
Chapter 13: A window of opportunity

A breeze hit me, as I was in the middle of practicing with my gloves. The sound of crackling in my palms, soothed my mind as the lightning leaped between my hands. However something kept bugging me… the breeze. All the windows were boarded up how could there be a breeze unless someone opened the front door. Who goes outside after midnight, Six and Nine are working on the equipment and Four is passed out on the sofa…


I rushed to the door, to find Nine crashed into the banister downstairs with Four still passed out on the sofa still, I swear that kid could sleep through a hurricane, he laid there as Nine was being hit like a piñata left, right and centre. Six was coming around the corner round the back with a makeshift Glock G43X from our world broad arsenal of weaponry. I began to slowly step down the stairs slowly trying to stay in the shadows to avoid detection from our uninvited guest.

Six slowly pointed the gun, to the man's spine since it was his centre of gravity with his vast variety of movements whilst kicking Nine's ass. Four was starting to snore, drawing the assailant's attention but with an unreadable expression on his face since he was wearing a mask with his black leather trench coat and a tactical knife in his right hand all that was visible was his pitch black eyes and dark oak coloured hair.


Blood splattered across the wall and Nine, the assailant however brushed it off as if it was only a flesh but there was a clear hole through his abdomen. Was this man even… he's a monster. The man somehow pinned Six to the wall with his knife and continued to fight against Nine. Now was my moment… My window of opportunity to stop this one sided beating.


The man wobbled around after having 60 joules pass through his body, but the effects were nullified by an insulating material built into his clothing which meant he was only stunned for a limited amount of time. whilst coming back to his senses After a few seconds his eyes met my figure in the shadow of the stairwell but he was interrupted when Nine threw a punch for the mans face which shockingly was caught and was returned by the ripping off of Nine's left arm.


A metallic ringing resonated out of Nine's arm after being dropped on the floor "What the f…." The assailant couldn't finish his words of shock since our Sleeping beauty Four had finally woke up. He had hit the man with the shoulder of Nine's severed arm in the back of the his head rendering him unconscious.

Four turned to Nine with the severed arm in hand "Don't." Four's eyes began to light up "Don't what?" Four slowly nudged the severed towards Nine. "Don't say what I think your about to say." As the arm nudged closer to Nine, Four spoke "need a hand?" Nine regrettably took his hand from Four's hands whilst he stared at Four with his smug grin.




[Analysis complete]

[S.O.S detected. Do you wish to block this to jam the signal]



[processing… jam complete]

The new computer was running a Jamming program filling one of the screens with texts and algorithms while the others were filled with CCTV footage from 60 different locations on Four different continents around this world. A single man stood at the centre of it all, the eyes around the world. This the group's so called 'Ghost' a man who sees all.

He was sitting in a technological 360-degree chair with a built in desk and mouse staring at a single monitor with intense focus. The monitor showed an old warehouse with some old creates and two full shelves of rundown car frames but before 'Ghost' turned away from the monitor a bright white light appeared from behind the shelves as they began to move against the wall revealing a bright quartz white elevator with two masked figures wearing full hazmat suits.

The volume was turned on to hear the conversation between the two mystery figures. "Project Revival may have had some hiccups in the past but we are finally making progress. Subject 19 has successfully been wiped of past its memories and is completely under Techtra's complete control. Obedient. Relentless. Free from human emotion. The perfect soldier." The other figure turned to respond "Hiccups. You call four escaped subjects, HICCUPS! They know who we are and are smart, resourceful and worst of all vengeful."

"what do you mean four? Yes: Six, Nine, and Two escaped but we took care of Two. Who is the fourth?" The figures was starting to get curious and confused "Seven. He's back. The failure who we deemed useless after his coma. Over twenty years of sleep and he fell into their hands." Anger began to build in their voice. "He was deemed useless after five years, I was told he was destroyed. Why was I not told he was alive? I was the one in charge of his supervision. How did you know he was alive Deric?"

Deric stare back with a cold stare whilst removing his hazmat suit "I'm afraid that's above your pay grade Lily. Remember we keep things professional after what happened with your father. You didn't forget did you?" Lily grew a pissed off expression "of course I didn't forget you prick." Lily stormed of back into the elevator but before the shelves closed Lily gave him the middle finger. "Very mature." Deric looked towards the exit "What am I going to do about that girl?" Deric left with his suit wrapped around his hand.

"Interesting. Lily pond works with Techtra even with Alfred's disappearance being suspected to be Techtra's handiwork." 'Ghost' sat back in his chair and pondered about this new piece of information, he went far into a past he had hoped to leave behind "This is quite the conundrum indeed."

"Let's see where this unexpected twist will lead us shall we." 'Ghost left from his chair to leave the monitors in total darkness.