Chapter 104: The Council of cities

Chapter 104: The Council of Cities

With the raiders defeated and the city secure for now, Natasha and Alison turned their attention to their next ambitious goal: engaging in cooperation with other such settlements. Vellion had to be established as a symbol of hope that can no longer be unique in the world. To grow and expand, it had to join a wider system, a collective against the disorder that was still present everywhere else.


The council chamber was full of strong expectation and anxiety. People from the nearby settlements, which were attracted by the miracle happened with Vellion, had also responded to the call of Natasha. They came in carriages, on horseback, and on rafts during the time of Lakes, with their tales of hope, and resilience.

Natasha was placed at the head of the chamber and she was strong, but at the same time easily accessible. Alison was standing beside them and supported with his axes, symbolising the muscle of the operation. Behind them was a large map of the area of the world and Vellion in the center.

"We have all suffered more than most can imagine," Natasha started and she sounded composed. "But endurance alone isn't enough anymore. We have demonstrated that change is achievable, that there is life after a shadow of destruction. Now we have a chance to create something bigger – with you."

There was a general nodding of heads in agreement but some participants could not be swayed.


Among the people, one of the delegates, a thin, wiry man from the sea-side village of Ashport called Dren stood up. 'Your vision is wonderful, My lady, Natasha but there will always be risks attached to forming alliances.' What happens when one city fails? Will the others pay the cost? Two questions that may cross peoples' minds include: And what assurances have you that Vellion has not been lucky?

Finally, she looked him straight into the eyes and answered him boldy. "You are not wrong to be worried, Dren," That's why we are not calling for unbalanced partnership and therefore do not believe in one sided victory. Every city has something to contribute – information, goods, capability, experience. In this case, we shall be joint in bearing the consequences and sharing the gains resulting therefrom. Regarding warranties… there are none. But is not it better to attempt to fail in partnership than to fail separately?

Dren thought for a moment, then with great reluctance, he nodded. "Fair point."

The following delegate was Ira from Cresthaven, a mountain community. Her tone was more optimistic. From the case, we know what Vellion has done. If the Heart of the Jungle can investigate here then perhaps it can do the same for other locations. But how do we access it? And how do we guarantee that it will not be used, taken or reach the wrong persons?"


This question rose like a dark cloud and everyone present knew the answer. The Heart was something given to him and something he had to do. It had brought back the Vellion it had once lost the group's power but it could also be misused.

His voice was like gravel, "Alison-" The Heart is not a sword or some instrument which can be manipulated. It answers to balance—to equanimity. If we use it selfishly, it will backfire. That is why this council can be important. We need trust and accountability, or we're just another entity that becomes a joke and crumbles."

Ira nodded thoughtfully. "Then let's make trust our foundation", I replied firmly; this was one of the key messages that I wanted to convey in my working with the staff of the provincial center for the preliminary rehabilitation of prisoners. We'll donate what we can and exchange information and experiences. But we will also take each other's feet to the fire—for the benefit of all.


In the course of the discussion, the delegates gradually outlined the future structure of the alliance. It was to be a confederation of a sort, with periodic representative meetings for the exchange of supplies, and for consultation on common defense measures, and for the settlement of grievances. None of the cities would merge, but all of them would be loyal to the partnership.

The flicker of hope was felt by Natasha. This was the beginning of something that was to change the face of the new world, a process of reconstruction not merely of cities, but a process of putting back together the fragments of civilization.


The council meeting was over so Natasha and Alison sat down, knowing they've achieved much today. They were placed on a balcony that gave view of Vellion, the city lights were like stars.

"Do you think it'll work?" Natasha asked quietly.

Alison shrugged. "It's a gamble. But it's the best shot we've got."

She smiled faintly. "You always have a way of putting things in the right prospective."

"That's why you keep me around," he said jovially, trying to make everybody feel more comfortable.


The following day was the first time that the coalition was put to the test. Scouts said that a huge storm was approaching the area that would cause floods in rivers and devastation to crops. The council returned right after as they transformed their recent partnership into work.

People living in houses close to the river started to flee, other cities were prepared to take them in. Suggestions about how to build barriers out of scrap material were contributed by engineers from Cresthaven while Vellion provided materials and manpower to help build barriers in areas that are most vulnerable. There was even the appearance of the jungle helping them; the vines supporting walls strengthened their construction and the water from the river ran more uniformly.

The storm was strong and in the end the losses were insignificant because of the actions that were taken. People were kept alive, and the relations within the coalition improved.


Natasha was again the subject of council scrutiny after the event. This is all we can do when we are willing to combine our effort for the same goal. The storm challenged us, the storm answered questions. This is certainly true when it comes to Vellion and his work, but probably applies to everyone going through similar struggles in their lives at the moment.

It was in such moments of loud applause that the whole room came alive, a sound that for so long the reborn city needed. Natasha and Alison soon looked at each other, their determination only growing even further.

It was by no means the end of the road, but the first time they realised they were not travelling this road alone. Together they would meet what was next, which was a dream of a new life.