Chapter 78

When we get back to the house the hulks take Jin straight up to his room. I'm sure he is going to feel rough tomorrow. Lori and Yoongi head straight off to bed although I am certain not for sleep and Tae and Hobi grab some water and decide to go and get some rest too. I'm hungry so I grab a large bag of crisps from the cupboard and pop them open, taking a handful and placing them in my mouth.

I jump up on to the side and call Jimin towards me for a cuddle. I lean in to him and he places his head on to my breasts. I take a crisp out and feed him, my finger lingering on his lip. "Oooh that's yummy" he says to me. "Jungkook come and try one of these" he says pulling him towards me. JK places his hand on to my thigh and I feed him a crisp too. He licks his lips and says "I want more".

Namjoon comes and stands right next to Jungkook and looks at me. "You are such a tease Aimee. You have all 3 of us worked up!" I take another crisp and lean toward Joon and put it into his mouth and he catches my finger and sucks the residue from it. "Well unfortunately for Jimin and Jungkook they get to stay worked up because I only have plans for you!" I say in a low husky voice.

"Jimin, I think we should go to bed, as much as I want to be the one Aimee has plans for tonight i'm not and neither are you. Let's take the win for being able to just enjoy her as a friend tonight and leave these two alone" says Jungkook sliding his hand off of my thigh and pulling at Jimins shirt to remove him from my chest.

"Ok, but just for the record, i'm taking the image of you in that dress to bed with me tonight to keep me company" Jimin announces with a cheeky chuckle. JK smiles at him and I look to Namjoon to see his reaction, he is smiling too. He pushes Jimin in a friendly way and says "enjoy brother!" Jimin and Jungkook both kiss me on the lips but respectfully and shake Namjoon's hand before heading upstairs.

We are alone now in the kitchen and he moves in between my legs. I have another crisp and feed him one too. "So what plan do you have for me then?" he asks wrapping his arms around my waist and licking his lips taking in the salty goodness.

"Well for a start, this isn't allowed" I answer him pulling his arms from around me, and pushing him back away from me. "There will be no touching, no kissing and definitely no sex, and you have to obey me and do what you are told or I will not be fully satisfied. Do you understand?"

"Yeah I understand, you are going to make me pay and punish me! It's your turn to be in charge, you get to be the powerful one tonight". I'm going to enjoy this! Making him so hot for me but withholding myself from him, using my own sexuality to empower me. "Yeah I am going to be powerful, and yes you are going to be punished, and whilst I do that you get to call me boss bitch!"

First order of business, I need to get him upstairs. I get down from the side and pull my dress up over my bum and turn around so he can see it. "Follow this arse up the stairs" I say to him, walking slowly and making sure I wiggle just enough to whet his appetite. When we get to our bedroom door I open it and gesture for him to go in and tell him to sit on the sofa. He makes his way into the room and I close the door behind us.