
Chapter 30: Done and dusted

[Four's POV]

"How far is he Nine?" Six was still in working order but was not in the fit state needed for this. "According to this device he should be right under… here." Everyone grabbed a silver shovel and begun to move the debris revealing tattered clothing and a mangled mechanical arm, the bent carbon fiber material was covered in a oozing black tar-like substance. As rubble was scraped off, the man more liquid seeped out of the host, the moment was fleeting and time was against us.

we were able to dig under him and grab Scarlet but Seven was held hostage to the pipes. The area was starting to get darker as the light of the moon started to shine through a small hole and taking the night shift it had been doing for millennia. The crisp air breezed past the steel frames of the bunker-like structure. Silence was the only stranger to this room as the crowd began to lift the man out of his concrete prison and placing him onto a stretcher reinforced with a titanium compound.

The door slammed shut alerting everyone to a well-known presence, Now the only thing left was to wait out in this mess. "Shut the entrance and hide!"

The silence was broken with every step taken. Tension began to circle us all like prey, mocking us. Every moment brought danger a stride closer and death was grinning at the sight with cold and manic eyes. Draped in darkness we shriveled up into the corners of it. The steps started to turn into a sprint and then came to a halt.

A heavy clinking noise began to cycle in the room in a rhythmic echo


The source was out of sight and out of mind, the upstairs resident was still. The lights came back on after the bookshelf reopened allowing dust to filter out in an orderly fashion on the ceiling.

*click, click, click*

The room was starting to lift along thin carbon wire, this caused the room to start returning to normal. It almost looked as if the room was being pulled backwards in time until the only sign of damage was the cracks in the floor were distinctly there from Six's body reinforcement with electroplated titanium. The substance however was looked as it was slightly moving on the floor, as if it were alive.

The scene was enough to make you feel your guts turn inside out, it was almost like a scene from a movie called 'Broken Magic'. Then chills ran down my spine and my instincts were screaming to run: Nine started to slip from my arms.

Lily then walked in and immediately noticed the substance seeping into the cracks. What then followed was an expression I'd describe as scheming like a bad guy who just found his long lost family. Her body found it's way over to one of the computers and started to search, like me when I'm looking for funny cat videos.