
Chapter 16: Into the rabbit hole

[Shadow's POV]

I was looking for the targets who I had helped capture, they're the only ones who know what the fuck is going on in this mess of a world.

Techtra really are a bunch of assholes who have messed with things they shouldn't have. They might even be involved with what happened to William since he was working with Alfred before they disappeared. "Come on, where are you?" I ran down the corridor until I finally could see the room I was looking for "Ah, there we are research and development." I ran through the door and shut it before a wave of guards swarmed by the room.

The room was silent with nothing but a few devices on a counter and that strange scrap vehicle in the corner. The counter showed gloves, the gun I was shot by, a strange looking rifle and some blue pulsating grenades. These were definitely 'their' weapons.

I picked them up and left that strange vehicle be. Before I could leave, I had to check the door and hall for movement, which there was none, indicating that I wasn't followed.

"Your attention we are raising THe PrI… SEcuR… zzzzzzzzz" the speakers were cutting out leaving the sound of static echoing through the halls, this was shortly followed by the lights, leaving only the emergency lights flashing red.


There was a sudden explosion coming from the west side of the building causing dust and debris to scatter through the hall. By the time I got there I could here bickering between the nine year old and the scientific one whilst the older one stood next to me.

"OI! Knuckleheads do you want the whole building to collapse on use or do you want to find Seven?" The bickering stopped for a second before a reply came from the scientist "I need my equipment if we want to get past the guards. I don't suppose you have them Mr Shadow?" They all looked at me as I dropped a bag of gear on the floor. "We'll Nine, he does by the looks of things and judging by the acts of friendliness, knowing Techtra they were trying to cut loose ends. Am I right or am I right?"

"Not bad for a man in his mid forties, and yes lets just say if they wanted me dead they should of sent a professional not some random doctor. Also please don't call me Mr Shadow, call me Arthur, Arthur Austin." The leader gave a strong handshake and we began to head down the hallway "oh, by the way my name's Six this childish one is Four and the nerdy one over there is Nine. Welcome to the rabbit hole cause it's going to take a while to get out of it."

"where is he then, your friend?" Nine began to run up next to me looking out of breath even though he was a machine anyway "he's in the G.L.A.S.S box. Sub-level 2 in the south-east wing. I calculate about twenty or more armed guards on the way there."