way into the cabin. The vampire Andrea stops me. “He will transform; just wait,” Andrea says.

“How can you be so sure?” I ask.

“He has to learn on his own; he will transform, if for no other reason, to protect you,” Andrea says.

I stand outside. It sounds brutal in the cabin. I am terrified for him. He does not deserve any of this. I can hear Alpha’s growls and Bradley’s screams.