Chapter 26

"Mum, you can't take her with you, she has only just come home! You can come back in the morning and you can love her again all day" I say but laughing to myself at how mesmerised she is with her granddaughter and how she doesn't want to leave her. My Dad has a hold of her arm and is pulling her towards the door where Ji-Ho is waiting to take them back to the hotel. She blows kisses and they both wave as they leave.

The boys are all off doing their own things in their rooms and although Lori and Yoongi are finished with the psychiatrist now they went straight home so Yeong could sleep in his own bed. Namjoon and I are about to go up to our room and give our bundle her first bath. Well, it might not be her first but it's the first one we have done so that is what counts.

We have gotten the bath ready with warm water, a soft sponge and gentle baby wash to hand, the little soft brush for her hair, a towel with a hood and her clothes and fresh nappy all laid out. I take her outfit off and put it in the bin, unsure as to why I haven't taken it off of her sooner. I don't want to keep it as it will be a reminder of the time she wasn't with us.

I pop her into the bath and gently lift and drop water over her body with my hand, cradling her with my other arm. She seems to like it. When I was pregnant she danced around in my belly when I was in the bath so perhaps she will be a water baby. Namjoon puts a little of the baby wash on the sponge and begins to lightly stroke her feet and legs, it's cute how concerned he is to not hurt her. The smell of lavender now fills the air as the bubbles have hit the water and we move on to cleaning her body and private areas, then her arms. We rinse the sponge and gently wipe her face with it. It's just a little damp so we also wipe it over her hair and marvel over how glossy and thick it is.

Once we are happy she is clean we place her on the towel and put the hood over her head and wrap her up, I give her a little cuddle and start to sing to her. I don't know why but I rap Cypher 4 by her Daddy. It's always been one of my favourites and maybe it's because I can only hear him in the song. I know he raps with Hobi and Yoongi, but he has always stood out to me. His deep manly voice, and his performances of this song are so hot to me! I bounce her slightly and sway from my left to right 'because i'm breathing i'm sorry bae, because i'm too healthy i'm sorry bae, i'm on the air i'm sorry bae' I chuckle slightly but Namjoon obviously thinks it's cute and joins in.

We lay her down and dry her completely, put on a little lotion to keep her skin from drying out and put a clean nappy on her. Namjoon dresses her in the little green sleep suit I have chosen for her which has a yellow chick on the front. She has the same skin tone as her Daddy which is almost olive skinned or lightly tanned, he definitely is not as milky skinned as Yoongi, so green looks great on him and it looks lovely on her too.

I leave Daddy and Daughter chilling on the bed and pop down to sort her a bottle. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and remove it, it's a message from an unknown number and it reads 'I can see you bitch! I'm going to get rid of you!' I panic, what do I do? If they can really see me I don't want them to witness me in distress. Is it Nari or Ahnjong? Is it someone else pranking me? I choose to put my phone back in my pocket and place the bottle in the warmer and grab out 2 waters from the fridge and a large bag of popcorn from the cupboard as we are planning on watching a film in our room. I pop it all on a tray and my phone goes again. I hesitate, I don't want to read it. Come on Aimee, be brave, you can do it.

'Acting cool are we? Don't be brave whore! I will get you eventually' Again, I put my phone down. The timer goes off on the bottle warmer, I turn to retrieve it and am scared by a loud bang on the doors that lead to the garden, I can't tell what it was and it makes me whimper. Again my phone vibrates. I feel like i'm in a horror film. This time it says 'check the patio, next time it's you', I walk to the doors and switch on the outside light, i'm  confronted with a huge splat of blood on the glass and a cut open bird on the floor. I instantly feel sick, I grab Jangmi's bottle from the side and my phone and run upstairs to tell Joonie.