How was he holding up? All Angie could think of was how strong he has to be. There is no way he could just hold all this in. Not only is he caring for his ex-wife and her two newborns, but he has to hunt down the daughter of Lucifer and get her to come back to the side of the descendants.

She was so infatuated with him. He was a sexy beast of a man. Maria knew she needed to make an exit. She knew Angie would want time with him alone. Angie would want to try again. Angie was in love with Sam. Their time in New Orleans was epic, to say the least about it. She thought he felt the same way too.

In the end, Sam had to put distance between everything that had happened to him in New Orleans and his life. He could not get past losing his children. Now playing in his mind as he drank whiskey in the Devils Café with his old life, all he could think was what Bee meant by maybe we can make it right. What had happened to them? Where were they?