
Chapter 12: Seige

The calm night breeze blew, in the empty mountain range as a lone shadow started to scan its surroundings.


•Eight hours ago•

"Major, The spectre you requested is here, sir." The Major was sitting by his desk with a half-empty bottle of scotch.

"Which one is it?" The man was starting to show signs of being drunk with his slouched posture and dozy look on his face

"Its spectre Shadow, sir."

A slender man in a black trench coat, fedora, black bandana and desert eagle by his side.

The Major slid a file towards the spectre "These are your targets, you can kill all of them except this one. They call him Seven but he goes by Kyle Davids. He is to be brought in ALIVE without a scratch."

The Spectre's eyes met the major's "Location?" The Major kept his stern face before trying to signal the young officer by the door for an update.

A small shake of the officer's face responded. The Major looked back at the Spectre "They went dark after blowing up two building. Luckily no casualties. They used a new kind of weapon never seen before.

"The heat or radiation signature?" The Major began to check his files and showed Shadow.

"This isn't possible. Me and my partner tried making this years ago but never succeeded, he told me he was close but thats all we ditched it after that."

The Major began to look like he was piecing it together but thats all it was "anyway, you have access to our satellites. DON'T waste my time and resources."


•Back to the present•

"Lets see who's home shall we." Shadow proceeded to but on thermal glasses to see three bright red dots appear in the lenses.

"I thought there were four so one must be out or doesn't appear on my equipment. Strange." He began to observe his surroundings looking for disturbed land but all there was were two drawn white squares and a strange vehicle that looked like something that was rejected from 'Back to the Future',but nothing else that drew attention.


Laying on my bed I tried to sleep since it was one of my few human habits that I could still do.

My body however wasn't exactly comfortable to sleep in, meaning not much sleep. No sleep, no hunger, no thirst and no exhaustion… the perfect soldier.

I decided if I couldn't sleep I might as well practice with my new equipment that Nine gave me awhile back. The gloves fit, well like a glove.

My hands tingled with the energy surging through them towards the glove's fingers and palms. The energy looked as if it was almost alive, moving ever so calmly.

However something was bugging me. I had an uneasy feeling that kept scratching at my mind. Paranoia?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The outside of the house was quiet with only the moon and the stars to be seen. But if horror movies had taught me anything, it was that the worst things always happen when its calm or relaxed.